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    • 1、HomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBackground InformationBR_MAINExtended ReadingWarm-up QuestionsFree DiscussionDetailed ReadingBefore Reading Global Reading After ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.1Warm-up Questions 1. Which season is the most unforgettable to you? Can you use a song or saying to express your opinion? Expressions that might be used for stating preferences: As far as Im concerned, the best . From my point of view, the best . Id go for . because . Id much prefe

      2、r . because . . is preferable because . Id rather have . because .Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.2四季歌Before Reading Global Reading After Reading春季到来绿满绿满 窗,大姑娘窗下绣鸳绣鸳 鸯鸯 忽然一阵阵无情棒,打得鸳鸯鸳鸯 各一方 夏季到来柳丝长丝长 ,大姑娘漂泊到长长江 江南江北风风光好,怎及青纱纱起高粱秋季到来荷花香,大姑娘夜夜梦家乡乡 醒来不见见爹娘面,只见见窗前明月光 冬季到来雪茫茫,寒衣做好送情郎 血肉筑出长长城长长,奴愿做当年小孟姜Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.3Warm-up Questions2. Which season does the singer like best?Sh

      3、e has both likes and dislikes in each season.Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingDetailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.4读经宜冬,其神专也;读史宜夏,其时久也;读诸子宜秋,其致别 也;读诸集宜春,其机畅也。Winter is good for reading the classics, for ones mind is more collected. Summer is good for reading history, for one has plenty of time. Autumn is good for reading the ancient philosophers, because of the great diversity of thought and ideas. Finally, spring is suitable for reading literary works, for

      4、 in spring ones spirit expands.Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingFamous sayings related to seasons:Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.5Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingFamous sayings related to seasons:April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. William Shakespeare四月赋予万物青春朝气。莎士比亚Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_1.6Before Reading Global Reading After ReadingFamous sayings related to seasons:Autumn is a second sprin

      5、g when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus秋天是第二个春天,此时每一片树叶是一朵花。加缪,法国作家Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_2_1.1Background Information weather terminology Before Reading Global Reading After Readingsnow: frozen precipitation in the form of ice crystals. 下雪blizzard: wind of 35 miles per hour or more with snow and blowing snow reducing visibility to less than 1/4 mile for a period of at least three hours. 暴风雪Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_

      6、2_1.2Before Reading Global Reading After Readingsleet: rain that freezes into ice before reaching the ground. 雨夹雪/冰雹freezing rain: rain that freezes on impact with a surface at a below-freezing temperature. 冻雨sleet freezing rain Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_2_1.3ice storms wind chill Before Reading Global Reading After Readingice storms: freezing rain which builds up after hitting cold surfaces. 冰暴wind chill (chill factor): In the winter, weather forecasters oft

      7、en give two outside temperatures. One is the actual temperature of the air, and the other is a measurement of how cold the air feels. A wind chill factor can tell the cooling effect of the wind. 风寒指数Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberHeavy Snow Paralyses Parts of China Heavy snow has brought many parts of China to a standstill. Rescue teams are scrambling to clear roads, deal with accidents and reconnect electricity lines. And there is more snow to come.Rescue teamsParalysesBefore R

      8、eading_3_1Extended ReadingListen to the following information for a better understanding of the text. While listening, please fill in the blanks with the information you hear. Directions :Before Reading Global Reading After Reading_standstill_ _Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberHeavy snowfall in east Chinas Anhui province has affected the transmission of power out the towers that form part of a major cable network sending electricity to Shanghai from the Three Gorges Project. Elect

      9、ricity supply has been temporarily rerouted. The repair work will take about two weeks. Continuous snow is creating havoc for peak season travel across the country. In southwestern Guizhou province, nine highways are completely closed, bringing delays to over 10,000 people.Before Reading_3_1Before Reading Global Reading After Readingsnowfall transmission cabletemporarily reroutedhavochighwaysdelays_ _Detailed ReadingHomeUnit 12 A Winter to RememberBefore Reading_3_2Emergency plans are being put into action. The local government is supplying free food and accommodation to those caught in the bad weather. Road links between Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Tibet have now reopened. 131 people who were stranded have been rescued by local police. Luckily, no one was inju


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