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新加坡essay写作--Humanized design

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  • 上传时间:2018-09-06
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    • 1、留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务新加坡 essay 写作-Humanized designSo-called “customers“, in accordance with the “black law dictionary“ explanation, refers to “for personal, family, or household to purchase goods or services rather than for resale purposes of individuals, as well as the purpose for personal and non- commercial purposes of natural person“, “consumer rights and interests protects a law“ of our country on the definition of consumer is “for the life consumption need to

      2、purchase and use goods or accept service“, surrounding the definition, legal science of dispute mainly has two points: one is the main body of consumers is limited to natural person, legal person and social groups whether belong to the consumer; Second, the law only protects whether consumers “life consumption“ is reasonable and how to define “life consumption“.Some scholars believe that the scope of the subject of consumers is limited in principle to natural persons and should not include units

      3、. Because the unit consumption and to purchase goods or receive services, shall be adjusted by the law of contract, and shall not be affected by the adjustment of the consumer rights and interests protection act, also the scholar thinks consumers are not limited to natural person, shall also include individual, family or community consumption. The author thinks that, with the development of science and technology, especially the popularization of Internet application, the “customers“ is limited

      4、to the scope of a natural person, has not adapt to the development of the society, is unfavorable to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties. This is largely because, first of all, with the improvement of product information degree of specialization, although buyers access to information ability improved, but its ability to analysis, identify the information, but relatively declined, ordinary buyers cannot rely on its own judgment of product quality, buyers and producers and selle

      5、rs with unequal power, and the gap is widening; Second, the rapid development of network technology, make the third party trading platform to expand our reach, consumption way of trading, compared with the past, great changes have taken place by traditional goods money both face to face to many kinds of way to trade, such as shopping, buying, etc; Third, the consumption concept and the end consumer main body also had a big change. As the change of consumption concept, the part of the product is

      6、belong to the “cost of living“ there are different views, due to differences in income levels, different economic level of a natural persons understanding of life consumption is put in bigger difference, such as buying tickets to the theatre and watching movies, whether this kind of consumer behavior belongs to the “cost of living“, different groups have different opinions. The end consumer body has also changed a lot. The end consumer body of watching movies can be personal consumption, family

      7、consumption, or group consumption. At present, the definition of “life consumption“ mainly includes the standards of subjectivity and objectivity, rule of thumb and final consumption. From the perspective of fuzzy jurisprudence 留学生写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心留学生写作网(pnstudy)为留学生提供高效、优质的论文服务theory, some scholars used different mathematical models to explore the true meaning of “consumers“. The theory of fuzzy jurisprudence holds that legal concepts are a fuzzy set. According to the theory of fuzzy jurisprude

      8、nce, the extension of consumers is uncertain. The author thinks that in actual judicial activities, the fuzzy theory with the practice of justice of law makes little sense to accurate use of the concept of law, and the fuzziness of fuzzy theory of law philosophy is not conducive to adjust and standardize the social relations and citizenship behavior and damage the authority of the law.As for whether it should be on the “consumer“ standards “consumption“ as the limit, the author thinks that in th

      9、e existing “consumer rights and interests protects a law“ and “food safety law system, will be limited to consumers“ life consumption “is necessary. In view of the existing law has to the “customers“ to “consumption“ as the constitutive requirements of clear limits, before lawmakers did not officially launched legal modify the program, change or even completely deny the content of the original law violates the legal theory, more will damage the authority of the law, undermine its credibility. , of course, as I mentioned earlier, in view of the consumer in the process of payment and the diversity of the terminal consumer, and consumers and producers and operators of widening inequality status, can be considered in the “cost of living, to adopt a more broad standards.The supreme peoples court in the relating to food and drug administration disputes provisions on some issues of applicable law, the th

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