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    • 1、A Teaching Design for Module 2 Unit2Reading English Around the World【Analysis of the text】:The main topic of the passage is about “English language and its development, different kinds of English and the importance of it”. It is an exposition. With the rapid development of the world and the time, language as a communication tool is also developing and changing very fast. And English, as the worlds most widely used language, is absorbing foreign culture and being innovated all the time. It can en

      2、rich students knowledge about English language, especially the current trend of English development. Besides by learning this text, students can learn how to use data to write an exposition. Meanwhile, it provides a situation for the learning the language points.【Analysis of the students】: Currently students are in Grade 1, senior high school. This is the second unit of the first semester. The students are not very used to the teaching mode of senior high school, lack independent study ability a

      3、nd are very dependent of teachers. In addition, they may have difficult in understanding connotative meanings of the text. Thus teachers should lead and guide students correctly and effectively. Whats more, teachers should also help students build their knowledge system and encourage classroom communication.【Teaching objectives】:1.Knowledge objectives: students will be able toGrasp some words and expressions such as, play a role in /because of/ come up/ play a part in and learn the grammar- the

      4、indirect speech of the imperative clauseknow more about English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage. 2. Ability objectives: students will be able toimprove their reading abilitypractice scanning for specific information by answering several questions at the beginning of the passage.practice their oral English through group discussion and group task.3. Affective objectives: students will be able to experience different kinds of activities in the Englis

      5、h class and develop their interest towards English.know more about the English culture, realize the importance of English.4. Learning strategy: resourcing strategy: students will be encouraged to take advantage of the internet for more information about the development of English. cognitive strategy: students will be able to think about problems actively and give immediate feedback. cooperative strategy: students will learn more communicative skills by doing the group work and develop their coop

      6、erative spirit. 【Teaching important points】: 1. Students will be able to learn the importance of English around the world. 2. Students will be able to practice some reading skills, such as scanning, generalization, reference. 3. Students will be able to improve their ability of independent study and grasp some reading skills, like skimming and scanning.【Teaching difficult points】:1. How to train students reading skills effectively and guide students to use these skills correctly. 2. How to arous

      7、e students interest and enthusiasm in class and help them develop their ability of independent study.【Teaching methods】:Task-based teaching method and communicative teaching method. Heuristic teaching approach, discussion approach. 【Teaching aids】:Multi media; ppt【Time】:One lesson, 45 minutes【Teaching procedures】:Step1: Lead in (6mins) (1)Guess picturesT:present some national flags of English speaking countries on the ppt. S: name the English-speaking countries according to the national flags. (

      8、2)Pair work Ask the students to listen to a piece of BBC news and a piece of VOA news and two in a group find the differences between British English and American English(vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, usage ,etc.) and show some examples to them. Design aims: Using pictures to lead in to make the lesson more interesting and vivid; stimulate students learning interest and their motive of learning. Step2: Pre-Reading (4mins) Ask students to discuss the following 2 questions: 1.What are the t

      9、hree ways a language is often used ? Mother tongue/native language Second language/Official language Foreign language 2. How to decide the importance of a language? The number of native speakers How widely the native speakers are spread The cultural, economic and political influence of those who speak and write in it. Design aims: Help students get some information about language and be well prepared for intensive reading. Step3: While-reading (25mins)1. Skimming (5mins)Ask the students to read quickly to get the main idea of the text.2. Scanning (5mins)Guide the students to find out key sentences of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main points for each paragraph in their own words. Paragraph 1: English is a language spoken all around the worldParagraph 2: The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is great.Paragraph 3: The development and the importance of English language around the


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