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    • 1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 英语 八年级 下册 配人教(新目标)版Section B一、重点单词1. _ 流行音乐;流行乐曲2. _ 摇滚乐 3. _ 乐队4. _ 永远 5. _ 真实地;事实上6. _ 迷;狂热爱好者 7. _ 南方的8. _ 现代的;当代的 poprockbandforeveractuallyfan southernmodern课前预习9. _成功 10. _ 笑;笑声11. _ 美;美丽 12. _ 一百万13. _ 唱片;记录;录制;录(音)14. _ 行;排 successlaughterbeautymillionrecordline二、重点短语1. _ music乡村音乐 2. study _ 出国留学3. _ home回到家4. _ of 所有的 5. ever _自从 6. the _ of 的起源地7. _ to属于 8. be _ to 对友善的countryabroadreturnallsincehomebelongkind / friendly9. one _ 互相;彼此 10. see

      2、sb. _ 看到某人做(全过程)11. _ _ of 的数目 12. _ to 将介绍给13. fight _ 为而争吵anotherdothe numberintroduceover【1】But five years ago, while she was studying abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio. 但是五年前,当她在英国留学时,她在收音机上听到了一首充满思乡之情的歌曲。 【知识点】abroad 和on the radio的用法。【讲解1】abroad adv.意为“在国外;到国外”。如:My father often goes abroad. 我爸爸经常出国。名师点津【讲解2】on the radio意为“在收音机里;通过无线电广播”,这里的介词on表示“以方式”。如:I heard the song on the radio. 我在收音机里听到了这首歌。【熟记】go abroad 出国live abroad 住在国外at home a

      3、nd abroad 在国内外on the Internet 通过因特网;在网上on the telephone 通过电话on the radio 在收音机里;通过无线广播on TV 在电视上;通过电视【学以致用】1. 在我出国留学前,我经常通过无线广播收听英语。(汉译英)I used to listen to English programs _ _ _before _ _.( )2. Theyre going to travel _and communicate with people from all over the world. This will open doors for them. (2016福建)A. out B. outsideC. abroad D. aroundradioabroadonthegoingC【2】Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. 从那以后,她成了一名美国乡村音乐爱好者。 【知识点】ever since的用法。【讲解】ever since意为“从以后;一直以来

      4、”。ever since作连词时等同于since,ever起强调作用,主句常用现在完成时。如:I havent heard from him since last year. I havent heard from him ever since last year. 从去年起我就失去了他的音讯。【学以致用】( )I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends . A. as usual B. again and againC. sooner or later D. ever sinceD【3】Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success, but not about belonging to a group. 现在的很多歌曲是关于美国现代生活的,例如金钱和成功的重要性,但它们不属于一种类型。 【知识点】success的用法。【讲解】success

      5、n.意为“成功”。其动词为succeed,形容词为successful,副词为successfully。如: The competition is a great success. 这场比赛是伟大的成功。【熟记】succeed in doing sth.成功做某事make a success 取得成功【学以致用】( )1. She works very hard,so she will _ in_ the exam. A. successful; pass B. success; passing C. succeed; passing D. successful; passing( )2. Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of his _. (2015沈阳)A. success B. chanceC. idea D. dreamAC【4】However, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind to eac

      6、h other and trusted one another. 然而, 乡村音乐把我们带回人们彼此友好、彼此信任的“美好旧时代”。 【知识点】kind的用法。【讲解】be kind to意为“ 对友好”,其同义词组是be friendly to。kind还可意为“种类”。如:Teachers in this school are kind to parents. 这个学校的老师对家长很友好。This kind of watch is very popular with ladies. 这种手表在女士中很流行。【熟记】与kind相关的常见短语:a kind of 一种 all kinds of各种各样的【学以致用】( )1. _music do you like?Soft music. A. What kind of B. What sizeC. What size of D. What size bowl of( )2. Missy was born with _ illness and it makesher really small for her age.A. kind of

      7、B. a kind of C. kinds of D. all kinds of BA【5】Hes sold more than 120 million records. 他的唱片销量已经超过1.2亿张。 【知识点】million以及相关数词的用法。【讲解】million num.意为“一百万”。当million 前面有具体的数字时,用单数形式;当million 后面与of 连用时,用复数形式。即:具体数两无(无-s,无of);模糊数两有(有-s,有of)。如:It is said that more than four million people die from smoking each year. 据说每年有四百万人死于吸烟。 Millions of people around the world die of cancer every year. 全世界每年有数以百万计的人死于癌症。【熟记】two hundred 两百 hundreds of 数以百计的three thousand 三千 thousands of成千上万的four million四百万 millions of

      8、成百万的【学以致用】( )1. Where were you born,Michael?I was born in a small village with only three _ people. (2016福建)A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of( )2. The wall was built by hand and it took_years to finish. (2016青岛)A. hundreds B. hundredC. hundred of D. hundreds ofAD( )3. There are three _ books in the big library. A. million B. million of C. millions D. millions ofA【6】At the end of the day, the bus brought us back to our school. 傍晚的时候,公共汽车带我们回到了我们的学校。 【知识点】at the end of的用法。【讲解】at the end of,意为“ 在的结尾/末端”,既可以用来表示时间,又可以用来表示地点。at the beginning of意为“在开始”,意思与之相反。如:The audience got very excited at the end of the speech. 在演讲结束时观众变得十分激动。 There was a cow at the end of the road. 在路的尽头有一头母牛。【熟记】in the endat lastfinally 最后;终于by the end of 在结束时(常与过去完成时连用)【学以致用】( )I tried many times, I succeeded. A. on the end


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