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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务北美 essay 写作-互联网金融的发展Although Internet finance is an emerging financial model, it has dropped a heavy bomb in the financial industry. In general, Internet finance can be divided into the extension of traditional financial services, Internet intermediary services of finance and Internet financial services from the perspective of services. The current situation of its development is very rapid, and it also has its own characteristics and potentials

      2、. The pace of renewal and progress is very fast, and it has very distinctive characteristics.The users of Chinas Internet finance are mainly small and medium-sized investment retail investors, but small and medium-sized retail investors are difficult to obtain financial products with high capital requirements. On the other hand, as the third- party payment platform have mushroomed derivatives, Banks in order to reduce its risks, only on the Internet to try to improve the direction of the financi

      3、al sector, promoting the increase of the customer.Many financial institutions through its own strengths, occupation and secure e- commerce market, while banking through the establishment of large-scale e- commerce platform for business bank itself and understand customer needs and information has important significance. And through this comprehensive construction and accumulation, in the market quickly occupy an important position. While those same to small and medium-sized Banks in the developm

      4、ent of this aspect of the business, in order to compete large financial platform, only even more attention to develop and perfect all kinds of Internet financial products, to meet customer demand.Internet finance brings not only rich products, but also lower transaction costs. Online trading saves a lot of time. Intelligent trading mode at the same time, will save a lot of labor costs, require less human services, and more efficient services to alternative, not only improves the quality and effi

      5、ciency of service and work, and also reduce the transaction cost.Although kotler defined niche market as a “small but they were not good market management and services“, but for the Internet financial, will not be because of the size of the customer to ignore the needs of customers, more not because should be limited by the 80/20 rule of pareto puts it. Thus, it is easier to gain a higher reputation, which can eat up 20% of the customers and have 80% of the financial demand and high reputation.

      6、The Internet financial such as mentioned above not only can reduce cost, at the same time also can give a huge customer base with better experience, more support and huge customer group many derived business, and the characteristics of the project need, namely large enterprises and platform is difficult to have flexibility.留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务Faster and faster Internet financial technology development in our country, the financial sector sparked a new era of the In

      7、ternet financial mode, penetrated into every aspect of our life, and the Internet financial system reflects the characteristics of efficient, convenient, accurate, and so on, the operating state of the financial system is faster, at the same time, the development of the Internet financial has some problems, such as backward technology level, regulatory supervision is not enough, the author through the following aspects were analyzed.At present, most financial services are operated through the In

      8、ternet, including online banking, third-party payment, and online financial transactions. The popularization of finance in the whole society at the same time, the technical level of leak exposed by customers privacy security hidden danger in continue to rise, and the entire Internet financial system lack of unified standards in the application of the safety technology. The development and utilization process of the financial system platform is too hasty, and there is not enough test time. The im

      9、perfect system often leads to the security problem of customer privacy leakage. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize and standardize the technology, and formulate unified safety standards for network finance.In the 21st century, talent remains is the precious workforce, as the Internet financial business continues to develop, already in various businesses from artificial service rapidly to the electronic service transformation stage, the need for more technical personnel to guide with the customers, in the network financial business, more need to have a combination of the knowledge of the Internet with the financial talented person. Some problems of network system involve not only the financial field, but also the Internet operation.At present, it is imperative for the staff of Chinas traditional financial circle to improve the Internet operation level comprehensively. To solve this problem firs


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