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八年级英语school life教案1

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    • 1、Teachingplanfor Unit 2 SchoollifeReading第一部分 简要提示 一、年级:八年级,二、教学内容: 8A Unit 2,Reading,三、课型:Reading 四、教学目标1.知识目标掌握和运用与校园生活相关的四会词汇以及重点句型。2.能力目标培养学生通过阅读获取文章主要信息的能力。掌握和运用本课中的重点短语和型。3.情感目标激发学生热爱校园生活,珍惜美好的校园生活。 五、教学重难点1.重点,1)培养学生通过整体阅读获取信息的能力。 2)掌握和运用本课中的重点词汇以及句型。 2.难点 1)Wehave to tell our English teacher what wearereading. 2)This is great becauseit takes less time than taking thebus.,第二部分,教学流程,Part-one,Pre-reading,Step1 Presentation 1 What subjects do you learn at school? 2 What after-schoolactivities

      2、 do you have? 3 Have you joined a club? Step2 Brainstorming What do you think British and American schoolwould be like? Step3 While reading Task One: Reading and filling in the blanks,1 2,J reading week N driving lesson,3 J homeeconomics 4 J lunchtime 5 N buddy club 6 N softballgame Task Two: Reading and answering 1 Who wrotethefirst passage? John,They have a Reading Week every year.,2 What activity does the schoolhave every year? Task Three: Reading and choosing 1 What did Jim do in school last

      3、 year? A He had driving lessons. B He had sewing lessons. C He had a cooking lesson. 2 How does Nancy go to school every day? A In herbrothers car,B By bus,C By coach,3 What do the students do in the Buddy Club? A They sing and dance,B They do theirhomework,C Olderstudents talk to newstudentsabout school life Task Four: Reading the passages andfinishing Part C1 1 T 2F 3 T 4F 5 T 6T 7T 8F,Task Five: Checking the answers,Task Six: Checking the answers to theexercisesB2 Part Three Post-reading,John

      4、 is a student in a m_ school. Boys and girls have lessons together. His favorite s_is Home Economics. He likes learning how tocook and sew. Now, heknows how to cook healthyand t_meals. His school has a_ (read) Week every year. John thinks it is too short because they want to read all,his classmates books _.,Nancy is 14 years old. She is in an_school. Her brother is 17 years old. So he had _lessons in school last year. Now he can drive to school every day. Its faster than_. (乘公共汽车) Nancy likes pl

      5、aying_.Every Monday she goes to“buddy club”. There they can make some good friends. So Nancy thinks Julie is her _.They have a great time_to each other. Task two: Learning Language points,1 2 3 4,taste-tasty as well drive me to school have a great time doing sth.,Did John know how to do things for himself beforehe cameto this school? 句子中 how to do something 是疑问词加不定式做这个句子 know 的宾语。 我的妹妹不知道如何读这个单词 My sister doesnt know how to read the word. Do you know how to cook healthy and tasty meals? 你知道怎样做既健

      6、康又美味的的饭吗? 1)tasty 是形容词,意为“美味的”。,e.g:我妈妈会做许多好吃的菜。,My mother can_.,2)taste 作动词时,意为“品尝”。,e. g:这块蛋糕很好吃,你想尝一尝吗?,This cake is delicious. Would you like to_?,Why does Nancy think Reading Week is always too short ?,Because they want to read all her friends books as well.,1)as well 意为“也,又”,相当于 too,多用于肯定句,常放在句尾。,e. g:我要去伦敦,我妹妹也要去。,Im going to London and my sister is going_.,2)否定句中用 either(也)。e.g: 她吃肉吗?不吃,她也不吃鱼。,Does sheeat meat? No, and shedoesnt eat fish, _.,Fill in the blanks with as well either,1 His m

      7、other is a teacher. He wants to be ateacher _ in the future.,2 Sandy isnt hungry. Tom isnt hungry,_. They ate a lot just now.,3 He is very thirsty. He wants to drink somewater. I want to drink somewater _. How does Nancy go to school?,drive somebody to 开车带某人去某地,我爸爸每天开车送我妈妈去上班。,My father _ _ _ _ _every day.,Nancy meets her friends and they always have agreat time talking to each other. Practice,He has a good time _.,Nancy and her friends have agood time_. Someother usefulphrases,1 每周两次,2 花大量时间做事

      8、3 好朋友俱乐部,4 和某人谈论某事 5 非常喜欢这个,6 帮助我了解某物 7 阅读周 8 我们所读的东西 9 在快下课的时候 10 上驾驶课 Homework 1 Copy the newwords 2 Finish the following exercises 一、用所给单词的合适形式填空。 1 I like the_(taste)foodvery much. 2 I hope to spendtwo hours _ (play)softball with him. 3 Yesterday we had a good time _(chat)with each other.,4 5,She goes there _(two) a week. This is a _ (read) Week.,二、根据中文完成下列句子 1 你不必告诉他有关那个事。 You _. 2 我不知道如何帮助他。 I dont know _. 3 他开车带我到学校。 He _. 4 在电影接近尾声的时候,我们可以跟 我们的朋友谈话。 Near _, we can talkwith ourfriends.,第三部分,说明,本课时是 8AUnit 2 School life Reading 课时,所讨论话题是学生熟悉的学校生活,学生可以从中 学会有关校园生活的词汇和句式。除了了解英美两个国家的校园生活的不同,还通过篇章的学习为 完成本单元中心任务“写一篇理想的校园生活”打好基础。由于本课的生词较多,教师在教学过程中可以适当选择重点词汇,用图片等方式引入,其余单词,,词组可以直接带读,告知中文意思。同时,在教学过程中,可根据本课的阅读内容适当介绍一些阅 读技巧。本课时适合寻读(scanning)的阅读方式,即从材料中迅速查找某项事实或某个信息。,; http:/ 草根励志 励志图片 励志语录 rlx344uip,

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