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Unit 4 Making the News

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
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  • 上传时间:2018-07-18
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    • 1、Unit 4 Making the NewsLanguage pointsdo you imagine插入语 三无:无成分,无关系,无作用generally speaking, strictly speaking, judging from/by, considering To be frank, to be honest, to tell the truth, to make things worse, to sum up, to start with I believe, I think, I know , I hope, Im afraid, whats more, that is to say, believe it or not occupation n. C职业 U居住 占领 C 占据时间的活动 He has been occupying himself occupying himself in designing the in designing the project.project. 区别profession, occupation, careersuppose be

      2、 supposed to do 应当,认为必须be supposed to have done 表示理应做过某事 ,(但可能没做) 他大约一小时后到。 He_in about an hour. 杰克现在应当完成工作了。 Jack_ _.is supposed to be hereis supposed to be hereis supposed to have finished the is supposed to have finished the work.work. supposing=if, 当连词来用,接从句“如 果。假如” _(假如) he is absent, what should we do? supposinginvolve(v.)牵涉,涉及,包括,使参 与 Involve doing 包括做某事,需要做某事 Involve sb. in doing sth. 使某人参与某事,把 某人牵扯到某事上 Dont _ _ _ _ your trouble.别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中 去。 Dont _ _ _ those people.不要和那些人混在一起。involve

      3、other people in involve yourself withinvolved(a.) be/get involved in参与,与有关 Be involved in/with 专心,专心于 How many cars were involved in the crash? She was involved in reading all night.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin,was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.“be to动词原形”在句中表示后来发生的事,意为“注定会;一定会。”另 外 be to do sth.还可表示另外三种情况:一是表示预先安排好的计划或约定;二是表示说话人的意图、职责、义务、命令等情态意义。三是不可避免或命中注定的事,如文中用法。He was to regret the decision for the rest of his life.他余生都会后悔作出了那一决定。 There is to be a concert on Satu

      4、rday evening.星期六晚上将有一场音乐会。 Youre to report this to the police.你应该报警。(1)be about to do sth.表“马上要做某事,某事即将发生”,通常不与时间状语连用。(2)be going to do sth.表打算、想法或某种倾向,用于非正式文体。也可用来表示很可能发生的事或自然现象。 (3)will/shall do多指客观上将要发生的动作。句子通常有一个表示将来的时间状语。 I was about to go to sleep when a knock at the door sounded.我正想睡觉,这时有敲门声。 Were going to have a picnic tomorrow.我们打算明天去野餐。delighted(a.) be delighted with be delighted at/by be delighted to do Be delighted that 对感到高兴因而高兴很高兴做某事很高兴delight Today , a piece of good news _ Lily. W

      5、hen class began, the teacher _ tell the whole class “To my _,_ the results of the test are very excellent, and lily got full marks. This is a _-result. Lets ask her to say something. ”delightedwas delighted to delightdelightfuladmirable(a.)值得赞扬的,令人钦佩 的admire(v.) admirer(n.) admiration(n.) admiring(a.) That they saved the drowning girl was really admirable. I do admire your courage.unusual(a.) Its unusual for sb. to do sth. Its really unusual for him to do you a favor since he is such a selfish o

      6、ne. His response was unusual.Unfold Unknown Unlock Untrue undo Unsafe Unpack unpleasantwith the assistance of 在的帮助下(3)assistant n. 助手,助理 adj. 助理的He said he was willing to assist the family with money problems. You will be required to assist Mrs. Smith in preparing a report. He assisted us to establish a new company.Despite his cries,no one came to his assistance.尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。They asked him to _ them in carrying out the plan,but he refused.Aprovide Barouse Cassist Dpersistprovide “提供”;arouse “唤

      7、醒,引起”;assist “协助”;persist “坚持”。根据句意应该选C项,assist sb. in doing sth.“帮助某人做某事”。 【答案】 CThe young nurse was very nervous when she _ in her first operation.Aresisted Binsisted Chelped Dassisted这个年轻的护士首次帮忙做手术时非常紧张。 resist “抵抗,反抗”;insist “坚持”;help“帮助”,但后面不能跟介词;assist “帮助”,指以助手的身份去协助某人完成某事。 【答案】 Dcover 1). She was sent to cover the event. ( ) 2). The road was covered with snow. ( ) 3). She laughed to cover her worry. ( )报道,采访报道,采访覆覆盖盖遮盖遮盖 4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day. ( ) 5). Is the money

      8、 enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?( ) 6). The city covers ten square miles. ( ) 7). So far this month I have covered ten lessons. ( )走完走完多多 少少里里路路 (钱)够支付(钱)够支付有多少面积有多少面积看完多少页书看完多少页书 submit (vt./vi.)(使)服从,屈服;呈送,递 交;认(以)为 submit sth to 向某人/某组织呈交 submit oneself to 屈服于 submit to 屈服于/归顺于;服从, 1)to submit oneself to discipline 遵守纪律 2)All important problems must be submitted to the meet-ing for discussion.一切重要的问题必须提 交会议讨论。 3)to refuse to submit to an unjust decision 拒绝服 从不公正的决定 4)He has to submit to an operation.他必须动一次 手术。 6)The heroic people will never submit to foreign rule be eager for sth. (eg. success) 渴望,很 想 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 他很渴望见到他的女儿。 _ 我们都很想那项工程早点开始。 _ _He was (is) eager to see his daughter.He was (is) eager to see his daughter.We were eage

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