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  • 上传时间:2018-07-21
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    • 1、The Capital of FranceFranceThe National Flag of FranceArc de TriompheThe Arch of TriumphEiffel Tower and ParisThe Seine from Eiffel TowerHeart of Paris from EiffelLouvre卢浮宫The Republic Squarein Paris Notre Dame de ParisSpace Photoof Marseilles马赛的 遥感照片Cannes Beach戛纳海滨Cannes Sandman戛纳海滨沙雕像Cannes Film Festival was held annually in Cannes, France since 1946.In this grand festival ,Cast members and guests arrive at the Festival Palace for the opening night ceremony. In all, more than 1000 films will

      2、be screened during the two-week festival.In 1994,“To Live” acted by Gong Li and Ge You was awarded the Grand Prix du jury and Ge You was named Best Actor. In 1997,Gong Li was nominated as one of the judges of Cannes Film Festival in France .Gao Yuanyuan in the 59th International Cannes Film FestivalThe well-known Hongkongnese actress Ms Zhang Manyu was named Best Actress in 2002 Festival with the wonderful film Clean,and she was the first Chinese actress named Best Actress of Cannes Film Festiva

      3、l .Meeting and Greeting FormalitiesAt a business or social meeting, shake hands with everyone present when arriving and leaving. A handshake may be quick with a light grip. Men may initiate handshakes with women. When family and close friends greet one another, they often kiss both cheeks. Body Language and Non-verbal CommunicationDo not sit with legs spread apart. Sit up straight with legs crossed at knee or knees together. Feet should never placed on tables or chairs. Toothpicks, nail clippers

      4、, and combs are not used in public. Keep your hands out of your pockets. The French use the “thumbs up“ sign to say “okay.“ The “okay“ sign, made with index finger and thumb, means “zero.“ Do not slap your open palm over a closed fist (this is considered a vulgar gesture). Do not yawn or scratch in public. Sneeze or blow your nose as quietly as possible using a handkerchief or tissue. If possible, leave the room. Corporate Culture and Negotiation Style Professionalism is highly valued in busines

      5、s and is the key to acceptance of outsiders. France enjoys a skilled, well-educated labor force. Hard work is admired, but workaholism is not. Be on time. The French appreciate punctuality. Many French speak and understand English, but prefer not to use it. An interpreter will probably not be necessary, but check ahead of time. Use French only for greetings, toasts and occasional phrases unless your French is perfect. Give business cards to the receptionist or secretary upon arrival to an office

      6、 and to each person you meet subsequently. Print cards in English or French. Include academic degree and/or title. Government plays a major role in business. Find a local representative (banker, lawyer or agent) to help you through regulatory obstacles. Business people tend to be formal and conservative. Business relationships are proper, orderly and professional. Dont discuss personal life with business people. Personal lives are kept separate from business relationships. Entering a room and seating is done by rank. French are leaders in the area of economic planning. Plans are far-reaching and detailed. Organizations are highly centralized with a powerful chief executive. Bosses are often dictatorial and authoritative The French get down to business quickly, but make decisions slowly after much deliberation.


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