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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、1Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.POM外呼系统功能介绍2Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.基于Avaya Experience Portal IVR系统的主动 外呼应用 多渠道的自动主动外呼活动执行和自动通知 基于统一的Avaya voice portal自助服务门户系统管理和运行 呼叫检测分类 集成的面向目标的外呼活动管理工具联系策略联系人管理集成的管理主动联络活动管理Voice 语音渠道Avaya experience portal 主动联络活动报表统计SMS 短消息渠道email 电子邮件渠道3Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.3基于EP系统的应用4Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed ag

      2、reement or Avaya policy.4通过EP系统进行集中管理4管理日志/告警用户角色许可5Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.单一环境支持多个并发的外呼任务Customer CCustomer ASIPProactive Outreach人工座席 (需要时)Customer BVoiceTextE MailWelcome AboardPayment ReminderProduct PromotionSubscription RenewalsExample Applications6Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.6扩越多渠道的联系 电话到 Email 到文本6BusyRing - No AnswerVoicemailLive VoiceAutomated NotificationCustom Voicemail message: “Sorry we m

      3、issed you. Your subscription expires today! Please call us at 8XX-XXXX”Attempts additional try in X hours then moves to text or emailIf time sensitive, leaves a message then moves immediately to SMS text or email contactCustomerSIPProactive Outreach人工座席 (需要时)VoiceTextE Mail7Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.功能概览外呼清单管理功能Define contact attributesXDefine Contact GroupsXDefine data sourcesXSchedule contact data importsXImport from local file, FTP, SFTPXImport f

      4、rom external RDBMSXSupport for custom import connectorsXMonitor progress of contact data importsX外呼活动管理功能Campaign creation wizardXAbility to set record selection criterias XTime based finish criteriaXGoal based finish criteriaXLive Monitoring of campaignsXManaging license during executionXAbility to pause,resume,stop campaignXCampaign TemplatesXCustom Completion CodesX外呼渠道 Voice/VideoX SMSX EmailX8Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.功能概览外呼策略管理功能 Rich GUI base

      5、d web editorX escalate between channelsX restrict based on contact attributesX restrict based on Day,Date, TimeX Over ride based on opt-insX separate apps for live voice , answering machine, fax etcX Choose phone number, email IDs based on time of the dayX custom ANI based on contact attributesX Ability to specify custom or standard AppsX Custom retry intervals, counts & intervalsX notification language based on customer languageXPDC 数据接口 Update Disposition NodeX AddToDNCList NodeX RemoveFromDNC

      6、List NodeX SaveContactInfo NodeX GetContactInfo NodeX AddContactToRunningJob NodeXWeb Services接口 UpdateDispositionX AddToDNCListX RemoveFromDNCListX SaveContactInfoX GetContactInfoX AddContactToRunningJobXGetAllCompletionCodesForCampaignX9Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.9功能概览VPMS集成功能 Single Sign OnX RBAC using VPMSX Info / Error Log integration with VPMSXAlarm integration with VPMSXLicense integration with VPMSX Report Integration with VPMSXAudit Logs int

      7、egration with VPMSX报表功能Filter screens for reportingX Campaign summary reportsX Job summary reportsX Job Completion code summary reports X Trend reportsX系统管理 VPMS X ServersX PurgingXCampaign RestrictionsX Global configurationsX SMS Gateway configurations X Update DNC ListXLinux 服务 Start serverX Stop serverX Management 服务 Start serverX Stop serverXData base 数据库支持 PostgresX OracleX系统安装 VPMS Plug-inXServer InstallationX10Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.组件43 个

      8、主要的组件 Plug-in for Experience Portal Web application which is integrated with VPMS. 工具 Interface with VPMS for licensingInterface with VPMS for logging , Alarming 服务器端 Campaign Director service Campaign Manager service SMS Gateway service Web services Driver CCXML Application Manages lifecycle of an outbound call launched by Campaign ManagerInstalled only on Primary VPMS Can be installed on Primary or Auxiliary VPMS11Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.VPMS Pl

      9、ug-in4VPMS Plug-in 安装在主VPMS 机器上: 作为一个应用注册到VP系统上 执行多个脚本初始化相关功能的配置,包括日志,告警,报表,许可 等 安装web 应用,使得可以通过VPMS Web接口访问12Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.4 Campaign Director 负责任务的启动,停止,暂停,恢复. 执行联系人数据定时导入. 负责负载分配 负责健康检查4 Campaign Manager 负责外呼活动的执行.4 Web Services12服务器端应用程序13Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.概述4联系人管理功能 Contact Groups 联系人逻辑分组 Contact Attributes 支持众多常用的联系人属性. 支持定义客户化的联系人属性. Data sources 多种联系人获取方式. File, Database, custom 定时获取联系人14Avaya Proprietary. Use pursuant to your signed agreement or Avaya policy.Contact Groups联系人群组4 联系人信息的逻辑分组. 可建立多个Contact Groups供外呼活动使用 ,例如: Contact Group “My Team” 存储所有团队成员的联系信息,并在 生日祝福外呼活动中使用该contact Group. Contact Group Overdue Credit card customers“ 存储所有信用 卡付款延迟的客户信息,在催收活动中使用该Contact Group.4 一个联系人记录可以存在于多个Contact Groups中4 通过Data S


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