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民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语4

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:48600625
  • 上传时间:2018-07-17
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    • 1、Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Lead-in Look at this picture. Have you ever seen it before? What is it?Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Knowledge Base Words and PhrasesX-ray equipment eksrekwpmnt X射线设 备screen skri:n n.屏幕;银幕;屏风article :tkl n.条款;物品weapon wepn n.武器,兵器corrosive krsv adj.腐蚀性的;n.腐蚀性 物品inflammable nflmbl adj.易燃的;n. 易燃物prevention prvenn n.预防 radioactive reduktv adj.放射性的metallic mtlk adj.金属的hijacking hadk n.劫机regulation rejulen n.规程;规章forbidden fbdn adj.不允许的,被禁止 的ammunition mjunn n.弹药,军火metal detec

      2、tor metl dtekt n. 金属探测 器poisonous pzns adj.有毒的;有害的explosive ksplusv adj.爆炸的;易爆炸 的Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Key SentencesJust put your carry-on baggage on the belt, which will take it to be screened by X-ray equipment. 把您随身携带的行李放在传送带上接受X光设备检查。You should go through that gate, and the staff may give you a personal search. 你要通过安检门,工作人员会对您进行人身检查。It depends. 看情况而定。Its for prevention of hijacking and terrorism. 这可以预防劫机和恐怖主义。Any kind of weapons, ammunitions, aggressive tools and inflammable, explosive,

      3、 corrosive, radioactive, poisonous articles cant be taken on the plane. 任何一种武器、弹药、攻击性工具和易燃、易爆、腐蚀性、放射性、有毒的物品都不能 带上飞机。Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 1 Find out the meanings and phonetic symbols of these words and phrases.Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 2 Group work: according to the questions above, make a speech about security check in groups.Hints: _ is carried out for the passengers own safety. Its for prevention of hijacking and terrorism. Everyone must g

      4、o through _. You should put your _ on the belt, which will take it to be screened by _. And you should go through that gate. The staff may give you a _ search. Any kind of _, ammunitions, _ and inflammable, _, _, _, poisonous articles cant be taken on the plane. If you follow the rules, it will be _ to go through the security check.Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part II ReadingExercise 1 Answer the questions according to the passage. 1. What does EU mean? 2. When does the regulation take effect? 3.

      5、What can passengers take through the security point at all EU airports? Exercise 2 Translate the English sentences into Chinese. New EU aviation security regulations took effect on 6th November, 2006. _ These containers must be carried in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. _ There is a limit of one transparent plastic bag per person. _ The volume of the transparent plastic bag may not be greater than one liter, 20cm20cm. _ Coats, jackets and large electrical appliance such as laptops must al

      6、so be placed in the tray provided for security screening. _Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part III AnnouncementsExercise 1Find out the meanings and phonetic symbols of these words and phrases.Exercise 2 Answer the questions according to the announcement. 1. What shouldnt the passengers take for security check? 2. Why cant passengers take cigarettes into cabin?Unit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part IV Additional Knowledge1. Brief introduction to Singapore AirlinesUnit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part IV Additiona

      7、l Knowledge2. Brief introductions to SingaporeUnit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part IV Additional KnowledgeExercise 1 Check the words.Exercise 2 Use the following information to describe Singapore.consistcuisine tourismmalay industrymandarin wellknowntamil promoteadministration attractionmultireligious annuallya. Singapore consists of 63 islands, including mainland Singapore. b. Singapore is a popular travel destination. c. The languages of Singapore. d. Singapore is a multireligious country.Unit 4 Se

      8、curity Check民航服务英语Part V Progress CheckWords I have learned in this unit are:Xray equipmentammunitioninflammable corrosivearticleweapon radioactivepreventionscreen regulationforbiddenhijacking promoteattractionmetallic tourisminspectionformUnit 4 Security Check民航服务英语Part V Progress CheckSentences I have learned in this unit are:I can:Just put your carry-on baggage on the belt, which will take it to be screened by X-ray equipment.You should go through that gate, and the staff may give you a personal search.It depends.Its for prevention of hijacking and terrorism. tell other people how to go through the security check. give the reasons that why people need the security check.

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