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NI官方labview培训教材Lesson 5-8ppt课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:ZJ****3
  • 文档编号:51836860
  • 上传时间:2018-08-16
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    • 1、Lesson 5 ClustersTOPICS Introduction to Clusters Cluster Functions Error Clusters1Clusters Data structure that groups data together Data may be of different types Analogous to struct in C or a record in Pascal Elements must be either all controls or all indicators Thought of as wires bundled into a cable 21. Select a Cluster shell from the Array each number represents a color Use these options to set and display color mapping scheme Cursor also adds a third dimension25The waveform chart is a spe

      2、cial numeric indicator that displays one or more plots. The waveform chart has the following three update modes: A strip chart shows running data continuously scrolling from left to right across the chart. A scope chart shows one item of data, such as a pulse or wave, scrolling partway across the chart from left to the right. A sweep works similarly to a scope except it shows the old data on the right and the new data on the left separated by a vertical line. Waveform graphs and XY graphs displa

      3、y data from arrays. Right-click a waveform chart or graph or its components to set attributes of the chart and its plots.Summary26You can display more than one plot on a graph using the Build Array function and the Bundle function for charts and XY graphs. The graph becomes a multiplot graph when you wire the array of outputs to the terminal. When you wire data to charts and graphs, use the Context Help window to determine how to wire them. You can use intensity charts and graphs to plot three-d

      4、imensional data. The third dimension is represented by different colors corresponding to a color mapping that you define. Intensity charts and graphs are commonly used in conjunction with spectrum analysis, temperature display, and image processing.Summary, cont.27Lesson 7 Making Decisions in a VITOPICS Decision making with the Select function Case Structures Formula Nodes28Simple Decision: Select Function If Temp Scale is TRUE, pass top input; if temp scale is FALSE, pass bottom input. If the d

      5、ecision to be made is more complex than a Select function can execute, a Case Structure may be what is required.29Boolean Case Structure Example: If Temp Scale is TRUE, execute True case; if temp scale is FALSE, execute False case.Case Structures30 In the Structures subpalette of Functions palette Enclose nodes or drag them inside the structure Stacked like a deck of cards, only one case visible at a timeCase Structures31Boolean and Numeric CasesWire all possible outputs of the case structure32S

      6、tring, Enum, and Error CasesString Case Enum Case Error Case33 In the Structures subpalette Implement complicated equations Variables created at border Variable names are case sensitive Each statement must terminate with a semicolon (;) Context Help Window shows available functionsNote semicolonFormula Node34Decision Making with Formula NodesTwo different ways of using an if-then statement in a Formula NodeBoth structures produce the same result35The Select function is used to choose between two

      7、 inputs dependant on a boolean input. A Case structure has two or more cases. Only one case is visible at a time, and the structure executes only one case at a time. If the case selector terminal is Boolean, the structure has a TRUE case and a FALSE case. If the selector terminal is an integer, string, or enumerated type value, the structure can have up to 2311 cases.Inputs are available to all cases, but cases do not need to use each input. If at least one output tunnel is not defined, all outp

      8、ut tunnels on the structure appear as white squares. Formula Nodes are useful for complicated equations and for using existing text-based code. A semicolon (;) must terminate each statement.Summary36Lesson 8 Strings and File I/OTOPICS How to create string controls and indicators How to use several String functions About file I/O operations How to use the high-level File I/O VIs How to use the low-level File I/O VIs How to format text files for use in spreadsheets37 A string is a sequence of disp

      9、layable or - characters (ASCII) Many uses displaying messages, instrument control, file I/O String control/indicator is in the ControlsString subpaletteStrings38String Display ModesNormal displayPassword display code displayHex display39Concatenate Strings (spaces here)String LengthString Functions40String FunctionsString SubsetMatch Pattern41Converting Numerics to Strings: Build String42Converting Strings to Numerics: Scan From String43Edit Format StringScan From String Function44File Input and OutputFour Hierarchy Levels:High-level File VIsIntermediate File VIs and FunctionsAdvanced File Functions subpaletteExpress VIs45 Write to Spreadsheet File Read from Spreadsheet File Write Characters to File Read Characters from File Read Lines from FileHigh-level File I/O VIs46File I/O Programming Model - IntermediateOpen/ Create/ Replace FileRead and/or Write to FileClose FileCheck for Errors47Write to File Example Open/Crea

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    发车时刻表 长途客运 入党志愿书填写模板精品 庆祝建党101周年多体裁诗歌朗诵素材汇编10篇唯一微庆祝 智能家居系统本科论文 心得感悟 雁楠中学 20230513224122 2022 公安主题党日 部编版四年级第三单元综合性学习课件 机关事务中心2022年全面依法治区工作总结及来年工作安排 入党积极分子自我推荐 世界水日ppt 关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见 空气单元分析 哈里德课件 2022年乡村振兴驻村工作计划 空气教材分析 五年级下册科学教材分析 退役军人事务局季度工作总结 集装箱房合同 2021年财务报表 2022年继续教育公需课 2022年公需课 2022年日历每月一张 名词性从句在写作中的应用 局域网技术与局域网组建 施工网格 薪资体系 运维实施方案 硫酸安全技术 柔韧训练 既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程 建筑工地疫情防控 大型工程技术风险 磷酸二氢钾 2022年小学三年级语文下册教学总结例文 少儿美术-小花 2022年环保倡议书模板六篇 2022年监理辞职报告精选 2022年畅想未来记叙文精品 企业信息化建设与管理课程实验指导书范本 草房子读后感-第1篇 小数乘整数教学PPT课件人教版五年级数学上册 2022年教师个人工作计划范本-工作计划 国学小名士经典诵读电视大赛观后感诵读经典传承美德 医疗质量管理制度 2 2022年小学体育教师学期工作总结 2022年家长会心得体会集合15篇
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