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    • 1、Cultural Relics,Unit 1,Warming up and Reading,Period 1,Task 1 Guessing,1.a long history 2.the symbol(标志) of China and its culture 3.used for protecting our country 4.A man who has never been there is not a true man.,The Great Wall,China,Task 1 Guessing,1.a long history 2.the symbol(标志) of China and its culture 3.used for protecting our country 4.A man who has never been there is not a true man.,The Great Wall,China,The Pyramid,Egypt,1.Built during 2700-2500 BC . 2.used as the emperors tomb 3.the

      2、 symbol(标志) of Egypt and its culture,1.One of the worlds most famous statues 2.located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3.began in 1921, and completed in 1931 4.look like a huge cross in the distance.,statue of Jesus Christ,Brazil,Do they have something in common?,symbols of their countries and cultures,famous,a long history,tell us stories about the past,Cultural Relics,What is a cultural relic ?,A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has re

      3、mained when the rest of it has been destroyed; it tells people about the past.,Cultural relics in China,the Potala Palace,Cultural relics in China,the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses,Cultural relics in China,the Dunhuang Mogao Caves,The Imperial Palace,Cultural relics in China,cultural relics in the world,Taj Mahal,London Bridge,cultural relics in the world,Stonehenge,cultural relics in the world,The Statue of Liberty,cultural relics in the world,Thinking,Do cultural relics only refer to buildin

      4、gs?,Can you give some other examples?,Paintings, works of art, articles of daily use ect.,The Mona Lisa,清明上河图,Cultural relics,Discussion,Because of wars, natural disasters and time, a lot of cultural relics have been destroyed. Some of them were even stolen. Discuss with your partner what are good ways to protect cultural relics from being destroyed or stolen?,color yellow- brown feel likeAmber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(树脂) from trees.It takes millions of years to form.,feel as hard as ston

      5、e,What is amber?,Pre-reading,What is an amber room?,A room made of amber,In search of the Amber Room,It is 13 times the price of gold.,Do you know what they are made of ?,amber,What colour does amber have?,Yellow and brown.,amber,Can you imagine a house made of amber ?,Judging from the title, what do you think happened to the Amber Room? What questions can you raise ?,In search of the Amber Room,Prediction,Read the text quickly, trying to get the main idea about the text.,It tells us the strange

      6、 history of the_ _, a cultural relicof two countries: _ and_.,Amber Room,Germany,Russia,Read the passage quickly and find out characters , years ,and places in the passage. ( clues 线索),characters,years,places,1,2,3,2.Frederick William,3.Peter the Great,4.Catherine,characters,1.Frederick,1716,1770,1941,2003,years,Prussia,Russia,Germany,?,places,What did these four people do to the AmberRoom?2.What happened inthese four years (1716; 1770; 1941; 2003)?,Careful reading:,2.Frederick William,3.Peter t

      7、he Great,4.Catherine,1.Frederick,Frederick,Frederick William,Peter the Great Czar,Catherine,Nazi,The clue of the story,pass down,given as a gift,pass down,stolen,1716,1770,1941,2003,Frederick Williamgave the Amber Room to Peter the Great_.,Catherine _ more details to the Amber room.,The Nazi German army _ the Amber Room.,The _of the Amber Room was completed.,years,as a gift,stole,rebuilding,added,C,5. The Russians didnt hide the Amber Room because _. A. they were at war B. the couldnt find a pla

      8、ce C. the German soldiers arrived toosoonD. no train could take it away,Listening to the tape to get the detailed information,Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its_Paragraph 2-3: _ of the Amber RoomParagraph 4: _ of the Amber RoomParagraph 5: _of the Amber Room,design,the history,the missing,the rebuilding,Whats the main idea of this passage?,Consolidation,It mainly talks about the amazing history of the Amber Room.,The characteristics(特点) of the text,the type of writing,an explanation(说明文) ? a na

      9、rration(叙事文) ? an argumentation(议论文 )?,the way of narrating,in the order of place? in the order of time ?,Suppose you are the guide of the Amber Room! You are going to introduce the Amber Room to us. What are you going to introduce?,Welcome,Role play,Design/material The history of Amber Room. Builtlostrebuiltowner ,present ,move to winter palace, add to more details, remove, to pieces put on trains ,remain a mystery ,300th birthday,built,lost,rebuilt,added more details,gave to sb. as a gift,stolen,Hello, everyone! Im glad to introduce First the Amber Room was made for Then Frederick William It soon became part of the Czars winter palace in St. Petersburg . Later, Catherine and she told her artists to In September, 1941,the Nazi Germany army secretly After that, what happened to the Amber Room Now Russians and Germans have much like the old one.,


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