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加拿大paper写作--The character of Tess in the d urbervilles

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    • 1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务加拿大 paper 写作-The character of Tess in the d urbervillesHardy once said: “tragedy. To put it simply, it can be said that tragedy represents a state of personal life in which ones instinct or desire inevitably leads to a tragic end. In hardys mind, Tess had all the qualities of a laborer, superior to those of the so- called aristocracy and bourgeoisie. She was filial, gentle, resolute, sincere, brave and rebellious. But it was these characteri

      2、stics that brought her to the end of her fate.Tess was brave. She dared to defy traditional morality and pursue happiness. Sincerity, courage, and self-respect are all good qualities that should be possessed by everyone, but they become the guides of tragedy in a pure woman. It was because of sincerity that on the wedding night, at the end of Claires account of her past, she told her husband of her tragic past, but instead of accepting her confession, Clare left her, which was the most painful b

      3、eginning of Tesss life. Because of her bravery, she dared to be an unmarried mother in her time. Daring to be a rebel of the age: it was also because of bravery that she killed Alec in pursuit of her true love. But the price of this bravery is being spurned by society and not being able to escape the so- called “sanctions of the law“. And gave his young and precious life.The most striking aspect of Tesss character was her fortitude and rebellion. She pursued happiness all her life, hated Alec, l

      4、oved angel, and, to some extent, defied the old codes. She scorns and denies religion, but when it contradicts nature, she assesses it without hesitation, and she USES her meager resources to “strike the stone with the egg.“ After she was raped by Alec, she decided not to marry Alec because she despised him. She was determined to find someone she truly loved: she did not want to be driven by worldly notions. Can say. Tesss idea was not accepted by the society at that time, and her fortitude and

      5、rebellion were also doomed not to be accepted by the society, and will become the victims of the society.In his preface, hardy said, “this is a man who has a heart of gold.“ The high and clean image of Tess can be seen in hardys mind. There is no denying that Tess is a dutiful girl, and her orders to her parents are to obey and never disobey. After her father was unable to work and died, she took on the responsibility of supporting the family as the oldest daughter, taking care of her mother and

      6、 several younger brothers and sisters. It shows great sense of responsibility. And when the family was in great distress, she always came forward, once to confess her own family, and later to marry Alec.Due to her parents inheritance and upbringing, Tess has her own nature of vanity. It was this vanity that gave Alec the opportunity to set a trap for cheating her of her chastity, and plunged her into the abyss of misery and worldly contempt. Hurt by angels unforgiveness, Tess left him. But for f

      7、ear of ridicule and vanity, she hid from her parents the pain of abandonment. In order to show her happiness and wealth, 摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心摆渡论文网(BayDue)为留学生提供高效、优质的 essay 写作服务she gave half of her few possessions to her parents and left them, pretending to go to angel. During more than eight months of abandonment, she struggled and refused to ask angels parents for help because she feared being laughed at by society and people. She had to give up her dignity and give herself back to Alec when sh

      8、e suffered great pain in her heart and body. This capture completely destroyed Tess.Tess was the victim of violence, innocent, but at the same time she considered herself to be “guilty“, and “always looked upon herself as the embodiment of a sin that had invaded the domain of innocence“. This necessarily caused her inner self to be tortured and condemned, and therefore made her suffering even more severe and intense. Tess, who measured her innocence by traditional notions of chastity, could not

      9、forget her “shame“ more than anyone else. She seemed to be born with a guilty soul, destined to be tormented forever, to be tormented forever, to be unquiet forever. She was persecuted by secular public opinion and traditional morality, but at the same time she was subjected to its moral standards. She is not only daring to resist the traditional morality, but also constrained by its concept to become the traditional defender. This shows the persecution of human nature and distortion of soul of traditional morality to Tess from a deeper levelTess was essentially a fatalist, feeling that her family was unfortunately living in a world of misery. Out of compassion for herself and her family, she gradually developed a sense of self-sacrifice, regardless of its value. He had deserted her, though she had sacrificed herself again and again to love. She spent more than eight months on the road. When Tess

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