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    • 1、英文医学论文的 撰写及常见问题照日格图 中华医学杂志 英文版 总编辑 美国新英格兰医学杂志(N Engl J Med) 编委英文医学论文的格式和内容 文题 Title 作者名单 Authors name 作者单位 Author affiliation 摘要 Abstract 关键词 Key words 引言 Introduction 材料与方法 Materials and Methods英文医学论文的格式和内容 结果 Results 讨论 Discussions 致谢 Aknowledgement 利益冲突 Conflicts of interest 参考文献 References 图、表 Figures, tables 图注和表注等 Figure legends, etc. 附件 Appendices文 题 用短语或句子形式集中反映一篇论文主 要内容的一段文字供审稿、引起读者阅读兴趣、供编制索 引等用一定逻辑关系连接起来的名词短语或 句子对文题的要求:简(Brief, 字数18,2行) 明(Clear, 清楚,不模糊) 准(Precise, 不夸大、不过于概括、稍具体)文题的内容和组

      2、成内容:研究的主要内容 组成:短语或句子 。一般以一个核心词或核心短语为核心,用其他 一些重点词(最常见的有研究对象、研究方法,甚 至研究的结果)一起说明研究的主要内容。例如:Ultrasound guided lithotripsy of salivary calculi (in ) using an electromagnetic lithotriptor,这里lithotrypsy是核心词。例如:Genetic deficiency in the chemokine receptor CCR1 protects against acute Clostridium difficile toxin A enteritis in mice (Gastroenterology 2002 122: 725) 例如:Amylin peptide levels are raised in infants of diabetic mothers (Arch Dis Child 2005, 90:1279) 例如:Characteristics of pediatric traumatic amp

      3、utations treated in hospital emergency departments: United States, 19902002 (Pediatrics, 2005, 116: e667)。文题应避免的情况 不应过长、不应过于概括、不应抽象字数不应超过18个主要词(major words)文题中应避免使用不重要的、含义不明确的词,如: “A study on .”, “An investigation of .”, “A clinical study on .”, “A survey of .” 等词文题如以定冠词The开头,多数情况下 将其省略。Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements to guide treatment in chronic asthma (N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2163)复合文题:例如:Effect of nonoxynol-9 gel on urogenital gonorrhea and chlamydial infection:A randomized controlle

      4、d trial (JAMA. 2002;287:1117-1122)文题的书写格式:例如:Long-term results of prophylactic cranial irradiation for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer in complete remission (Chin Med J, 2005, 118: 1258)。文题的书写格式:国外期刊对文题书写格式要求与国内期 刊的不同。每个实词首字母都大写Perioperative Chemotherapy versus Surgery Alone for Resectable Gastroesophageal Cancer(N Engl J Med, 2006, 355:11-20)仅第一个词的首字母大写:Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity (N Engl J Med 2002, 346:802-810)文题的某些特别注意事项:数字

      5、:若以数字开始,用英文拼写的数 词,不可用阿拉伯数字。标点符号:引号用单引号药名:用通用名种属名称: 微生物、植物(草药)等的正 式名用用斜体字,如Streptococcus pneumoneae, Helicobacter pyloris缩略语:尽可能避免Transfusion-transmitted virus infection改为: Transfusion-transmitted virus infection in patients with viral hepatitides A to E and healthy controlsPulmonary function examination of normal infants between 112 months in Guangzhou DistrictPulmonary function of healthy infants 1-12 months of age in Guangzhou area Test results and clinical significance of the four serum marke

      6、rs in health persons and others suffering with chronic hepatitisClinical significance of four serum markers of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis and healthy personsPsychiatric disorders: A rural-urban comparisonRural-urban differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disordersPrevalence of psychiatric disorders is higher in urban than in rural areasClinical study of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusionClinical characteristics of purulent meningitis complicated w

      7、ith subdural effusion Symptoms and signes of purulent meningitis suggestive of subdural effusion 摘 要 (abstract, summary)简明但稍微具体地反映一篇论文的主要内 容,供阅读、编入数据库等。 写好摘要的重要性总体要求:简明、清晰、重点突出。字数 在250个词左右。结构工作摘要:背景(目的)、方法、结果 和结论。不同期刊要求不同。如N Engl J Med要 求:Background, Method, Result, ConclusionContext (上下文,即Background), 包括Objective的实际内容 Design and Setting, Patients, Intervention, Main Outcome Measures, Results, Conclusions. Method目的 ObjectiveAbstract Objective To evaluate the reliability of 13C-urea breath test (

      8、13C-UBT) in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection by using gastroscopy and serum HP antibody testing.又如: Abstract Objective To explore the flow cytometric 3-color analysis of circulating activated platelets (CAP) and its clinical significance in ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. JAMA表示目的的文字也多用To 短语 ,例如:Objective To compare the effect of CABG surgery with (on-pump) and without (off-pump) cardiopulmonary bypass on cognitive outcome.表示目的的这一段文字应尽可能避免与文题 完全重复。常用于表示目的的动词不定式短语有:To evalua

      9、te To explore (国外期刊少用)To understand To clarify To determine To compare To test the hypothesis 方法 Method1、研究对象基本特征、纳入和排除标准、 分组2、研究方法、设计、所用的技术、治疗的 方法,等等3、主要和次要终点指标Methods In four treatment centers for visceral leishmaniasis, 667 patients between 5 and 55 years of age who were negative for the human immunodeficiency virus and had parasitologically confirmed visceral leishman- iasis were randomly assigned in a 3:1 ratio to receive paromomycin (502 patients) at a dose of 11 mg per kilo- gram of body weight intramuscularly daily for 21 days or amphotericin B (165 patients) at a dose of 1 mg per kilogram intravenously every other day for 30 days. Final cure was assessed 6 months after the end of treatment; safety assessments included daily clinical evaluations and weekly laboratory


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