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    • 1、VPS module reference material VPS培训材料模块 Goal oriented teams 以目标为导向的团队,Issue 1 VPS Academy,2 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,Volvo Production System Principles 沃尔沃生产体系原则,An organisation where we continuously improve quality, delivery and productivity, in everything we do我们所做的一切是通过一个组织来持续的改进提高质量,交货期和劳动生产率。,Vision 愿景,沃尔沃之道,生产流程稳定,团队合作,制造质量,持续改进,准时化生产,客户,3 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,Obj

      2、ective and content of this module 本次培训的目标和内容,Objective 目标,To create an understanding of : How to achieve alignment of goal throughout the whole organisation 怎么在整个组织中实现一致的目标 How to empower the team members to improve performance and deliver on results 怎么使团队成员更好的改善业绩并实现目标 How to give prerequisites for the teams to react and act when needed在需要的时候为团队运转提供必备条件,Content内容,Introduction and overview 介绍和序论Strategic planning 战略规划Tactic planning and deployment 策略计划和部署To define goals on team level 依据小组水平设定目标

      3、Deployment to individual level依据个体水平部署 Implementation of plan and regular review计划执行与日常回顾 Operative level daily review system 实施标准-日常回顾系统Templates and links 模块和链接,4 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,Content 内容,Introduction and overview 介绍和序论Strategic planning 战略规划Tactic planning and deployment 策略规划与部署Implementation of plan and regular review 计划执行与日常回顾 Operative level daily review system 实施标准日常回顾体系 Templates and links 模块与链接,5 (79),Volvo Product

      4、ion System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,“Cooperation means working openly and effectively together with others, and this is the foundation of our teamwork. 合作意味着同其他人一起公开、高效的工作,这是我们团队合作的基础。 We are convinced that the total capability of a team is greater than the sum of the capabilities of its individuals. Working together offers a superior way to develop new methods and solutions.” 我们相信团结的力量远大于个人的力量。一起工作提供了制定新方法和解决方案的方式。 (The Volvo Way, page 26),Goal oriented teams以目标

      5、为导向的团队 Set, visualize and follow up on goals and drive activities and improvements to fulfil them 设置、可视化和实现目标的后续行动和积极行动来履行这些改进 Cross functional work部门间协作 Ensure utilization of the organizations full potential 保证所有机构潜能得到充分发掘 Organizational design机构设置 Set the right structure for good teamwork 为好的团队设置正确的组织机构 Visualization可视化管理 Create awareness and transparency for everyone about status problems and need for actions创建意识和问题现状对每个人透明,及需要采取的行动,Teamwork means creating a sound organization where all emplo

      6、yees are involved in the improvement process contributing to achievement of our goals and strategic objectives. This is where everyones experience, knowledge and creativity is put in play. 团队协作是指通过有效的组织,使团队中的每一个成员都能够参与到不断改进的项目中,以达到我们共同的目标和战略规划。为每一个人提供尽情展露经验,学识和创新性的舞台,Teamwork overview团队协作序论,6 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,Goal oriented teams 以目标为导向的团队Cross functional work 团队协作Organizational design 组织机构Visualization 可视化,How does Goal orient

      7、ed teams fit in VPS? 以目标为导向的团队怎样才适合VPS系统?,7 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,“Overall business objectives are formulated through the strategic dialogue that takes place every year between the Group Executive Committee and the management teams of the various business areas and units. The strategic objectives are then broken down and adapted to departments, teams and individuals. “几乎所有的生产目标都是经过战略讨论后形成的,该战略讨论每年在管理层和下属管理者内部举行。然后战略目标被分解细化以适应各部门,团队

      8、和个人 This is a process in which everyone participates in setting objectives based on our knowledge and experience. This process should result in strong responsibility for achieving objectives and fulfilling commitments, and deeper understanding of how each of us can contribute to success.” 这是基于学识和经验人人参与设定目标的流程。该流程应该产生实现目标和履行承诺的强烈责任感,并使我们每个人深刻理解怎样为成功努力(The Volvo Way , page 22),About involving everyone.关于全员参与,8 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,S

      9、upplier 供应商,Customer客户,Supplier供应商,Customer客户,Goal oriented team 以目标为导向的团队,Mission任务 Vision愿景 Wanted position目标 Strategic objectives战略 目标,BA/BU,Plant移植,Function/ Department 功能设计,Volvo Group沃尔沃团队,Mission Vision Wanted position Strategic objectives,Mission Vision Wanted position KPIs, goals and measurement,Mission Vision Wanted position KPIs, goals and measurement,A Goal oriented team以目标为导向的团队,9 (79),Volvo Production System Academy Goal oriented teams VPS-1101, issue 1, 2008-09-09,What is a Goal o

      10、riented team?什么是以目标为导向的团队?,A goal oriented team is typically a well defined functional team within a unit, but it can also be a cross-functional team (fixed or temporary) that has a clear assignment to work with. These teams can exist on all levels of the unit全球化团队是典型的确定的功能性组织,但是也可以包含有确切任务的协作团队(固定的或暂时的)。这些小团队可以存在于所有的组织层面 A goal oriented team have a clear understanding of their common area of responsibility , and there are clearly defined goals within their area. Through a structured cascading pr

      11、ocess, their goals are consistently linked to the business objectives全球化团队有对职责范围清晰的理解和目标定位。通过结构层次流程,使他们的目标能够与商业目标一致 There is a stable, regular process to monitor and track the teams performance, and the team have a clearly stated responsibility and authority to drive improvements towards fulfilment of their goals有稳定规范的程序监测和跟踪团队的业绩,团队有清晰明确的责任和权利,推动改善直到达成目标 To secure the teams performance, needs and expectations are communicated and individual development plans are agreed upon, including performance objectives and development goals确保团队的业绩,需求和期望与个人发展计划相一致,包括业绩目标和发展目标,


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