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人教版九年级英语unit6 period4

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞***
  • 文档编号:46066755
  • 上传时间:2018-06-21
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.99MB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、 What kind of food do you prefer? I prefer food that can help stay healthy.that is good for my health.that is well cooked.that is sweet.that looks nice.that smells good.that tastes good.There are different types of food.stay 在句中是系动词, 表示“保持(一种状态 )”后面可用形容词或 过去分词等作表语。To be honest, I only eat food that tastes good.Are you in agreement with what he says?Actually, some food that tastes really good is bad for our health.Its important to eat a balanced diet. I prefer to eatI prefer not to eat too much/m

      2、any老实的说, 诚实的说Look at the diets of the two people. Discuss which diet is healthier and why.Lindas DietShe prefers:to drink waterto eat brown bread and riceto eat fruit and fishJacks DietHe prefers:to drink coffeeto eat white bread and riceto eat sweet dessertsAre the following statements true or false?1. Peter only eats tasty food.2. Tony prefers to eat much fried food.3. Laura never eats sugar.4. Peter loves to eat meat thats well cooked.5. Laura eats meat and fried food.6. Tony thinks having a

      3、good balance is very important.TFTFTTPeterLauraTony1. This person spoke last.2.This person says tasty food is bad for you.3.This person eats a balanced diet.4.This person is a strict vegetarian.5.This person doesnt mind eating burnt food.6.This person is shocked by what others eat.Use the information from the conversation to match the statements with each person.Peter is the person who says tasty food is bad for you. Peter is the person who doesnt mind eating burnt food. Laura is the person who

      4、is a strict vegetarian. Tony is the person who spoke last.to be honesttaste goodbe friedstay away frombe in agreementactuallyincreaserisktypebe cooked in oildont eatagreeto tell the truthput something in the mouth and its deliciouskinddangerin factmake largerCareful reading: Use the information from the conversation to match the phrases with each English meaning.Write down each type of food or drink from the reading in the correct column.THINGS THAT ARE GOOD FOR USTHINGS THAT ARE BAD FOR USwater

      5、, fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, fishcola, French fries, fast food, sugar, sweet dessert, oil, burnt (barbecued) meat, biscuits, hamburgers Peters main opinion: Lauras main opinion:Tonys main opinion:He doesnt mind eating burnt food.She is a vegetarian.Having a balanced diet is important.Discussion Whose opinions do you support? Why?Learning strategy: Knowing different styles of English There are many styles of English: to learn to “speak” English, read plays and novels that contain spoken langu

      6、age . And to learn to “write” English , read newspaper articles. Notice the difference.Read Quickly :Whats the style of the writing?An exclamation (感叹叹的词词/句子)A sound made to show you are thinkingA tag question(反意疑问问句)A contraction(缩缩略词词)Really! er,isnt it?dont,Never! Oh! Yes, it is! Well, Hm, umdont you? is it? shouldnt they?Heres, Id, its, isnt, thats, Ive, shouldntGo through the conversation and find all the language that is only used when speaking. Add them to the chart below.Language points1

      7、、 be bad for “对有害”,反意词组be good for“对 有益”。 Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes. 2、And I stay away from sugar, you do too,dont you?stay away from 在本句中表示“不吃(某类食品) ” The doctor advised him to stay away from fatting food.医生劝告他不要吃含脂肪的食品。 stay away (from sb/sth)指“离开,不接近(某人) ;不去(某处)” You should make sure that children stay away from dangerous things.你应该确保孩子远离危险的东西。 句中的do 是代词,代替前面的stay away from 以避免重复,使句子简洁。 3、even if 相当于even though,意为“即使 ,纵然”引导让步状语从句。 Ill help you,even if I must stay up the whole night.即使一夜不睡我也要帮助你。Main phrases: 1.更喜欢做某事 2.保持健康 3.相聚在一起 4.老实说 5.尝起来好吃 6.对有好处/害处 7.与保持距离 8.意见一致 9.增加的危险性 10.即使,纵然prefer to do/doing sth. keep healthy get together to be honest taste good be good/bad for stay away from be in agreement increase the risk of even if/though

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