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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务澳洲 essay 写作-环境艺术设计中的原生态元素In environmental art design, because the design is different, the furniture design, display design, deserve to act the role of design and other design fields into ecological elements, analysis of the original ecological art can be from different design focus in the modern interior design in use and communication, the modelling of rational utilization of ecological elements, color elements and material elements, such as d

      2、ecorative effect will be different, each has its own characteristics, use case, in the modern environmental design, original ecological elements show design charm in the form of diversification.The art of original ecology is a kind of art form that grows out in a particular primitive ecological environment. It is a primitive art. The original ecological design popular in interior design has not been accepted by the public. The study and perspective of the cultural mentality of the original ecolo

      3、gical design of environmental art perfectly combines art and landscape and inspires peoples infinite imagination. Some are integrated with the surrounding environment, novel and unique, full of connotation; Some are adapted to local conditions, resulting from the transformation of the original waste structure, which not only saves and makes effective use of resources, but also integrates functions such as leisure and recreation and improving the ecological environment. Each work fully demonstrat

      4、es the design concept and design process.In recent years, the original ecological culture and art have been more and more favored by people, and the original ecological elements have been implanted into the modern interior design, which has been gradually accepted by some designers and consumers. Bring the huge space that gives play to originality to interior stylist, make Peoples Daily life gets new visual experience and the individual character that find new and fresh and refreshing to show. D

      5、ue to different design appeals, the original ecological modeling elements, color elements, material elements and other elements will be reasonably used, and the decorative effects will be different, with different characteristics.Create a accord with human demands of mental and physical, let a person feel that the natural and harmonious living space has become the trend of the development of the modern household design, and the use of natural design elements, focus on people-oriented, building a

      6、 harmonious uniformity among the nature, buildings and people return to nature is the root of the interior design concept.In the design of the model of original ecological elements into the environment keep modern pop style and restore the original ecological culture of blood, make works have affinity with the requirements of fashion at the same time, the shape of the original white birch along with the gender, as the pillar of the restaurant, on the 留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优

      7、质的论文服务basis of practical, overall modelling did not do any painting, carving and other processing, can present the original in the environment, can yet be regarded as a kind of bold innovation. On the balcony decorate metope adornment use the modelling of ancient coir raincoat, appearing in the simple extraordinary imagination, gives environment is a kind of poetic realm, at the same time avoided in decorate material brings to the pollution of the bedroom, in line with the green ecological livin

      8、g conditions.With the development of The Times, the local art represented by the original ecological art has changed in the sustainable space and the way of survival, and it is an inevitable trend for the local art to enter the market. Original color elements in the display of art, such as wall decoration, indoor display ornaments, air suspension display etc, can be in the adornment design of the soft environment from the adornment gimmick technology diffusion of modern space, foil atmosphere. D

      9、ecoration to reinforce different with the color of the original style, realize the extension of cultural values and way of life, because of different cultural background and different parts of the differences will be clearly expressed through these items, so as to give a person with the infection of art, completely borrowed from the primitive tribes in Africa color graphic source form, the original ecological color elements with modern decoration in the form of fusion, used in home decoration small art, there is a plain rich original flavor. And as you are familiar with the shaanxi folk art of the unfailing spoon, colorful, simple, simple, strange, freehand brushwork. Historically, the spoon was actually used to feed the horse. Nowadays, people apply modern patterns and production techniques to the spoon, which has been popular in the indoor accessories culture and its color is prominent. Make it h


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