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上海版牛津初中英语 8B chapter2

  • 卖家[上传人]:lizhe****0920
  • 文档编号:51915230
  • 上传时间:2018-08-17
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    • 1、 Contents: 1. Reading. 2. Know about pronouns. 3. Give warnings. 4. Students can follow the directions to find the places. 5. Students can describe the location of the things in the room. 6. Talk about disabilities.1. Care for disabled people. 2. Help each other. 3. How to keep safe in a fire accidentand other places. 4. How hard and dangerous firemens work is!We should respect them.1. 掌握词汇 (书后单词表) 2.认知词汇 rubbish n.垃圾 horrible adj. 可怕的 hearing n. 听力 smell n. 味道 taste n. 品尝 sight n. 视力 touch n. 触

      2、摸 contain v. 包括 paragraph n. 段落 spread v. 蔓延 article n. 文章 belong to v. 属于 title n. 标题 length n. 长度 complete v. 完成 manager n. 经理 probably adv. 可能 harbour n. 港口 allow v. 允许 lorry n. 卡车 safety n. 安全 disability n. 残疾 cough v. 咳嗽 engine n. 马达 suppose v. 假设 Chapter 2Period 1 Play the game: Touch yourWarm up!sight hearing tastesmelltouchsensesenseWhat will / would happen if a man loses / lost one of his senses?We should help each other.A. What do you know about2 Which of the items is called the window

      3、 of the brain? 3 Which item helps us to keep our balance so that we do not fall down? 4 Which item contains a drum? 5 Which sense sometimes stops working when you have a cold?6 Which sense uses your tongue?7 Which sense is spread over your whole body?8 Can you always believe what your senses tell you?tastetouchJohn F Dancer/J F Dancerdogthe dog/ Charliefire 1.这五个感官 2.心灵的窗口 3.保持平衡 4.以便;为了 5.跌倒 6.停止工作 7.患感冒Main phrasesthe window of the brainkeep ones balance fall downstop working have a coldso tha

      4、tthe five senses 8.遍布全身 9.第一段和最后一段 10.相同的长度 11.属于 12.那个盲人的名字be spread over ones whole bodythe first and last paragraphsthe same lengthbelong tothe name of the blind manNew words:Before you travel, youd better b_ (ask and pay for something ahead) a room in a hotel, then youll have less trouble when you go there.As soon as you get there, first, you should go to the r_ (front area in a big office , hotel, etc. where people go when they arrive) desk to check your room. Usually the manager doesnt lea

      5、dyou to your room p_ (by oneself). And when you are in the hotel, you are the g_ (people who stay in a hotel ) I think its s_ (wise) of you to know the l_ (place where something is ) of the f_ _ (the place you go out when there is a fire).New words 1. (n.) a thick, woolen piece of cloth to cover someone in bed.2. initial (n.) first letter of someones name3. (n.) exciting thing that happens 4. (v.) say something or cry out suddenly and loudly because of surprise, anger, pain, etc.blanketdramaexcl

      6、aim5. fire alarm (n.) bell that rings to tell people that there is a fire 6. sound like (v.) give a similar sound7. surface (n.) outside of something8. go off (phrasal v.) make a sudden noise 9. wet (v.) make something wetFill in the blanks with the correct words.1.On cold nights, I cannot sleep without two_. 2.It was a real _to see the reunion(团聚)of the parents and their lost child. 3.I was trying to read a book but my little brother kepton _me. 4.My new house is just next to the underground st

      7、ation.what do you think of its_? 5.The _of the mirror is flat and smooth. 6. Her parents do not _her to go outat night. 7. She _ two plane tickets to Sydney andshe can get the tickets this evening.blanketsdramainterruptinglocation surface allowbooked8. When she saw a rat on the ground, she _ and jumped. 9. The girl at the _desk gave John his room key. 10. When the fire alarm _, everyone ran tothe playground.exclaimedreceptionwent offBlind man and eyes in fire dramaChapter 2 ReadingPart OneListen

      8、 to the story about Para.1-Para.10 and try to answer the True or False questions.( )1. Pets are not allowed to get into the hotel according to the hotel rules. ( )2. At last, the manager let Charlie get intothe hotel. ( )3. John asked the manager to tell him the location of the fire exit, but he didnt. ( )4. The fire exit is the fifteenth door along from Dancers.( )5. The clerk described Johns room to him.TTFFFKnowledge pointsbook v. 预定Yao Ming _ for his mother at the Dragons Head Hotel.姚明在龙首宾馆给他 的妈妈订了个房间。has booked a room He wants to book a ticket to the 2010 World Cup.initial n. 首字母Z is the initial of Zorro.The waitress will lead you personally to your room. 1.lead 2. lead led led3.2. personally -by oneselfallow *He doesnt allow smoking here. 这不允许吸烟。 *They shouldnt allow parking in this street.他们不允许在这条街上停车。 *Who allowed you to do that?谁允许你

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