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人教版九年级英语unit13 period4

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:46066889
  • 上传时间:2018-06-21
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:2.21MB
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    • 1、 Can you guess what gifts are often given to people when the festivals come.purseA: How do you feel aboutlucky money? B: It makes me happy. A: Why? B: Because I can buy what I need. Purple sweateruncomfortableuncomfortablehappyhappydisappointeddisappointedsurprisedsurprisedexcitedexcitedembarrassedembarrassed内疚 的scaredscaredguiltyguiltySkimmingFirst Reading(answer a question and then fill in the missing information)SkimmingNamesgiftsfeelingHow many people took part in the discussion according to

      2、 the passage?Guo XiaojingHan Ling John Wilsonpurple purseorange sweatermoneyembarrassedguiltythey are lazy(answer the following questions)Careful readingSecond ReadingScanning the article , answer the question.Would you have the same feeling? Reading carefully and fill in the chart. Each group discuss one paragragh. GroupsMain ideas Group 1P.1 Receiving a gift can be _.Group 2P.2 Receiving a _makes Xiaojing_. Group 3P.3 Receiving a _ makes Hanling _. Group 4P.4 Receivingmoney_. TeacherP.5 _ peop

      3、le have _ thoughts on receiving gifts.difficultpurse embarrassedsweater unhappymakes people uncomfortableDifferentdifferent1)Receiving money might make .2) Guo Xiaojing pretended to like the gift because .3) When did Han Ling wear the sweater? . people feel uncomfortable.she wanted to make her parents happy.Every time when she visited her grandparents.4) Its important to make peoplefeel that .5) Why is it hard to buy clothes or other personal things for people?you like the gift they gave you Bec

      4、ause different people have different tastes.“I remember when I was about years old,my parents me a purple purse.” laughs Guo Xiaojing. “ It really made me feel , because to be , I thought the purse was really ! Still, I that I liked it because I knew it would make my parents !” twelveboughtembarrassed honest uglypretendedhappyHan Ling agrees, “That like my grandparents!A few years ago, my grandparents gave me an orange for my birthday. I to wear it every time I visited them, but when I left thei

      5、r house, I it ! Of course, this made me feel .It was very nice thought, but my grandparents and I have tastes! I think its to buy clothes or other things for people.” soundssweater usedguiltytookoffdifficult hard personalGiving money asa gift or receiving money isa usual way.Giving and receiving money makes people uncomfortable. . In ChinaIn westerncountriesDifferent ideas of receiving money between Chinese and westerners.Its the thoughtthat counts.重在情 谊Which do you think is more difficult, rece

      6、iving gifts or giving gifts?giftwhatwhathowhowwhenwhenwhowhowhywhyMy experienceMy experienceOn my On my 26th 26th birthdaybirthdayMy motherMy motherembarrassedembarrasseda warm coat out a warm coat out of styleof styleIn order to make my In order to make my mother happymother happyI I pretended that I liked pretended that I liked the coat.the coat.giftwhatwhathowhowwhenwhenwhowhowhywhyTalk about your own experience.Talk about your own experience.embarrassed guilty uncomfortableDiscussionImagine

      7、Tina and peter are your classmates.Write down some suggestions for gifts for each of them. Then discuss and decide with a group which gift would be best. Name Reason for giftSuggestions Best gift TinaShe is moving to another country.PeterIts his birthday.Language points1 to be honest 意为“坦率地说,老实说”,常用作插入语,类似的 表达还有to tell the truth“老实说,说实话”。 She is very selfish,to be honest,I dont like her 她很自私,坦率地说,我不喜欢她。 To tell the truth,I dont agree with you. 老实地说,我不同意你的意见。2 pretend “假装”,后常接动词不定式, 如: pretend to

      8、 know 装懂pretend to be asleep装睡You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 你叫不醒假装睡觉的人。Giving a gift is not always easy. How do you 1_ which is the right gift for your friend, classmate, family member,or 2_ co-worker? Will they like? How much money should you spend? * 3 _ different situations, there are some gifts that will always 4 _ well. If you know what they are , it can 5 _ giving gifts very easy. 6 _a dinner party, flowers are often needed. If you think flowers are too femine a gift for a man to receive, you can consider giving a plant 7 _. * Giving money 8 _ a gift is a simple thing to do. But some people may think money gift means the giver is too 9 _ to go out to find the right gift. But money gift is a 10 _ during the Chinese Spring Festival. for decide lazy tradition as help instead in make At decideInmake Atin

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