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    • 1、Unit 7 Inner VoiceText A Your Inner Voice.New WordsInner adj. 内心的;隐藏的It can be your inner motivation when you need it most.当你最需要它的时候,它可以成为你内心的 动力。 You should try your best to understand the inner meaning of poem.近义词辨析inner, inside, interior, internal, inward 这些形容词均含“内部的,内在的” 之意。 inner含义广泛,指事物的中心或接近中心的 部位,也可指内心隐秘的活动。 inside多指处于某物内部或靠近内部,常可 与inner换用,可引申指内幕的,秘密的。 interior指某物的内部,尤指某物的内侧;也 可指内地的或国内的。.internal书面用词,医学上多用,指事物的内 部,也可指国内的或内政的。 inward指朝着中心或内部方向的,侧重方向 而不是位置;也可指内心的隐秘活动。.hesitation n. 犹豫 She

      2、agreed to see him again without hesitation. After some hesitation, he jumped aboard and gave a speech. 常用搭配】 have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事hesitate vi. 犹豫;不情愿;口吃 Do not hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.wonder v. 想知道;想弄明白;琢磨I wonder who he is, where he comes from and why he comes. I wonder why he has not come back yet.常用搭配 make sb. wonder 让某人遐想 wonder about 对感到奇怪;对感到疑惑wonder n.惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观 Colour television is really a wonder. wonder adj. 奇妙的;非凡的.prompt v. 促使;导致;激起Experts believ

      3、e that the information overload could prompt our brains to evolve in a new way.专家们认为,信息超载能促进我们的大脑以 一种新方式进化。 Colombia hoped that the deal would prompt a wave of inward investment.哥伦比亚希望,此举能够激起一轮国内投资 热潮。.近义词辨析nmotivate, drive, prompt 这些词均含“促使,驱使”之意。 motivate强调驱使人们采取行动的原因或动 机。 drive侧重外来的驱动力和内心的感情力量的 驱使。 prompt与motivate近义,强调起因。常用搭配 prompt sb. to do sth.促使某人做某事.nroll v. (使)翻滚,滚动Hedgehogs can roll into balls. Then roll them up tightly like youre rolling a burrito. 然后紧紧地把它们卷起来,就像卷 煎饼一样。近义词辨析 rotate, re

      4、volve, roll, spin, turn, whirl, circle 这些动词均有“转动,旋转” 之意。.rotate侧重指物体围绕自己的轴或中心旋转,即自 转。 revolve强调指物体围绕本身以外的中心旋转,即公 转。 roll指某物在平面上滚动或翻滚。 spin指沿内轴迅速而连续旋转,或沿外部一个点做 快速圆周运转。 turn普通用词,中性,含义不确切,可指做一个圆 周运动或连续地做圆周运动,也可指仅是沿圆 的弧形转动。 whirl指旋转或做圆周运动,侧重急速或力量。 circle指做圆周运动。.常用搭配 roll to and fro 来回滚动 roll into 卷成,使合为一体;滚进 roll up 卷起;累积;到达;袅袅上升;步履 蹒跚 roll down 滚下.despite prep. 即使;尽管Despite their efforts the project collapsed. I failed the test despite studying all night.近义词辨析 despite, in spite of, notwithstanding

      5、这些前置词或前置短语都含有“虽然,尽管” 之意。.despite书面用词,指不受某事物或某种原因 的阻碍,语气轻于 in spite of. in spite of 在这些词中语气最强,可与despite 换用,口语或书面语中均可使用。 notwithstanding 语气最弱,仅表示一种障碍 的存在。例句 Notwithstanding the bad weather, the match went on. 尽管天气 很糟,比赛还是照常进行。 He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。.nbreak down 失败 Why did the peace talks break down?ntake a chance 冒险 Sometimes you just have to take a chance, and correct your mistakes as you go along. 有时候你必须冒险一试,有错误则边发现边改正 。nmake a difference 有作用;产生影响 Eating

      6、 habit makes a difference to your everyday life. Your support will certainly make a difference in my cause. 你的支持肯定对我的事业很有影响。 .TEXT B.fortune n. 大笔的钱;巨款 Their fortune drained away. 他们的财产逐渐减 少。 The government took chunks of his fortune. 政 府拿走了他的大量财富。常用搭配 good fortune 好财运,好运;顺景 make a fortune 赚大钱,发财 a small fortune 口一笔巨款;很多钱 fame and fortune 名声与财富.characteristic adj. 典型的;独特的;特有的His face shows a characteristic smile.他的脸上展现着一种特别的微笑。.reception n. 接待处I will wait for you in reception.我将在接待处等你。 Leave you

      7、r key at reception.nmake a hit 给(某人)留下很好的第一印象 ;使(某人)一见钟情 You really make a hit in the sports meeting.nas luck would have it 碰巧;偶然;幸而 As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion happened.passive voice.不同时态的被动语态1. 一般现在时 (is/am/are+ved) He likes the novel. The novel is liked by him. 2. 一般过去时(was/were+ved) People built the bridge in 1987. The bridge was built in 1987. 3. 一般将来时(is/are/am going to/will/shall+be+ved) The classes are going to /will discuss the topic tomorrow. Th

      8、e topic is going to /will be discussed tomorrow.不同时态的被动语态4. 过去将来时(was/were going to/would +be +ved) He said he was going to/ would repair the bike the next day. He said the bike was going to /would be repaired the next day. 5.现在进行时(is/are+being+ved) They are reading the materials. The materials are being read by them. 6. 过去进行时(was/were+being+ved) I was brushing the shoes this time yesterday. The shoes were being brushed this time yesterday. .不同时态的被动语态 7.现在完成时(have/has+been+ved) She has finished

      9、the plan already. The plan has been finished already. 8. 过去完成时(had+been+ved) The girl had previewed the text by last night. The text had been previewed by the girl by last night. .情态动词的被动语态(can/may/must+be+ved) We can use coal to produce electricity. Coal can be used to produce electricity .不同时态的被动语态10.将来完成时(will have+been+ved) The car will have been repaired by this time tomorrow.双宾的被动e gave him some advice. He was given some advice. Some advice was given to him.注意事项若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态 时,该不定式前要加“to”。此类动词为感官动词 ,如feel, hear, help, listen to, look at, make, observe, see, notice, watchThe teacher made me go out of the classroom. I was made to go out of the classroom (by the teacher).We saw him play football on the playground. He was seen to play football on the playground.注意事项短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介 词或副词。This is a photo of the power station that has been set up in my hometown. My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. Such a thing has never been


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