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    • 1、 ewriting14 123456 www.blog.163/ewriting14参参 考考 答答 案案 Unit OnePart I Comprehension c b d a c d b a d c Part II A. b c a c d a c b d a c d b a b d a b B. b d d b c a c b a c d a a a b a c b c a d c a Part III a d c b a c a b b d Part V A. 1. Cake consists of flour, sugar, egg and some other ingredients. 2. The captain of the ship calmly/tranquilly assured the passengers that there was no danger. 3. The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth. Width 4. It is doubtful w

      2、hether the proposal will find/obtain/win/receive/gain general acceptance. 5. I reflected on what he had said to me and found it made some sense. 6. The ambassador personally conveyed the presidents message to the premier. 7. The police are trying to find out the identity of the man killed in the accident. 8. On a stormy night the guerrillas made a secret breakthrough to the enemy-occupied area. 9. The news commentator analyzed the current international situation with clarity. 10.The peasants sup

      3、ply the workers with food, and the workers in turn supply the peasants with manufactured goods.B. The only hope that I can imagine, and it is certainly a very fragile one, is that we all agree to believe whatever we wish and to worship as we choose, we will accept every human to be as human as we are, worthy of the same respect and care. Mankind is of a piece biologically, physiologically, and psychologically in that we all need love, peace, security, food, clothing and shelter; we must all slee

      4、p, reproduce the species and we do it the same way with the same result. In the mirror you could see me and I could see you, but our cultures have taught us to notice differences in color, speech, clothing, food, marriage, beliefs in their own distinctive way and that sets us apart.C. 我们都信仰某物或某人。我们必须信仰,正如我们必须吃饭、睡觉和繁衍后代一样。 人类信仰众神与魔鬼、巫术与人间奇迹、真理与谎言、爱与恨、同一与差异,并对这些众 多信仰有着永无止境的需求和无法抗拒的吸引力。科学家们为了他们的信仰而被处死,因 为他们或者认为地球是圆的;或者认为存在着一种看不见的被称为重力的自然力;或者认 为地球并非宇宙的中心,而太阳也并不围绕着地球转;或者认为血液在人体内是循环流动 的;或者认为人类是从低级的生命形

      5、式进化而来的。宗教领袖们用他们的关于生命的起源 和道德规范的说教吸引了千百万人。如果人们不相信医学和科学,不相信宗教、教育、政 府和社会契约,那么天下将会大乱,而任何社会都不会容忍这种情况,这也正是所有社会 都把社会规范强加于他们的成员的原因。我们必须有所信仰,否则就得面对不能忍受的困 惑和焦虑。Part VII c b d b a c b dUnit TwoPart I d a d d d c b d d Part II b c c a d a a a c a c a b a b a d b d c a b c a d c a d a b a d a a b b Part III 1. discovery 2. educated 3. assistant 4. full 5. chairman 6. director 7. conducted 8. connection 9. particularly 10. elements 11. shared 12. include 13. announced 14. honor Part V A. 1. Shes not fit to be

      6、in charge of small children. 2. I feel personal satisfaction comes from doing every job to the best of his ability. 3. You can plan as much as you like, but nothing will change facts. 4. The size of the brain has little to do with intelligence. 5. Are wages keeping up with inflation? 6. Feel free to tell me what you think of her would-be husband. 7. Have you ever thought of what it is like to be homeless? 8. I think thats true in some measure, but the situation is not quite so simple. 9. Itll be

      7、 cheaper in the long run to use real leather because it will last longer. 10. If you dont speak good English, youll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job. 11. You are right in a sense, but you dont know all the facts. B. The author holds that pure science is primarily concerned with the development of theories (or, as they are frequently called, models) establishing relationships between the phenomena of the universe. Applied science, on the other hand, is directly connected with th

      8、e application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to mans increasing control over his environment, thus leading to the development of new techniques, processes and machines. It is evident that many branches of applied science are practical extensions of purely theoretical or experimental work. This shows that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting. C. (缺) conPart VII b b c d b Unit ThreePart I a c a d b c c d a b Part II A. a d

      9、b c b a c c a b d c b a d B. a d b d a b c c d d a c a b d Part III a c d a b c a c d b a c b d c b a c d a Part V A 1. Though she is very famous, very little about her private life has ever been known to us. 2. To illustrate his point clearly, he would always draw a picture on the blackboard. 3. It was after her son was sent into prison that the old lady learnt he had committed so many crimes. 4. Nowadays some middle school students were obsessed with the Internet so that they are flunked at the end of the semester. 5. Dont trust him; he is never as good as his word.B Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Fathers Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflecting how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred


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