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    • 1、 Eileen Chang ContentsEvaluation Works and well-known saying Love Lifetime Family Eminent familyGrandfather Zhang Peilun(张佩纶 )Her grandmother is the daughter of Li Hongzhang (李鸿章)黄逸梵Zhangs mother is an extraordinary woman Although she was born in rich and powerful family ,as her mother is a concubine(小妾) and parents died early , so her childhood is not happy. She was affected by the May 4 movement and went abroad to study painting in 1920s.She was well acquainted with Xu Beihong and JiangBiWei a

      2、nd she has completely become a new school of women. As ZhangZhiYis(张志沂)wife, accepted the new thought, she cant stand her husbands doing nothing but taking opium, patronizing a prostitute(嫖妓), eventually the marriage was broken. HuangYifan died in a foreign country lonely.ContentsExtraordinary mother 19201930 On Sep.30,1920,she was born in shanghai 1924, she began to accept old-style private school (私塾教育),at the same time, began her novel creation 1925,her mother went abroad to study. 1927,when

      3、she was7,they move back to Shanghai. Zhang started to learn paino, painting and English from her mother. 1928,her family moved back to Tianjin and she bagan to read famous works. 1930,her mother insisted to send her to primary school.childhood19301940 1932,she published her first novel Unfortunately she in her schoolbooks. 1933,her first essay 迟暮 In the summer of 1937,she graduated from St. Maria girls school Just because she went to her mothers home to escape Japanese intense fire boming , she

      4、was beaten by his father. In 1938, escape from father home, from now on with fathers farewell. In the same year, zhang ailing again accepted the test of fate: even though she admitted to London university , but could not go tobecause intense war. 1939,she was admitted to the university of Hong Kong to study literature. 1940 April 16, the west wind, monthly magazine announced 3 anniversary essay, Eileen changs My Dream of Genius won third honorary award.19401950In 1941, the Pacific war broke out.

      5、 In 1942,Hangkang failed, she went back to Shanghai. In 1943, all kinds of magazines started to publish her all sorts of novel .She wears clothes are mostly by oneself design, or by her best friend Yanying design, both color and style are very special. In 1944, she fled the war and get married with the traitors Hu Lancheng. In 1947,she divorced with Hu 1948 ,she begin to use the pen name“ Liangjing“ to write “ 18 springs “(later renamed“ half life fate “) July 1950 to join the Shanghai first lit

      6、erature art world congressWear all sorts of fashion19501995lIn 1952, she went Hong Kong,and required for resumption of schooling of the Hong Kong university.lIn the autumn of 1955 ,by the ship named “Clevelands President,“ to the United States In August, 1956, at the age of 36 zhang ailing ,married her second husband 65 years old Laiya, an American people. 1960 ,she become American citizens In 1967, her huaband died Between 1970 and 19800, zhang ailing studied the dream of the red mansion .红楼梦 I

      7、n 1973, settled in Los Angeles. September 8, 1995, died in Los Angeles apartment, around at that time,that day was Chinese festival- -“ the Mid-Autumn festival “, at age seventy-five. September 30, zhang ailings birthday, Lin Shitong and other friends scattered her ashes into the Pacific Ocean.Old age遗嘱:死后马上火葬, 不要人看到遗体。 不举行任何葬礼仪式。 骨灰撒向空旷无人处。 遗物全部寄给宋淇先生。 她的逝世使她的名字在文坛 上再一次复苏。这位沉没了多 年的作家一夜间又浮上水面来 ,而且是前所未有的美。那刻 的美是永恒的,因为张爱玲孤 独的一生走完了,留下的一片 苍凉与无尽叹息化成玻璃灵柩 ,守护着她过去的灿烂。隔着 空间和时间的玻璃墙望回去, 越光辉的成就也越凄凉 【hangove

      8、r】胡兰成说“将来日本战败,我大概还是能逃脱这一劫的, 就是开始一两年恐怕要隐姓埋名躲藏起来,我们不好再在一 起的。”张爱玲笑道:“那时你变姓名,可叫张牵,或叫张招,天 涯地角有我在牵你招你。”张爱玲与胡兰成【 know each other 】On a early spring day of 1944,Hu reads Zhangs novel and decided to visit her house.And he did. Then Hu regularly visit the house of zhang ailing. Zhang ailing send him photo of herself, behind wrote: Saw him, she became very low very low to dust, but she was glad, flower leaves to come from the dust. 见了他,她变得很低很低低到尘埃里,但她心 里是欢喜的,从尘埃里开出花来 This year, Hu was 38 years, and zhang a

      9、iling 24 years old. 【Fell in love】 Hu is understand zhang ailing, to understand her noble family background of elegant, also understand her childhood misfortune because of the generation of the thought of relished. Only a “know“, is perhaps the biggest reason zhang ailings in love with him.In August, 1944, the second wife of Hu proposed to divorce him. In this way,Zhang and Hu get married, no legal procedures just a paper.This time also is Zhangs golden time of writing career.In November 1944,Hu start with the zhang ailing long separation. After went to wuhan soon, he quickly fell in love with a 17 years old nurse ZhouXunDe in Hanyang Hospital.August 15, 1945, the Japanese surrender, the end of Hu came. He fled to zhejiang.There is a 庶母 , named Fan Xiumei, two years older than hu. Family suggested that Hu go


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