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新加坡essay写作--Corporate bank deposit reconciliation

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  • 上传时间:2018-09-16
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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务新加坡 essay 写作-Corporate bank deposit reconciliationFund is the enterprise survival and development of the “blood“, is the enterprise value maximization, monetary funds and enterprise exists in the process of production and business operation in the form of currencys most liquid assets, it is occupy, divert, the greatest risk of corruption. In the face of increasingly severe financial security risks, it is necessary to take the prevention of monet

      2、ary fund management risks as the top priority in the financial management of enterprises.Bank reconciliation is the most basic method to avoid and prevent the risk of money and capital management. Through the enterprise bank deposit reconciliation to insure the safety and the accuracy of the accounting on bank deposits, timely find out repeated errors such as books, books amount accounting treatment error problem; The collection of empty cheques and filling in wrong bank notes lead to the withdr

      3、awal of funds that cannot be entered into the accounts. Artificially inflated decreased bank deposits, illegal personnel fraud, corruption and embezzlement, attaches great importance to the management of finance bank account reconciliation, which can effectively improve the quality of monetary fund management, avoid unnecessary economic losses.Bank reconciliation is the last line of defense to test the safety of funds. In the management cases of capital occupation, misappropriation and corruptio

      4、n, most of them are caused by the absence of internal control and control system for the management of corporate bank deposits. Enterprise accounting, cashier responsibility unknown, one cashier is responsible for the fund transfer and bank deposit reconciliation, non-existing, accounting audit or accounting payment one operator is responsible for bank reconciliation at the same time, are easy to conceal financial management loopholes.Bank provide the bank statements for the enterprise, fill out

      5、 the optional the gender is big, bank statements and corporate banking account information not corresponding to the subsidiary ledger, increased the enterprise the account reconciliation for bank deposit the same amount of balance of payments. In the process of reconciliation, accountants often check the same amount by fuzzy reconciliation, which is difficult to achieve the real reconciliation between the enterprise and the banks deposit account.At present, the enterprise information software US

      6、ES mostly bank deposit reconciliation or spreadsheet program to complete, most of the bank reconciliation information software on reconciliation function design are according to the value of the function of the fuzzy automatic reconciliation, this method is prone to reconciliation “mistakes“ but cant find. Overdraft group enterprises implement zero balance management, daily spending account settlement, fuzzy reconciliation to 留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务illegal personnel p

      7、rovided with empty closed empty business no hook for opportunity, but also not easy to find the above bank deposit reconciliation audit personnel hidden violations, illegal behavior in the process of reconciliation.Bank deposit reconciliation result is reflected in the bank reconciliation, the ascertain of the causes of the formation of accounts, must check that weaves JinZhangChan according to accounting voucher and bank, but for more enterprises, bank deposits of zhang phase that weaves throug

      8、h checking the workload is big, long-term of accounts to verify is not solid, is not found in time of balance in the concealment of embezzlement and corruption.Enterprise should according to “the enterprise internal control basic norms“ reform of incompatible duties separation system, setting up reasonable accounting, cashier and related jobs, accounting cant each other part-time cashier, shall not be handled by one person all monetary fund circulation process, it is strictly prohibited by a per

      9、son takes care of the payment all the seals and the UK. For key accounting positions, mandatory leave may be implemented and job rotation shall be carried out within a maximum of three years.Enterprises shall establish strict examining and approving system for funds business, clear approver authorized capital business in much the same way, authority, responsibility and related control measures, the area of responsibility of the agent to handle the monetary capital business and work requirements, financial personnel in strict accordance with the examination and approval procedures for money to pay, bank deposit reconciliation work done before we settle, find and solve problems in a timely manner.Enterprise and bank accounts reconciliation balance of business, the biggest problem is the same amount if reflect conducive to enterprise in the bank statement reconciliation of identity, such as tag enter

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