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人教版九年级英语unit6 第一课时

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:46066903
  • 上传时间:2018-06-21
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    • 1、. oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line but it doesnt stop the pain if I see you next to never how can we see forever wherever you go whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you whatever it takes or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for youUnit 6 I like music that I can dance to.( Period One)Lyrics 歌词classical musicclassical musicjazz musicjazz musicdance musicdance musicpop musicpop musicrock musicrock musicHip HopHip Hop I love

      2、music.I love music.The music is quiet and The music is quiet and gentlegentle. .I love music that is quiet and gentle.轻柔的轻柔的, ,柔和的柔和的I love musicI love music thatthat _. _.与与一起唱一起唱I can I can sing along with the music. the music.I can sing along withI can sing along withI like musicI like music thatthat _._.跟着跟着一起跳舞一起跳舞 I canI can dance todance toI canI can dance todance to the music. the music.I I preferprefer music_. music_.thatthathas great lyricshas great lyrics有优美的歌词has great lyricshas grea

      3、t lyricsI I preferprefer music_. music_.thatthatreminds me of the pastreminds me of the pastreminds me of the pastreminds me of the past让我想起过去You can translate and remember. 1 love music that I can dance to.I prefer music that reminds me of the past.我喜爱轻柔的音乐我比较喜欢有优美歌词的音乐I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我喜爱可以跟着跳舞的音乐我比较喜欢让我想起过去的音乐I love music that is quiet and gentle.I love music that I can sing along with.我喜爱能够跟着唱的音乐that is quiet and gentle. that reminds me of the pastthat I can dance to.tha

      4、t has great lyrics.that makes me happy.that sounds comfortableA: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that I can dance to. What about you?A: I prefer music that I can sing along with.He is a very famous singer in China.He can write his own music.I like the singer who can write his own music.Some of his songs are fast and not clear.He is from Taiwan and he can play the violin.I like the singer_.He tries to sing different kinds of music. He is the spokesman(代言人) of Wahaha.who can sing di

      5、fferent kinds of music.I like the singer _.He is from Korea. His movies and soap operas are very popular,like Full House.He sings quiet and gentle songs .who sings quiet and gentle songsYou can translate and remember. 1 love the singer who can sing different kinds of music.我喜爱能自己作曲的歌手我喜爱唱轻柔歌曲的歌手I love the singer who sings quiet and gentle songs我喜爱能唱不同类型音乐的歌手I love the singer who can write his own music.1b 1b.What kind of music do Tony and Betty like?Xu FeiCarmen 2aListen and circle “T” (for true

      6、) orListen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false).“F” (for false).1. 1. Carmen likes musicians who play T FCarmen likes musicians who play T Fdifferent kinds of music. different kinds of music.2. 2. XuXu FeiFei likes likes Dan DervishDan Dervish. T F. T F3. 3. Carmen likes music thats loud. T FCarmen likes music thats loud. T F4. 4. XuXu FeiFei prefers groups that play quiet T F prefers groups that play quiet T Fand gentle songs. and gentle songs.各种各样的2b who write their own songsthats real

      7、ly loud and energeticwho play different kinds of musica. who write their own songs b. who play different kinds of music c. thats really loud and energetica good book 定语I like the book that is good.定语从句I like the book that is good.I like the singer who is good.先行词连接词先行词决定连接词先行词是物时常用 that先行词是人时常用 whoI like English. English is very interesting.I like English that is very interesting.I like the girl. The girl studies hard.I like the girl who studies hard.Fill in the blanks. (that / who) The girl _ p

      8、lays the piano well is her daughter. He has some friends _ can help him a lot. The orange skirt _ is hanging there is my favorite. I prefer apples _ are sweet.whowhothatthatI like the book that is good.I like the books that are good.定语从句谓语的单复数由先行词单复数决定 1.I prefer music that _(have, has) great lyrics.2.She likes musicians Who _(play, plays) gentle songs.3.He is a boy who _(is , are ) very lazy.4.Rosa likes songs that _(is , are ) loud.has playisare1.With music, life can be colorful. 2.Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.3.Music always brings us happiness.4.With music, we can relax ourselves.Music is an important part in life.vvEnjoy English!Enjoy English!vvEnjoy music and feelEnjoy music and feelvv good about the life. good about the life.Homework:Write something about your favorite music and favorite singers. (more than 80 words)

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