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    • 1、精选团员自我评价精选团员自我评价导语:自我评价(self-evaluation)自我意识的一种形式。是主体对自己思想、愿望、行为和个性特点的判断和评价。以下是小编整理团员自我评价的资料,欢迎阅读参考。团员自我评价 1 青团作为共产党的后备主力军,有着不可替代的作用,作为共青团中的一名,我首先感觉无比的自豪,更主要的是我们应严格要求自己,并且学习上争高分,政治上要先进,活动中要积极。并且要成为一名优秀的共青团员,我们必须严格执行团员的章程和组织原则,为青年带好头,处处领先,争当青年团员的模范。 作为一名学生,我把学习当作自己的第一任务,上课认真听讲,课后及时完成作业,从来不肯放松一丝一毫,尽力于每一门功课,因此我在各项考试中都取得了较为优异的成绩。学习无止境,作为一名团员,我要做的就是不断地适应时代的发展,跟上时代的步伐,不断地去扩充自身的知识储备,以提高自身的修养。我认为自己能够做到努力学习科学知识,关心时事,课外生活丰富健康,做到不懂就问不会就学。在日常生活上,我与同学关系良好,大家互帮互助,团结一致。而且我认为搞好同学、朋友之间的关系非常重要。每个人都需要做很多事情去充实漫长的生命

      2、,而这就需要朋友的帮助来完成整个过程。所以无论在班里,还是在整个学校,我都结交了许多朋友,与朋友沟通,是一件非常开心的事。我还能够积极听取别人的意见,远离不良嗜好,做到为人诚实,做人正派。作为一名团员,我积极参加团的活动,正确行使团章规定的权利,模范履行团员义务,积极完成团交给的任务。还要带动同学们,为同学做榜样,树立团员的光辉形象,并且要紧跟时代发展响应“八荣八耻”“以热爱祖国为荣,以危害祖国为耻, 以服务人民为荣,以背离人民为耻, 以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻, 以辛勤劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻, 以团结互助为荣,以损人利已为耻, 以诚实守信为荣,以背信弃义为耻, 以遵纪守法为荣,以违法乱纪为耻, 以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻。我意识到团员赋予我的不仅是一种荣耀,更是一份职责,一份担负祖国建设事业兴旺发达的历史重任,这是一种素质,也是一种能力。 在以后的团员生涯中,我将认真地对待每一件事情,用更加积极的态度对待学习生活,更加积极的帮助他人,并且团结同学,积极的改正错误,提高自身修养,忠于团,热爱共青团。团员自我评价 2 自从入团以来,我认为我始终坚持着严格遵守团章、积极参加活动原


      4、p as the backup force of the communist party has an irreplaceable role, as the one in the communist youth league, the first thing I feel very proud, more important is that we should be strict with themselves, and learning for the high marks, politically to advanced, should actively in activities. And to be a good youth league member, we must strictly enforce the constitution of the league member and the organizing principle, for the youth to bring good head, everywhere leads, to be the role mode

      5、l of youth league member. As a student, I consider learning as its first task, listen carefully in class, after class, finish the homework in time, never relax acquisitiveness, best in every subject, so I have achieved in the exam is relatively high honors. Endless learning, as a member, I want to do is to constantly adapt to the development of The Times, keep up with the pace of The Times, constantly to expand their knowledge reserves, to improve their self-cultivation. I think I can make an ef

      6、fort to learn scientific knowledge, take care of current affairs, have a healthy life after school, and ask not to learn when I cant understand.In daily life, I have a good relationship with my classmates. We help each other and unite together. And I think its important to have a good relationship with classmates and friends. Everyone needs to do a lot of things to live a long life, and that requires the help of friends to complete the process. Therefore, I have made many friends and communicate

      7、d with friends in my class and throughout the school. It is a very happy thing. I can also actively listen to other peoples opinions, away from bad habits, to be honest and decent.As a member of the league, I actively participated in the activities of the group, properly exercised the rights of the group chapter, and performed the duties of the league member as a model, and actively completed the tasks assigned by the group. Also lead to students, as a good example to his classmates, sets up the

      8、 league members of glorious image, and to follow the time development response eight honors, eight disgracesand love, do not harm the motherland shame, proud of the service people, ashamed of deviating from the people, proud of advocating science, ashamed of ignorance, proud of hard work, ashamed of indolence, proud of solidarity, ashamed of Roman self-interest, proud of honest and trustworthy, ashamed of treachery, proud of law-abiding, to break the shame, proud of hard struggle, is high to shame. I realize that it is not only a glory, but also a responsibility, to take charge of the construction of the motherland. It is a kind of quality and an ability. Members in a future career, I will be serious about everything, life in a more positive attitude towards learning, more active to help others, and unite classmates, actively to correct errors, improve their self-cultivation, loyal to the team, love the communist youth league.


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