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    • 1、 PCT, Spin and Statistics, and AII ThatR.R STREATER Kings College l,ondonA.S. WIGHTMANhinceton UniversityPrinceton University Press Princeton and OxfordPublished by Princeton University Press, 4l William Street,Princeton, New Jersey 08540In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press,3 Market Place, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 ISYFirst paperback printing, with revised Preface and corrections, 2000ff,. iUfirher is pleased to acknowledge the assistance of Cecelia Duray-Bito,who produced the ill

      2、ustrations.Originally published in 1964 as part of the Mathematical Physics Monograph series,by W.A. Benjamin, Inc.PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All ThatFirst printing, 1964Second printing, with additions and corrections, 1978 Third printing, 1980Library of Congress C ataloging-in-Publication DataStreater, R. F.PCT, spin and statistics, and all that / R.F. Streater, A.S. Wightman. p.cm- “Originally published in 1964 as part of the Mathematical physics monographseries, by W.A. Benjamin“-T.p.Inclu

      3、des bibliographical references and index. rsBN 0-691-07M2-8 l. Quantum field theory. I. Wightman, A. S. II. Title.QC174.45.S87 2000 530.143- dc2t ob-oor t toCopyright l9&, 1989 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.The paper used in this publication meets the minimumrequirements of ANSVNISO 239.48-1992 (R1997) (Permanence of Paper)ABCDEFGHIJ-AL-89www. pup.princeton.edu10987654321vrContentst323-5.Chapter 4.4-t. 4-2.4_3. 44. 4-5. 4-6.Appe

      4、ndixIndexSymmetries in a Field Theory BibliographySome General fneorenu of Relativistic Quantum Field TheoryThe Global Naure of I-ocal Commutativity Properties of the Polynomial Algebra of an Open Set Tlrc PCT Theorem Spin and Statistics Ilaags Theorem and Is Generalizations Equivalence Classes of l-ocal Fields orchers Classes) BibliographyConsructive Quantum Field Theory and the Existence of Non-Trivial Theories of Interacting Fields I-ocal Algebras and Superselection Secors Bibliographyt34t34

      5、t37 t42 146161 r68 t75179t79191198205PrefaceThe idea of ttris book arose in a conversation with H.A. Bethe, who remarked that a little book about modern field theory which conained only Memorable Resuls would be a Good Thing. In the field of hisorical research this approach led o the publication of a reatiset which has become a standard text for serious su,rdents. Although it is often dangerous to use the tried and true methods of one subject in another field of research, the application o physi

      6、cs of the principles of that book has led to at least one good resulu we have eliminated all theorems whose proofs are non+xistent.R-F. Streater A.S. Wightman November 1963In the 1978 edition of this book, we added Appendix A, which outlined three signifi- cant developments in the general theory of quantized fields that had occurred since the appearance of the first edition: constructive quantum field theory, the theory of local algebras, and the theory of superselection rules. Neither of these

      7、first two editions contained an account of the Haag-Ruelle collision theory. For that the reader of the first edition was referred to the then forth- coming excellent book by R. Jost (The General Theory of Quantized Fields, American Mathematical Society, 1965). For the 1978 edition this reference was supplemented by a reference to the treatise Introduction to Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory by N. Bogolubov, A. Logunov and I. Todorov, W.A. Benjamin (1975). For the present Princeton University Press reissue (2000), we want to add atW.C. Sellar and R.J. Yeatman, lM and AllTlat, Dutlon, New Yqk, 1931.vlt


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