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    • 1、我们这一天第二季中英剧本我们这一天第二季中英剧本第一集贝丝 我想领养个宝宝 Beth, I want to adopt a baby.我意识到 我来纽约不是为了做当红小生 I realize I didnt come to New York to be in a hit play.我来纽约 是为了追回我的姑娘 I came to New York to win back my girl.你好 凯文 我是罗恩霍华德 Hello. Hey, Kevin, its Ron Howard.我正在筹备一个电影 我做导演 Im prepping a movie right now that Im gonna direct.电影在洛杉矶拍摄 It shoots in Los Angeles.你是绝佳人选 You would be perfect.我知道自己想做什么了 I know what I want to do.我想唱歌 好吧 I want to sing. Hmm.这算怎么回事 对不起 Whoa! What the hell was that? Sorry.不要因为我越界 就惩罚她 Dont

      2、punish her because I crossed the line.小贝 你说什么 Hey, Bec? Whatd you say?别这样 别 Hey, hey, come on. Come on.杰克 Jack!我觉得你应该去米格尔家住一阵 I think you should go stay with Miguel for a while.话不曾出口 建议还未传达 Things not said, advice not given,信封还未盖上邮戳 我却被悔恨包围 envelopes unstamped, regrets enveloping me.我在想 这样就会好过一点吗 Is it easier there? I wonder.我左思右想 大概会吧 I ponder, I guess. Yes.我想 会的 I guess, yes.妈妈怎么回家了 Whats Mom doing back?我的孩子 你有没有像我想你一样 在想着我 Do you think of me as I do of you, my son?我的孩子 My son.我的. 孩子 My. son.你

      3、还真是个小可爱 是吧 Youre a cutie, arent you?你简直是世上最可爱的宝贝 Oh, youre the cutest baby in the world.没错 最可爱的就是你 Yes, you are. Yes, you are.我的天呐 Oh, my goodness.兰德尔 哦对 Randall? Yes.兰德尔 我们今天还有别的事情呢 Weve really got to get our day going, Randall.哦对 不好意思 Oh, of course. Sorry.不好意思 领养孩子这事 让我思念成疾 是吧 No. All this talk about adoption is giving me baby fever, right?# 我思念宝宝成疾 # I got baby fever # 他思念宝宝成疾 # He got baby fever. 哥们 今天到这吧 差不多了 Okay, thats gonna have to do it for today, buddy.也对 不好意思 Yeah, youre right. Sorry.

      4、兰德尔 生日快乐 Happy birthday, Randall.谢谢二位 今年肯定特别棒 Thanks, guys. Its gonna be a great year.你将来会做什么 我一无所知 The things youll do, Ill never know.那些痛 The pain.那些秘密 The secrets.妈妈 爸爸呢 Mom, wheres Dad?出什么事了 没什么事 Whats wrong? Nothings wrong.一切都好 我们会坐下来 Everythings fine. Were gonna sit down跟你们把所有事解释清楚 and explain everything to you guys.能否给我个机会 Oh, to be given a chance,重新来过 a start, the restart,全新的开始 the fresh start.观众为你而狂 The crowd goes wild!宝贝 这次试音你一定秒杀全场 You are gonna crush this audition, babe.绝对没问题的 你真的这么觉

      5、得 Youre gonna crush it. Oh, you think?好了 来吧 Oh, man. All right.你真是太贴心了 That is so sweet.祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to you.准备好了吗 You ready?许个愿吧 好的 Make a wish. Okay.噢不 天呐 对不起 Ow, ow, ow, no, no. Oh, my God, Im so sorry.你是否会和我一样 等到爱的降临呢 Will love come for you, as it did for me?找寻你 伤害你 Find you, wreck you,拯救你 还是改变你 save you, change you?索菲失控了 Sophie got carried away.宝贝 我爱你 Baby, I love you,我想带你去人间仙境 and I wanted to bring you to the perfect place说娓娓动听的情话 and I wanted to say the perfect thing.但是情话再美 But I

      6、cant say the perfect thing也不及你的美丽 because you are the perfect thing.所以你觉得如何 So. what do you say?你愿意嫁给我吗 Will you marry me?卡 And cut.非常好 演得很好 凯文 Very nice, very nice, Kevin.气氛都被感染了 让人潸然泪下 I could feel the tennis ball welling up.真的吗 所以拍摄艾玛的戏时 Really? So, when we film Emmas side,我们就让她坐在这吗 we just. plop her down in there like that?比坐着稍微复杂一点 Well, its a little more complex than just plopping,不过差不多 but, uh, yeah.现在的科技 真是够牛的 Huh, I mean, technology, huh? Its crazy.凯文你知道还有什么更牛的吗 Yeah, it is, and you kno

      7、w what else is kind of crazy, Kevin?# 祝你生日快乐 # Happy birthday to you. 如果生活用我未曾经历的苦难 And if life breaks for you打击了你 the way it would not break for me,如果爱情追寻你 找到并捕捉到你 if love hunts you, finds you, captures you,你是否会珍惜 will you hold it tight.滋润并呵护它呢 nurture it, protect it?来吧 都过来 Lets go. Come on.我希望你能如此 I hope you will.希望你能做到 I hope you can.这到底是什么情况 What the hell is going on?作为父亲 我的建议无足轻重 This fathers advice is not required,也起不到什么作用 it has no call,所以我再分享下前人的经验吧 so instead Ill share some from another

      8、.宝贝 爸爸 Hi, sweetheart. Hi, Dad.失去前的曾经拥有 Its better to have loved and lost总胜过从未爱过 than to never have loved at all.我们想和你们聊聊 Your mom and I want to talk to you.我和你们爸爸觉得 Uh, your father and I thought对于发生的近况 非常有必要 that it was important to be honest with you guys和你们各位如实以告 about whats going on.乐队的本 Ben. from the band,举止非常不妥 was pretty inappropriate,你们爸爸本来想给我个惊喜的 and your father came to surprise me,但却让他伤心了 and he got upset,我也退出了巡演 and I left the tour.我们一晚都无法入睡 We had a pretty difficult night.现在我们借此机会 An

      9、d now were just taking a moment to.缓口气 没错 catch our breath. Yeah.缓口气 对 Catch your breath. Yes.这是什么意思 What does that mean?你们要离婚吗 Are you getting a divorce?不 当然不 No, no, no. Of course not.我们 我们只是 We. No, no, were just taking让自己冷静几天 对 a couple of days for ourselves. Yeah.我会待在米格尔家 是的 Im gonna go stay at Miguels house. Yes.行吧 Okay?我要和爸爸一起 凯特别说了 Well, Ill go with Dad. Kate, stop.但是 爸爸 别说了 But, Dad. Stop.这. 这也太荒唐了 Well, this is. No, this is insane!孩子. 不 你们. Bug. No. Are you.去吧 Go ahead.介意让我们单独待会儿吗 兄弟 Would you give your mom and I a sec, buddy?“兄弟“ “Buddy.“他们会没事的 Theyre gonna be fine.我们也会重归于好 Well be fine.小贝. 不 暂时还不行 Bec. Mmmm. No, not yet.我不想一直. I need to stop feeling so.失望透顶 disappointed.我需要先调整下思绪 I need to feel something else first.我们很快会再见的 But well talk soon.再来点鲜榨橙汁 好了 And some freshly squeezed orange juice, and voil.要吃完哦 小坏蛋们 Eat up, monsters.爸爸 怎么了 宝贝 Daddy? Yeah, baby?生日快乐 Happy birthday!生日快乐 Happy birthday!谢谢宝贝们 Thank you, girls.爸爸 怎么了 亲爱


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