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    • 1、PowerPoint by,Milton M. Pressley,Creative Assistance byD. Carter and S. Koger,1-1,,Chapter 1,Marketing in the Twenty-first Century,Marketing Management Tenth Edition Philip Kotler,Objectives,Course Organization Tasks of Marketing Major Concepts & Tools of Marketing Marketplace Orientations Marketings Responses to New Challenges,Course/Text Organization,Part I - Understanding Marketing Management Part II - Analyzing Marketing Opportunities Part III - Developing Marketing Strategies Part IV - Shap

      2、ing the Market Offering Part V - Managing & Delivering Marketing Programs,Defining Marketing,Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. - Philip Kotler (p. 7),Simple Marketing System,Goods/services,Money,Manufacturer markets,Structure of Flows,Core Concepts of Marketing,Product or Offering,Value and Satisfaction,Needs, Wants, and Demands,Exchange and T

      3、ransactions,Relationships and Networks,Target Markets & Segmentation,Marketing Channels,Supply Chain,Competition,Marketing Environment,The Four Ps,Marketing Mix,The Four Cs,Customer Solution,Customer Cost,Communication,Conven- ience,Production Concept,Product Concept,Selling Concept,Marketing Concept,Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive,Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features,Consumers will buy products only if the

      4、company aggressively promotes/sells these products,Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets & delivering value better than competitors,Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace,Customer Delivered Value,Customers,Front-line people,Middle Management,Top Management,Traditional Organization Chart,Customer-Oriented Organization Chart,The Societal Marketing Concept,Chapter 2,Building Customer Satisfaction through Quality, Service, and Value,Marketing Management Tenth Edition Philip Kotler,Objectiv

      5、es,Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them The nature of high-performance businesses How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management,Determinants of Customer Delivered Value,Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.,The Generic Value Chain,Levi Strauss Value-Delivery Network,Competition is between ne

      6、tworks, not companies. The winner is the company with the better network.,Sears (Retail),Attracting and Retaining customers,Customer acquisition Searching and reaching for new suspects; Filtering for qualified prospects; Acquire the hot prospects Small discussion: Why we need customer retention?,Satisfied Customers:,Are loyal longer Buy more (new products & upgrades) Spread favorable word-of-mouth Are more brand loyal (less price sensitive) Offer feedback Reduce transaction costs,Chapter 3,Winni

      7、ng Markets:Market-Oriented Strategic Planning,Marketing Management Tenth Edition Philip Kotler,Objectives,Corporate and division strategic planing Business unit planning The marketing process Product level planning The marketing plan,Market-Oriented Strategic Planning,Market-Oriented Strategic Planning,Strategic-Planning, Implementation, and Control Process,Planning,Corporate Headquarters Planning,Define the corporate mission Establish strategic business units (SBUs) Assign resources to SBUs Pla

      8、n new business, downsize older businesses,What is our business? Who is the customer? What is of value to the customer? What will our business be?,Defining the companys mission (使命),Good Mission Statements:,Limited number of goals,Stress major policies & values,Company,Product-orientation,Market-orientation,Poppy,We make lipsticks,We sell lifestyle and self-expression; success and status; memories, hops and dreams,Sea World,We run a theme park,We provide fantasies and entertainment,Kmart,We run d

      9、iscount stores,We offer products and services that deliver value to middle-Chinese,Xerox,We make copying, fax and other office machines,We make businesses more productive by helping them scan, store, retrieve, revise, distribute, print and publish documents,Market-orientation business definitions,What is strategic business unit (SBU)?,A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from other company businesses. SBU can be a company division, a product line with a division, or sometimes a single product or brand.,Establishing Strategic Business Units,An SBU has three characteristics: It is a single business or collection of related businesses that can be planned separately from the rest of the company. It has its own set of competitors It has a manager who is responsible for strategic planning and profit performance and who controls most of the factors affecting profit,The Boston Consulting Groups Growth-Share Matrix,


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