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    • 1、浅谈“话题式”初中 英语单元复习课模式城关中学鲍丽燕查漏补缺系统整理巩固发展复习课的定位:复习课的定位:复习课是一种必不可少的课堂教学模式, 能帮助学生对所学基础知识、基本技能 进行梳理和沟通,理出良好的认知结构, 从而加深理解、增强记忆,并培养学生 思维的整体性,使不同层次的学生各有 收益。所以,复习课担负着查缺补漏, 系统整理以及巩固发展的重任。在复习课中,教师不仅要将学生学过的 知识加以整合,将平时数节课、数个单 元或不同阶段的知识前后联系,“前拉 后扯”地整合在一起,帮助学生进行 梳理、归纳,总结出规律,使其系统化, 便于记忆,促进运用,而且要准备能开 阔学生视野的复习资料,拓展形式与内 容,不仅仅是为考试而复习,要跳出旧 框框,调动学生主动学习的愿望。 英语新课标新教材的复习课应是一种师 生互动、生生互动的课堂教学模式,而 不是传统的“满堂灌”。 总之,复习课就要能促进学生 的英语学习,让他们有强烈的 继续学习的愿望,有成就感, 有自信心。 复习课应精选内容,策划思路,创设互 动,指点学法。课堂环节的设计要以 培养语言综合能力为出发点,也以培养 语言综合能力为落脚点。既不能以

      2、练代 基础,也不能单一的死记硬背。课堂的 每个环节要用运用的机会来突出能力的 形成和思维意识、思维习惯的形成。复 习课中,教师要使学生在听和读的练习 中提高理解能力,在说和写的练习中提 高表达能力。要尽量通过听、说、读、写练习使学生 加深理解和掌握已学语言的形式、意义 和用法,调动学习的积极性,发展学生 创造性思维,减轻复习疲劳感,提高综 合运用语言的能力。英语是一门语言,它具有灵动性,与思 维密不可分。有位教育家说过,一节课 堂就是教师引导学生进行的一次旅行, 在行程中随时我们可以发现意外的通 道和美丽的图景。在英语复习课中意外 的通道和美丽的风景就是学生能用所学 的语言展现他们灵活的、开放的、生成 的思维,并且将这种种的思维用英语优 雅地表达出来。复习单词复习短语词组重点句型 语法讲解课后补充作业 传统的复习课:气氛沉闷 重知识轻技能讲多练少 英语课程标准中的“任务型”语言教 学途径也提出,要创设真实的情境,让 学生在这一情境中进行真实的语言交际 实践活动。初中英语教学中,每单元都有一个相关 的话题,师生围绕话题进行语言技能训 练,可避免语言学习的空洞和单调,同 时也可充分体现语言

      3、的实用功能。 “话题式”复习课模式,就是选择一个 合适的话题,将本节课要复习的语法结 构有机地融入其中,进行听说读写各项 语言技能训练。在课堂教学中,以技能 训练为主,再配合相应的少而精的训练 题,适量进行有关的语法知识归 纳与点拨 。“一节好课就像一串美丽的珍珠项链。 课的每一环节都是一颗闪闪发亮的 珍珠,课的灵魂就是那根能将珍珠 串起来的线。” What will your robot do for you?My name is Gua-Gua.I come from the 22nd Century.I can help you with your English.Task1. Complete the sentences with the right words.( The first letter is given.) 1.The astronauts take the s_to the space and collect information from the satellites(宇宙). 2.Her sister began to work in a clothing

      4、 c_ after she graduated(毕业毕业) from college. 3.Thank you very much for this i_.4. People have traveled through s_ to the moon.5.The p_ of this river is serious. Because the water in it was almost black.cientistompany ollutionpace nterviewn.名词v.动词adj.形容词adv.副词4adv.其它1235s1. nouns.robot paper pollution tree building astronaut rocket space moon pet parrot suit interview prediction future company scientist hundred factory human shape earthquake snake toothbrush1.The astronauts take the s_to the space

      5、 and collect information from the satellites(宇宙).6.Both of the football teams are strong, so it is i_to predict the winner.7.-Will it rain this afternoon? -P_ not.8.When I telephoned her ,she was at home a_.9.It is u_for us to see a mouse(老鼠). 10. The famous guests(客人) were warmly welcomed, e_ they went.mpossibleverywherenpleasantlonerobablyLets predict what the passage will talk about:Task2. ReadingseamoonLife In the Year 2020The Year 2020 Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2020. Tom: What

      6、 will our world be like in the year 2020? Fred: I dont know. What do you think? Tom: Well, no one knows, but its interesting to guess. Fred: In the year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give them the answers to all their problems. Tom: We will all have telephones in our pockets, too, and well be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps well be able to see them at the same time. Fred: How long will people work every week? Tom: Perhaps theyll work only t

      7、wo or three days a week. Because robots will help them do most of the work. Fred: Theyll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there. Tom: A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Fred: Im looking forward to (盼望) the year 2020,I hope to go to the moon. Tom: And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea. Wont that be very interesting? Just like a fish.haveworkholiday liveTomthinksFredThinks:I.Fill in the chart with key words (关键词) from the passage.pocket compute

      8、rtwo or three days a weekon the moonunder the seatelephonesII.Try to ask and answer some questions according to the chart:1.What does Fred think people will have in the year 2020?3. How many days will people work in a week?2.Will people work five days every week? 4.Where will people spend their holiday?5.Where will people live in the year 2020?He thinks everyone will have a pocket computer . No, they wont . They will work only two or three days in a week . They will spend their holiday on the mo

      9、on. They will live under the sea.Lets discussWhat other strange things will there be in the future? Imagine(想象):Task3. DiscussingWill these be true in the future?Will there be this cap carrying you faster than your bike?Will there be this backpack helping you go to school?Cars will be able to fly in the sky.Shoes will help us run.fewerThere will be lessmore 可数n.不可数n.可数/不可数n.+ + +Tsk4.Lets Debate(辩论):A: Life will be better.B: Life will be worse.A BEg: A: There will be more trees in the future.B: I think there will be fewer trees in the future.What do you think? Write down your prediction about the life in the year 2050.For example: I think life in the year 2050 will be better/worse. There will be. People will. .Protect our environment, and our


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