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BEC商务英语Module 1

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:46219440
  • 上传时间:2018-06-24
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.84MB
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    • 1、BEC Business English Students Book Preliminary Success with BECvOur textbook has 12 modules.vWell finish 12 modules in this term. vEach module has 3 parts: business topic, business skills and exam spotlight. vWe will finish 1 module in 4 classes, 1 week.Success with BECMBusiness topicBusiness skillsExam spotlight22.1 Work in progress P16 Listening: New projects Grammar: The present continuous Reading: Temping is learning Speaking: Temporary jobs Vocabulary: Hiring and firing2.2 Making arrangemen

      2、ts P20 Listening: Arranging a meeting Writing: Confirming a meeting Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on Writing: Accepting an invitation2.3 Writing Test Format P24Success with BEC MBusiness topicBusiness skillsExam spotlight33.1 Company biography P26 Reading: The man behind McDonaldS Grammar: The past simple Reading: Company profiles Speaking: Presenting your company3.2 Company performance P30 Vocabulary: What companies do Writing: Press release Listening: Company structure Vocabulary: Pro

      3、duction, sales and share prices Reading: An agency built on proactive processes3.3 Listening Test Format; Listening Test: Part One P34Success with BECMBusiness topicBusiness skillsExam spotlight44.1 International business P36 Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban Listening: Views on import controls Speaking: Imported goods Grammar: Modal verbs: can/could/should Reading: business 2 business: global communication4.2 Business communications P40 Speaking: On the phone Writing: Dealing

      4、 with complaints Grammar: will for offers and promises Listening: Telephone messages4.3 Speaking Test Format; Speaking Test: Part One P44Success with BECMBusiness topicBusiness skillsExam spotlight66.1 Business travel P56 Listening: Flight problems Grammar: Reported speech Reading: No card, no ticket6.2 Travel arrangements P60 Vocabulary: Hotel amenities Writing: Booking enquiries Listening: At the hotel Listening: Arranging business travel Speaking: Making a booking Writing: Changes to flight d

      5、etails6.3 Writing Test: Part One P64Success with BECMBusiness topicBusiness skillsExam spotlight55.1 Career choices P46 Reading: Escaping the rat race Vocabulary: Money expressions Grammar: The present perfect Listening: Career changes5.2 Achievements and plans P50 Reading: In-company communication Writing: Progress reports Reading: Talking about results Grammar: going to Listening: Negotiating a bank loan5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three P54Topics:vWhat is your ideal job?(Unit 1)v“Employee o

      6、f the Year Award”(Unit 1)vThe present continuous tense(Unit 2)vTemping is learning(Unit 2)vThe company biography of KFC(Unit 3)vThe company biography of McDonalds(Unit 3) vPresenting your company(Unit 3)vFashion industry crisis after EU import ban(Unit 4)vModal verbs(Unit 4)vThe present perfect tense(Unit 5)vDirect speech and reported speech(Unit 6)vArranging business travel(Unit 6)Module 1v1.1 World of Work 1.1 World of WorkWarm-up Listening SpeakingGrammarReadingReading1. Work in pairs. Compar

      7、e the jobs in each of the following pairs. What are the similarities and differences? Say which you would prefer to do and why.* doctor / vet * fighter pilot / airline pilot * school teacher / university lecturer * politician / journalist* manager of a company / manager of a charity Topic for discussion: vWhat is your ideal job in the future?vYour speech should include the following contents: v1. Your ideal job v2. The reason for it v3. What will you do now in order to get the job in the future?

      8、Topic for discussion: You just graduated from university, and you want to send an email to J help.vOur company needs some IT training. Please help us.vsome help, public speaking.vId like some help with public speaking. vour company, information, team building. vOur company would like some information on team building. vInterest, selling techniques. vI am interested in the selling techniques. Topic for discussion: You just graduated from university, and you want to send an email to J after listen

      9、ing to the tape, answer the questions:v1. What is the job of Ian Rogers?Answer: He is a production manager and he is based in Singapore. v2. What are his resposibilities?vAnswer: His resposibilities are to supervise projects and to coordiate resources. v3. What is his hobbies?vAnswer: He usually goes scuba diving at weekends and he also enjoys marathon running and cooking. 1.3 BEC Preliminary ExamBEC初级考试vIntroduction to BEC Preliminary ExamPaperSkill(s)Marks Length minutesStructure 1Reading & writing30+3090 minutes (Reading: 60 mins) (Writing: 30 mins)Reading: 7 parts Writing: 2 parts2Listening 3040 minutes4 parts3Speaking 3012 minutes3 partsBEC Exam Format 考试形式Part Quest ions Task typeText typeExample 15Multiple choiceNotices, messages, Timetables, adverts, leaflets, etc. Unit 5 page 5425Matching Notice, list, plan, contents page, etc.Unit 5 page 54

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