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必修二 unit 1 cultural relics

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    • 1、Unit 1 Cultural RelicsPeriod2 Readingthe Second Saturday of JuneCan you give me some examples of cultural relics that you know at home and abroad?世界文化遗产日TAI MAHAL(泰姬陵) It is located in India. It is the grave a king built for his wife. It showed the deep love of the king and queen.The Leaning Towerof Pisa(比萨斜塔) It is the famous Italy building. It got the name leaning tower because it leans to the earth. It is actually used for telling people time. Louvre Museum(卢浮宫)vIt is also called musee du lou

      2、vre in France. vIt was built in the 13th century. vIt was a castle for the king of France. vIn 1793,it was opened to the public and became a museum.卢浮宫始建于13世纪,是当时法国路 易王室的城堡,被充当为国库及艺术 馆 。 Versailles palace(凡尔赛宫)1)It was first built for the king when they hunted in the countryside. 2) Now it is a museum.London Tower (伦敦塔) It was built in the 1000s. The workers spent nearly 12years to finish it. It was once used as the castle,the prison, the museum. Now, it becomes the scenery for the people all ov

      3、er the world.amberThe Amber RoomSuppose the Amber Room got lost, how would you feel? 7,000 tons of amber were used to make it.In search of the Amber RoomWhat can we learn from the title?PredictionWhat do you want to learn from the passage? What is amber? What is the Amber Room like? Why are people in search of it? How do people search for it? What is the result of the search work? What is amber? Colour: yellow-brown; easily melts when heated.What is the Amber Room like?7,000 tons of amber; made

      4、with gold and jewelsDesign: fancy style, Fast Reading (paragraph1)The Amber RoomPurposeIt was made not to be a _, but for the _ of Frederick I.What happened to the Amber Room. 1716_.1770_.1941_.2003_.Frederick William gave the Amber Roomto Peter the Great as a gift.Catherine had completed the adding tothe Amber roomThe Nazi German army stole theAmber RoomThe rebuilding of the Amber Room wascompleted.gift palaceCareful readingNames of placesWhat is it used for?The palace of Frederick St. Petersbu

      5、rg(Winter Palace)Summer PalaceKonigsbergFor the people of St. Petersburg to celebrate the 300th birthday of the cityThe places where the Amber Room has ever been?PrussiaA small reception hall for important visitorsCatherine spent her summers thereSummer PalaceFrederickFrederick WilliamPeter the Great CzarPeter the Great CzarCatherineCatherineNaziWhat did these people do to the Amber Room?Peoples opinion of the Amber Room:1.Peter the Great 2.Catherine II3.The writer4. People in Russia and Germany nowSuppose you are the guide of the Amber Room! You are going to introduce the Amber Room to us. What are you going to introduce?Role-playbuiltlostrebuiltadded to more detailsgave to sb as a giftwelcomestolenDo you think its meaningful to rebuild the Amber Room?Debateforagainst

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