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    • 1、英 语 english,中 考 冲 刺 模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,A 一、单项选择 1. After a long walking, I feel _ tired and thirsty. And I want to drink _ juice.A. a bit of, a bit B. a bit of, a bit of C. a bit, a bit of D. a bit, a bit 2. He has _ friends. So he can talk to them when he is in trouble.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 3. We need to put _ salt on the fish so as to make it salty.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 4. _ trees will be planted in our city next year. So the air will be better.A. A g

      2、reat many B. A kind of C. a lots of D. lot of 5. _ fish died out because of the water pollution.A. The number of B. All kind of C. A number of D. A bit 6. Tom was short-sighted. So he needed to wear _ glasses.A. a piece of B. a pair of C. a lot of D. all kinds of 7. At last my parents _ live with us in the city though they didnt like the city life.A. didnt agree to B. didnt agree with C.agreed to D. agreed with,C,A,C,A,C,B,C,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,8. They _ the history museum at 8:00 a.m. yesterday.A. a

      3、rrived in B. arrived at C. got D. reached to 9. She could sing songs sweetly, she could dance beautifully _.A. too B. either C. also D. as well 二、完成句子 1、The money he spent on clothes _ (合计达)1000 Yuan a month. 2、_(课后) all of the students go to the playground to do exercise. 3、Dont make the same mistake _.(再三地) 4、His father beat him because of his big mistake. So he was black and blue _(到处). 5、好吧。祝你一切顺利。_. 6、Lucy跑得和Lily一样快。_. 7、The pollution in our city is becoming worse and worse. _(结果,因此), we sh

      4、ould try our best to protect our environment. 8、老师一来,学生就马上停止讲话。_. 9、_I know(就我所知), he is not an honest man. 10、Everything goes on as usual _(好像) nothing has happened.,The students stopped talking when the teacher arrived.,adds up to,After school,again and again,all over,All right. Wish you all the best.,Lucy runs as fast as Lily.,As a result,As far as I know,as if,D,B,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,B 一、单项选择 1. _ the students _ the teacher are happy to hear from each other.A. Both, and B. Either, or C. Not only,

      5、 but also D. Neither, nor 2. Dont _ when the teacher is talking with him A. break down B. break in C. break out D. break up 3. A big fire _ in our town last Saturday.A. broke down B. broke in C. broke out D. broke up 4. Going to a place _ is the fastest way of all.A. by air B. by bus C. by train D. by ship 二、完成句子 . 今天我们以学校为自骄傲,明天学校以我们为自豪。_ 2. 我父母亲对我要求严格。_ 3. On my way to Mount Huang, my car _.(坏了),A,C,B,A,Today were proud of our school. Tomorrow our school is proud of us.,My parents is very stri

      6、ct with me.,broke down,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,4. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _(抚养、培养) by her aunt. 5. Sports is good for our health and we must do sports to _ (逐步建立)our body. 6. _,(顺便问一下) will you come to see me tomorrow? C 一、单项选择 1. Martin runs fast to _ me because he has something to tell me.A. catch up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. Both A and C 2. All of us must go to Yunhui hotel to _ before 5:30 p.m. this afternoon.A. check out B. check in C. come to D. come down 3. B

      7、efore you leave the supermarket, you must _ at the entrance.A. check out B. check in C. come to D. come down 4. I was so surprised to _ Mr. Li in the cinema last night.A. come back B. come on C. come up with D. come across 5. -We want to know where you _. Canada.A. come back B. come across C. come from D. come to,brought up,build up,By the way,D,B,A,C,D,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,6. Its dangerous to climb so high. _ at once, please.A. come on B. come to C. come across D. come down 7. The small monkey _ a wa

      8、y to pick the bananas.A. came to B. came on C. came up with D. came down 8. Please _ the computer _ the internet so that we can get on line.A. connect to B. connect with C. connect for D. connect in 9. The bad guy is _the murder(谋杀).A. connected B. connected with C. connected for D. connected in 二、完成句子 1. Every one must _(召集) ten people to help clean up the city park. 2. When I am away, Id like you to _(照顾) my little dog. 3. We should _ (继续开展)the sports practice every afternoon so as to build up

      9、 our body. 4. Can you think of a good way to _ him _ (把变成)a good boy. 5. If you _(砍倒) a tree, you should plant one at the same time.,cut down,D,B,A,C,call up,care for,carry out,change into,模块一:中考英语短语专项练习,D 一、单项选择 1. His way of life _ mine. He loves exercising while I loves eating.A. is the same as B. is different from C. was the same as D. was different from 2. Before the spring festival, we must _ so as to make the room look clean and tidy.A.do some shopping B. do some cleaning C. do some washi

      10、ng D. do some reading 3. I _ my uncle on my way to the visit to Guilin.A. dropped in B. dropped by C. brought up D. broke out 二、完成句子 1. He worked _(日日夜夜) and fell ill at last. 2. I will _(尽力) to study hard so as to enter Dongguan Middle School. 3. Whether to go hiking or not _ (取决于)the weather. 4. Because of the serious pollution, the fish in this river have _(灭亡). 5. The students _ (分成)ten groups to play the games. 6. Last Sunday _ (几十)students from America came to our school to have a party with us,


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