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    • 1、语法课的复习方法1. 教师呈现单元语法例句。( 第一册和第三册中包含本项语 法项目的例句5个)2. 要求学生观察所给出的单元 语法例句。3. 要求学生观察后归纳总结本 单元语法要点。4. 在学生总结出语法要点后进 行及时地巩固练习。5. 通过练习发现学生对本项语 法中的难点和易错点进行讲解 提示。6. 巩固性训练 。(改错,高考 链接)7. 扩展性应用。(将该项语法项 目与其他易混淆语法项目进行 区别)8. 综合性应用。(语篇训练.写 作训练)课例 Unit 9 of Book 1I. 呈现单元语法例句。 1. Words and images are being sent throughout the world. 2. New functions are being added to the phones 3. Cellphones are being used everywhere. 4. The few surviving human beings are being used in the way that we use machines today.II. 学生观察所给出的

      2、单元语 法归纳总结本单元语法要点。is/am/are +being +过去分词IIIPractise Translate the following sentences 1). 教室里正在上英语课。 2). 我在接受采访。 3). 我的车在检修。 4). 许多新式服装在超市中销售。 5). 山上在栽树。IV. 知识链接归纳 1. A bridge is being built (build) over the crossing. A bridge has been built (build) over the crossing. A bridge will be built (build) over the crossing. A bridge was built (build) over the crossing last month. A bridge should be built (build) over the crossing.is/am/are+过去分词 Was/were+过去分词 is/am/are +being +过去分词 was/were +being +过去分词

      3、will +be +过去分词 has/have +been +过去分词 can/must+be+过去分词2. 综合训练(系列练习的 相关题) V. 知识延伸(难点突破:高考考 点主动与被动的易混淆点) 单句改错:将高考试题改错部分 中关于动词语态错误的句子组合 一起进行训练,然后总结一下重 难点。1不及物动词:happen, take place, rise等 2系动词, feel, prove, look, smell, taste, sound, get, become, seem, appear, promise等 3主动表达被动的常见词close, open, sell well, write smoothly, wash easily,等 4. get + 过去分词 get paid, get changed, get burnt, get lost.VI高考链接(高考测试动词 语态的单选题)VII实际运用(考查动词时态和 语态的综合运用能力)1. 段落填空 2. 段落改错 3. 段落写作Last month, a terrible flood _(break) out in

      4、 our home village. Some houses _(destroy) and many fields _(flood).Even worse, the only old stone bridge over the river running through the village , which _(build) for nearly 50 years, also_ (fall) down. As a result, the people living on both sides of the river _(separate) from each other. After the flood _(disappear), the local government _( take) immediate measures.The destroyed houses _already_(repair). A new bridge _(build) over the river now and it _(complete) in another week.We are sure e

      5、verything _(come) to normal soon with the efforts of all the villagers.阅读课复习方法1. 阅读的文章内容要新。 2. 选用的文章要精典。 3. 阅读的量要适中。 4. 阅读要坚持经常。 5. 阅读训练的形式要多样。 6. 在阅读中加强与学生的情感沟通 。阅读课示例Australia I. Fast-reading Para 1: Australia is as old as time.-History Para 2: Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent. -Area Para 3: Australia is a wealthy country.-Resource Para 4: The climate is different depending on the area. -WeatherII. Detail-reading1. Choose the best answer1). Australia i

      6、s a wealthy country because _. A. Australia has a very good climate. B. the area is large and the population is very small. C. Australia is rich in resources. D. Australia has special animals and plants. 细节考查细节考查2).We can know about Australia from this passage that _ . A. It is possible that Australia used to be connected with the other earth plates. B. The animals and plants in Australia cant be found anywhere else in the world. C. Australia is the same as America in area. D. Fruit and vegetabl

      7、es are grown all through Australia.深层理解深层理解3).It can be implied that _ in this passage. A. Wild dogs are very cruel.B. The snakes in Australia are more poisonous than those in other countries.C. The majority of Australia is covered by desert.D. Australians life is very rich and relaxing. 推理判断推理判断4).The author aims at_ in this passage. A. telling the readers that Australia is a developed country.B. persuading the readers to go there for tour.C. introducing Australia to the readers.D. praising the

      8、 wealth and beauty of Australia.作者意图作者意图5). Which of the following about Australia is true? A. The total area of Australia is 7220 square km. B. 17 million people live around the coast. C. A sheep in Australia produces twice as much wool as that in other countries. D.America has about 280 million people in all. 数字计算数字计算2. Guess the meaning of the underlined words.1). There are many kinds of birds in Australia, and over 140 species of snake, many of which are extremely dangerous.2). In area it is

      9、 approximately the same size as the USA.3). It produces metals, precious stones, coal,(much too)(valuable)(about)4). The farmers use motorbikes or 4). The farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of helicopters for the task of rounding uprounding up the the sheep or cattle.sheep or cattle.5). If you are invited to an Australian home, 5). If you are invited to an Australian home, you will have a you will have a barbecuebarbecue and roast a steak and roast a steak on an open air.on an open air.6). A long fence6). A long fence runs runs for hundreds of for hundreds of kilometers across Australia.kilometers across Australia.(gathering)(extends)(roasted meat in the open air)3. Remember the phrases: 1) be connected to 2) be separated from 3) feed


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