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熊川产品选型手册( 接头,阀)

  • 卖家[上传人]:n****
  • 文档编号:54849558
  • 上传时间:2018-09-20
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:55.58MB
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    • 1、1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Beijing Xiongchuan Valves Manufacture Co.,Ltd北京熊川阀门制造有限公司成立于2003年,是一家集生产研发加工销售于一体并拥有自主知识产权的科技型制造企 业。公司采用高科技数控技术与锻造加工技术,生产各种规格的不锈钢仪表类管阀件产品。 公司坐落在北京市石景山高科技园区,厂房占地 3000 平方米,现有员工 150 余人,以本科及大专以上学历人才为 主,并拥有高学历高专业的技术研发团队,工厂拥有多种进口加工设备,其中高精密数控机床有 60 余台。熊川公司在北 京总部以外,为了方便全国客户,还在东北、华东、华南等地区建立了办事处。 熊川公司一直本着严谨、科学、专业的态度研发生产产品,始终遵循 ISO9000 体系中的各项要求,从采购原料到生 产加工以及后期的质量检测每一步都经过严格把控,确保客户在使用产品时的高可靠性、高耐用性、高舒适性、高独创 性。熊川公司获得多项国家发明专利,其中包括阀门核心开关密封系统和球阀的球密封结构等等,同时我公司也是仪器仪 表协会会员,另外熊川公司也是中国石化采购系统的指定

      2、供应商。 经过十年的发展,与我公司长期保持合作的客户数量突破 3000 家。与国内的多家石油、石化企业、国家级重点研究 单位建立了良好的合作关系,如燕山石化、中国石化上海石油化工研究院、北京化工研究院、西北化工研究院、中国科学 院下属的多家国内知名的科研院所,同时与清华大学、天津大学、大连理工大学、厦门大学等国内多家知名高校以及国内 各大型分析测试及色谱行业龙头企业建立了长期战略合作关系。 熊川公司凭借多年的努力,使熊川产品在分析测试设备、生物制药、化学、石油化工、油气、动力、工艺仪器、半导 体、造船业、矿用可移动式救生舱等等领域都得到广泛的应用。我司生产的各种公英制阀件能更好的与国内外产品进行替换 与对接,并致力于非标特殊阀件的研发设计与生产。 熊川公司将以创新的技术,严谨的工作态度,严格的工艺流程,优质的服务,提高自我标准,努力学习国内外先进的 经验,把熊川产品做的更好,回报关心、爱护“熊川”的每一位使用者 在此,熊川公司也衷心地感谢每一位使用我们产品的客户以及关心、爱护我们的每一位朋友,是你们的理解、支持、 宽容和指导使我们不断的进步Founded in 2003, Beijin

      3、g Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd, with its own intellectual property rights, is a sci-tech-oriented manufacturing enterprise that integrates manufacturing, research&developing and sales. The company manufactures, with hi-tech CNC processing and forging technology,various stainless steel pinch valves for meters. The company is located in Shijingshan Hi-tech Industrial Park, Beijing city, with an area of 3000 square meters, and owns more than 150 staffs, most of whom has an associate dipl

      4、oma and above which constitute a highly specialized professional R&D team. Our factory boasts many imported machineries, more than 60 of which are highly-sophisticated CNC machineries. Besides the headquarters in Beijing, Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd has set up offices in northeast China, east China, and south China for the convenience of customers nationwide. In the process of developing and manufacturing products, Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd adopts a rigo

      5、rous, scientific and professional attitude, sticks to the ISO9000 principles and keeps a tight control, from procurement of raw materials to the quality-checking, over every step to ensure premium and comfortable products for the customers. Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd has been honored with many state-level invention patents-the invention patent for the sealing system of the valve core switches and the invention patent for the sealing structure of the ball valves. Furthermore,

      6、 we are a member of the Instrument Association and the designated supplier of Sinopec. After 10 years of development, more than 3000 customers have entered long-term cooperative relationship with us. Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd is now in good cooperation with many petroleum and petrochemical enterprises and state- level key research institutions such as Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Company, Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company, Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, No

      7、rthwest Research Institute of Chemical Industry, and many other research institutes under Chinese Academy of Science. Meanwhile, long-term strategic cooperative relationships have been established between Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry, and famous institutes such as Beijing University, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Beijing Institute of Technology and Xiamen University. After years exertion, our products have found wide applications in analytic testing equipments, biop

      8、harmacy, chemistry/ petrochemistry, gas, dynamics, technological instrument, semi-conduct, and ship manufacturing industry. The imperial and metric valves manufactured by us fit better to the products from home and abroad and are in a good position to replace their counterparts. Furthermore, we are committed to the research and developing of special valves. With innovative technology, rigorous working attitude, strict working technique, excellent service, enhanced standards and more advanced tec

      9、hnological know-how from home and abroad, Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd will bring “Xiongchuan Products“ to a higher level to pay back the users who cares us. We, the Beijing Xiongchuan Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd, would like to thank every user of our products for your kindly comprehension, support, tolerance, and guidance that have leading to our continuing progress.公司简介COMPANY PROFILE123?Beijing Xiongchuan Valves Manufacture Co.,Ltd熊川 接头系列 Fittings卡套接头,色谱接头,管螺纹接头,焊接接头,软管接头,真空接头双卡套密封原理重复安装步骤友情提示旋转螺帽轴向推动后卡套和前卡套尾部达到轴向定位。继续旋紧,前卡套顶住接头体锥孔挤压Tube管,使Tube管局部凹陷变形;同时后卡套顶住前卡套挤压Tube管,使Tube管局部凹陷变形;双卡套的联合作用可以实现接头耐高压,无泄漏以及管道安装的牢固性。安装接头时,需要固定住接头,用扳手带动螺帽顺时针旋转。如果不固定住接头就直接紧螺帽,这样旋紧的力矩作用点就不在所对应的接头而是在流体管路某个位置,很可能对该处造成不良影响。熊川双卡套、接头以及螺帽均采用优质316不锈钢材质,螺帽内螺纹表面镀银,防止在高温高压下螺纹发生咬死现象。1. 将带有预装卡套的Tube管插入接头,手指拧紧螺帽;2. 用扳手将螺帽拧紧到上一次拧紧的位置;3. 到达该位置后,再用扳手略微带紧即可;购买与熊川管接头一起使用的Tube管时,应考虑以下因素:1.Tube管的表面加工质量;2.Tube管的材料;3.Tube管的硬度;4.Tube管的壁厚。熊川推荐您使用硬度

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