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    • 1、Relationship MarketingRelationship Marketing It means getting and keeping the customer because of his or her relationship with you. The purpose of relationship marketing: maintaining and enhancing strong relationship with customers and build loyaltyLevitt 1 compares the relationship to something like a marriage“ The relationship between a seller and a buyer seldom ends when the sale is made. The sale merely consummates the courtship. Then the marriage begins. How good the marriage is depends on

      2、how well the relationship is managed by the seller. That determines whether there will be continued or expanded business or troubles and divorce. 1 Levitt, T. (1981) Marketing intangible products and product intangibles. Harvard Business Review pp.94-102Importance of Relationship Marketing1. Competition is strong 2. There is little differentiation between products in the same product class since many products have reached the mature stage3. Maintaining loyal customers is less costly than creatin

      3、g new customers in terms of the cost of promotion, marketing research, advertising etc.Importance of Relationship Marketing 4. Its easier to provide high quality service to loyal customer rather than new customers5. Loyal customers positive word-of-mouth has a great influence on our potential customer due to its high reliabilityThree approaches to develop stronger customer bonding 1. Adding financial benefits to the customer Frequent guest programs often use tiered programs. As guest move up int

      4、o higher tiers, they gain more benefits. Ex) Hilton HhonorFrequent flyer or traveler programs Frequent flyer or frequent travel programs reward the traveler for repeat patronage with free flights, result vacation, free car rentals, service class upgrade, free rooms, and reduced rate. American Airlines developed the first frequent flyer program. Some hotel companies including Holiday Inns, Marriott, Sheraton and Hyatt, first affiliated with airlines and the started their own program.Problem of fr

      5、equent traveler programs They may not build true, enduring loyalty.Research by the U.S. Travel Data Center showed that only 2 percent of business travelers consider a frequent traveler program important when choosing a hotel.Three approaches to develop stronger customer bonding 2. Adding structural tiesEx 1) Sheraton developed flexible check-in and check-out time for their best customersEx 2) Hilton is using technology to provide a personalized welcome message on the guests TV. Ex 3) Hilton also

      6、 has a personalised tracking system. Three approaches to develop stronger customer bonding 3. Adding social benefits:Company personnel work to increase their social bonds with customer by learning individual customers needs and wants and then personalizing their products and services.Moments of Truth (MOT)Service quality depends on interaction between an employee and a customer“For the moments of 15 seconds overall service quality is evaluated”“ We experience more than fifty thousand moments of

      7、truth every day.” “Any episode wherein a customer has contact with the company, anywhere in the world, no matter how small, that is an opportunity for the customer to form an impression of the company.” The “Moment of Truth”Change the SAS employees attitudesChange the service delivery systemChange the companys imageImproved market share and profitabilityFocus on the customerCarlzons New ParadigmService Quality & Customer SatisfactionMeasuring Customer Satisfaction1. The critical incident method

      8、: service encounter2. The SERVQUAL technique (the disconfirmation theory)Measuring Customer Satisfaction1. The critical incident method : service encounter2. The SERVQUAL technique (the disconfirmation theory)SERVQUAL Model Dimensions1. Tangibles (physical facilities, equipment, staff appearance).2. Reliability (ability to perform the service accurately).3. Responsiveness (willingness to help customers and to respond promptly).4. Assurance (knowledge/courtesy of staff).5. Empathy (degree of cari

      9、ng, individualized service).External Communications to CustomersPerceived ServiceService DeliveryExpected ServicePersonal NeedsService Quality SpecificationsManagement Perceptions of Customer ExpectationsPast ExperienceWord-of-Mouth CommunicationsCustomerProviderGap 1Gap 5Gap 4Gap 3Gap 2Gap Model of Service QualityGap Model of Service QualityParasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research, Journal of Marketing, 49(Fall), 41-50lGap 1: The Knowledge Gapconsumer expectation versus management perception It occurs when hospitality managements fail to understand what customers expect in a service Gap model of Service QualitylGap 2: management perception vs. service quality specification (The Service Design & Standards Gap) Gap 2 occurs when manager know what their customers want but are unable to develop syste


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