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民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语6

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:48600621
  • 上传时间:2018-07-17
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    • 1、Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Lead-in Discussion: In airline service there are many reasons which will affect the departure and arrival of the flights. Can you list out some reasons that may cause the delay or cancel of the flight?民航服务英语Knowledge Base Words and Phrasesvisibility vzblti n.能见度;可见性delay dle n.延迟,拖延accommodation kmden n.住处;适应mechanicalmknkl adj.机械的regretrret vt.后悔ETD(estimated time of departure) 预计出 发时间ETA(estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间ATA ( actual time of arrival)实际到达时间ATD( actual time of de

      2、parture)实际出发时间thunderstormndst:m n.雷雨examination zmnen n.检查safetyseft n.安全Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Key SentencesThe departure time on your ticket is the time for closing cabin doors. 您机票上的出发时间是关闭舱门的时间。Im sorry to tell you that the flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles. 我很抱歉地告诉您,由于一些机械故障,航班已经延误。The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane. 工程师们正在仔细检查飞机。I will try and see if I can put you on another flight. 我试试给您换航班。Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 1 Complete the

      3、 dialogue. C: Good morning, sir. ?(有什么可以为您效劳的吗?) P:Good morning. I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Why isnt Flight SZ405 ready for boarding yet? C: .(班机延误了。) P:Do you know the reasons for delay? C: .(由于今天早上能见度很低。) P:When do you expect it to depart? C: .(大约两小时后。) P:Thats a long delay. That means I have to leave after lunch. C: We would like to offer you lunch free of charge in the airport restaurant. Please present the brochure to the waiter there. P: Ho

      4、w can I get the restaurant? C: .(在地下一层。) P:Thank you. C: Its my pleasure. Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form when necessary.I to tell you that the flight has been cancelled. The flight is because of poor visibility. We are sorry to you that the flight will be delayed for 3 hours due to a thunderstorm. We are now beverages free of charge for delayed passengers. We would like to for the inconvenience caused by this delay. We w

      5、ill be for your meals and accommodation. Ill try and see if I could you on another flight. Ill your ticket to Air China and the reservation details on your ticket.endorseregretdelayedchangeinformapologizesupplying putresponse Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part II ReadingExercise 1 Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. According to the passage, what is the flight delay insurance? 2. How many passengers can receive the flight delay insurance each year? Exercise 2 Brainstorm: according to the passage,

      6、please try your best to list all the insurance kinds.1. safety insurance2. 3.4. 5.6. 7.8.Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part III AnnouncementsExercise 1 Read the announcement and fill in the blanks with the following words. Ladies and gentlemen: Passengers for CX 543, attention please. I am sorry to _ you that your flight CX 543 is . And I am sorry to keep you wait for more than 3 hours. You cant get Tokyo owing to the _ there. Thank you for your understanding and .Unit 6 Delaycooperationdelayedinformthunder

      7、storm民航服务英语Part IV Additional Knowledge1. Brief Introduction to Korean AirUnit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part IV Additional Knowledge2. Brief Introduction to Seoul Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part IV Additional KnowledgeExercise 1 Check the words.Exercise 2 Match the following words or terms with the Chinese expressions.Korean Airreplace freightPacific immediateSoviet Union routeGimpoKorean Air提高,增强 Seoul古代的,古老的 Enhance获奖 Award大韩航空 Ancient首尔Unit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part V Progress CheckWords I have learned in this unit are:v

      8、isibilitydelayexaminationair traffic controlmechanicalsafetyregretETDATDETAATAthunderstormowe toaccommodationinconvenientUnit 6 Delay民航服务英语Part V Progress CheckSentences I have learned in this unit are:I can:The departure time on your ticket is the time for closing cabin doors.Im sorry to tell you that the flight has been delayed due to some mechanical troubles.The engineers are making a careful examination of the plane.I will try and see if I can put you on another flight.talk about flight delayoffer the extra service for the delayed passengersUnit 6 Delay

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