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人教版新课标英语必修5 unit3复习课件

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  • 上传时间:2018-08-17
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    • 1、 一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出单词。 1._ krid n. 四轮马车,车厢2._ praivit a. 私人的 n. 士兵 3._ impren n. 印象 4._ rimaind v. 提醒 vt. 提醒 5._ pri: vjs a. 在.之前, 以前的6._ lk n. 缺乏, v. 缺乏,不足 7._ bend v. 弯曲, 屈服 8._ pres n. 新闻界, 压力 v. 按, 压 9._ swift a. 快的ad. 快速地 10._m: st n. 主人a. 主人的v. 征服master carriage private impression remind previouslack bend press swift11._ sait n. 景观,眼界 v. 看见 12._ le n. 长度 13._ sist n. 帮助, 协助 v. 协助 14._ rikwai v. 需要, 要求 15._ setlmnt n.解决,殖民(地),居留地 16._ lukein n. 地点, 位置 17._ knstnt a. 经常的n. 常数 18._ sraundi a

      2、. 周围的 n. 环境 19._ ikstr: dinri a. 非常的, 特别的 20._ swit n. 开关,转换 v. 转变,摆动switchsight length assist require settlement location constant surrounding extraordinary二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填 入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式 填空。 1. Due to an unexpected emergency, we had to_ (length) our stay in Beijing by three days. 2. How exciting it is to work in a space station which is divided into zones with _ (extraordinary) different atmospheres and gravities! 3. These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bendin

      3、g and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move_ (swift).lengthen extraordinarily swiftly 4. As is well known, the key to protecting the wildlife is to protect the natural _ (surround) in which they live. 5. I have to_ (constant) rub my eyes to remind myself that I have traveled to the year AD 3005. 6. The hotel reminded me_ the one where we stayed last winter. 7. The new teacher made good impression _ the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.surroundings constantly of

      4、 on 8. I think father would like to know _Ive been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note. 9. Having recovered from the terrible car accident with the devoted care of the nurse, she is_ (bend) on returning to work as soon as possible. 10. With all gifts_ (wrap) beautifully and_ (place) under the Christmas tree, Mother and father smiled with satisfaction at each other.what bent placed wrapped三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Our car broke down half way down the highway, but thanks to the_ (as

      5、sist) of an unknown truck driver we were not delayed too long. 2. The path becomes very_ (mud) on rainy days and makes it difficult for people to go in or out. 3. The company is under increasing _ (press) to improve pay and working conditions.assistance muddy pressure 4. A strike was called because labor and management could not agree upon a_ (settle). 5. Believing that I met the_ (require) listed in the advertisement, I wrote a letter to apply for an interview. 6. With eight students living in

      6、one small dormitory room, you dont have too much _ (private). 7. Youll have direct access to all available hotels, including detailed descriptions; photos and _ (locate) information.settlement requirements privacy location 8. You may want to say what _ (impress) the book left you with, or emphasize what you want your reader to know about it. 9. A Bluetooth wireless connection for an MP3 headset (头戴式耳机) is very _ (believe). 10. People around him are usually infected by his_ (optimistic).impressio

      7、n believable optimism 四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1._占据(空间、时间);从事2. _看不见 3. _给某人留下好印象 4. _朝各个方向5. _结果;由于 6._横扫,掠过;扫掉 7._加速 8._遭受 9._ 瞥见catch sight oftake up lose sight ofmake a good impression on sb. in all directions as a result (of) sweep up/away speed up suffer from10. get back on ones feet_11. assist sb. in doing sth._12. remind sb. of sth._13. under repair_14. have an opportunity to do sth._15. in no time_完全恢复,振作起来帮助某人做某事使某人想起在维修中有机会做某事立刻,马上五、词组运用 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选 一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。 1. The flight, intended to have arrived at 8 oclock, was delayed for two hours _ fog. 2. It took him 3 years to_ after his mothers death, during which time he did nothing but work and bury himself in his memories of her. 3.The story _me _my own childhood when I had to_ a number of odd jobs to_ my mother_ keeping the whole family together. Luckily, with the financial support of a distant relative, I finally_ to enter a teachers college and later found a job in a primary school.had an opportunity

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