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2017湖南中考面对面 英语(衡阳专用) 语法专题突破 专题七 形容词和副词 (共52张ppt)

  • 卖家[上传人]:cjc****537
  • 文档编号:50729000
  • 上传时间:2018-08-10
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    • 1、 专题七 形容词和副词第二部分 语法专题突破命题点一 形容词用法与辨析第一节 形容词和副词的用法及辨析第二节 形容词和副词的比较等级命题点二 副词的用法与辨析命题点一 形容词的用法与辨析分析衡阳近7年中考真题可知,形容词词义辨析是每年必考点。主要在完形填空中考查 3个形容词的语境辨析,偶尔考查形容词的固定第一节 形容词和副词的用法及辨析搭配。单词拼写题近4年共考查4次。单项选择中考查较少。考生平常复习中需重点记忆常见形容词的词义以及固定搭配。形容词的用法及位置(2013年3题,2011年38题)形容词用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征,在句中可以作定语,表语或宾语补足语。作定语(1)修饰名词时,一般放在名词的前面。如:He lives in a beautiful house. 他住在一座漂亮的房子里。(2)修饰复合不定代词时,必须后置。如:I have something important to tell you. 我有一些重要的事情告诉你。(3)enough修饰名词时,既可前置,也可后置(常前置)。如:We have enough time to finish the work.我

      2、们有足够的时间来完成这项工作。作表语(1)形容词经常放在系动词后面作表语,初中阶段常见的系动词有:be, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, seem, get, become, turn等。如:The milk smells terrible. 牛奶闻起来很糟糕。(2)有些形容词只能作表语,如:afraid 害怕的,alike 相像的,asleep睡着的,awake醒着的,alive活着的,ill生病的。如: She cleaned the room while her baby was asleep. 她在婴儿睡着时打扫了房间。作宾语补足语形容词放在宾语之后,对其进一步补充说明。如:I find it easy to learn English well. 我发现学好英语是容易的。常见的形容词词义辨析常见同类形容词辨析衡阳中考中对同类形容词辨析的考查主要包括情感情绪类(sad难过的, afraid害怕的, angry 生气的)、性格品质类(polite礼貌的)、天气类(foggy多雾的)和词义相对类等。常见易混形容词辨析1. little, a lit

      3、tle, few与a few讲解详见本书P132. too much, much too与too many讲解详见本书P513. v.-ing形容词与v. -ed形容词讲解详见本书P24常见的形容词固定搭配与for搭配 be famous for因而出名(2014年65题) be bad for对有坏处 be eager for渴望 be good for对有好处 be sorry for为感到抱歉 be thirsty for渴望与of搭配be full of.充满be proud of.对感到自豪be afraid of.害怕be tired of对厌倦与with搭配be angry with生的气be busy with忙于be filled with.充满be satisfied with对感到满意be patient with对有耐心be strict with sb.对某人要求严格(更多相关固定搭配见话题写作天天见)1. Most foreign visitors are very i_ in Chinese traditional culture.2. Mr. Tan m

      4、akes the best noodles in the town. They taste really d_!3. The film was so b_ that I felt sleepy when I saw it yesterday evening.ntereste deliciousoring4. It might be cold and _ (潮湿的) in Hong Kong in January.5. The story is really _ (有趣的). It makes all of us laugh a lot.6. This kind of mobile phone is very _ (便宜的) and simple to use.7. Its every policemans duty to keep people _(安全的) and the traffic in good order.wetfunnycheapsafe8. Nowadays, its very necessary to protect our _ (person) informatio

      5、n.9. WeChat is very popular among young people because its really _ (use)10. April Fools Day is a _ (west) festival. You can play a joke on others on that day.persona lusefulwestern11. Why did she get so mad? It was only a _(hopeful, harmless, harmful) joke.12. Though he is alone at home, he doesnt feel _for he has many things to do.harmles slonely命题点二 副词的用法与辨析近7年衡阳中考真题中,对副词的用法与辨析的考查仅在完形填空中出现,且考查重点为副词词义辨析。在备考时,考生要熟练掌握课本中重点副词的词义及用法。副词的用法主要用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句。在句中可用作状语、表语和定语。如:I spread my arms wide,

      6、 laughing loudly and proudly. 我张开双臂,大声而又自豪地笑着。Lingling can draw very well. Drawing is her hobby. 玲玲画画很好。画画是她的爱好。副词一般位于句首、句末或放在所修饰的动词之后;频度副词通常位于实义动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。如:Clearly, my friend had left it in the taxi the night before.很明显,我朋友前一天晚上把它落在了那辆出租车上。He is always thinking of others.他总是想着别人。常见副词的分类副词词义副词词义carefully 小心地(2010年28题)quietly安静地bravely勇敢地sadly伤心地slowly缓慢地brightly明亮地quickly快速地angrily生气地以ly 结尾的副词 程度副词:放在被修饰的形容词或副词 前,情态动词或助动词之后(enough修饰形容 词或副词时需后置)程度副词词义程度副词词义quite相当,完全, 十分only仅仅rather相当,

      7、颇even甚至very非常enough足够much许多a lot许多such如此so如此时间副词时间副词词义时间副词词义now现在soon很快once曾经,以前today今天tomorrow明天suddenly突然immediately立即,立刻at once立刻,马上地点副词地点副词词义地点副词词义Outside (2015年39题)在外面, 在户外inside在里面,在内部here这儿upstairs在楼上there那儿downstairs在楼下疑问副词疑句副词词义疑问副词词义 where在哪里why为什么when何时how怎么样频度副词讲解详见本书P23 表示“也,又”的副词。常见的有“also, too, either, as well”等。讲解详见本书P65形容词转化为副词类别 构成方法 例词一般情况下 直接加lycarefulcarefully clearclearly bravebravely clearclearly辅音字母加y 结尾的词变y为i再 加lyhealthyhealthil yeasyeasily happyhappily angryangrily heav

      8、yheavily辅音字母加le 结尾的词去e加ysimplesimply terribleterribly gentlegently possiblepossibly probableprobably 少数以e结尾 的词去掉e再加lytruetruly与形容词同形具体具体fast, late, early, much, deep, little, hard, only, well, enough, long, high注意:有些以ly结尾的词是形容词而非副词。如 :lovely, lively, friendly, lonely。13. The film covers all of the Chinese culture. It is r_ worth seeing again.14. Driving in this area can be very dangerous. You cant be t_ careful.15. Though Jack and Mike are twin brothers, they deal with problems quite d_eallyooif

      9、ferently16. Students are encouraged to discuss _ (自由地) about what they think.17. My brothers spoken English was very poor, but now he can speak English _ (完美地) after studying hard.18. Dont stay up too late. We will have to set off _ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning.freelyperfectlyearly19. For a moment, I could say nothing. I could _ stand and look.20. Its difficult to live in a foreign country, _ if you cant understand the language there.onlyespeciall y21. Many villages and towns in south China were damaged _ by the typhoon last year.22. Its very _ for people to learn team spirit. If everyone can do this, the world will be more beautiful.seriousl yimportan tnervous important happy serious heavy natural23. When Mary stood up to answer the q

      《2017湖南中考面对面 英语(衡阳专用) 语法专题突破 专题七 形容词和副词 (共52张ppt)》由会员cjc****537分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017湖南中考面对面 英语(衡阳专用) 语法专题突破 专题七 形容词和副词 (共52张ppt)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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