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    • 1、11.Unless economic conditions improve next year, _B_widespread unrest in the world. A. there would beB. there should be C. there isD. there will be 2.Jane could be a very attractive girl, yet she _B_ to her clothes. A. pays no attentionB. paid no attention C. was paying no attentionD. did not pay attention 3.Whenever we visited them, they _D_ television. A. have watchedB. watch C. had watchedD. were watching 4._B_ great was the influence of Thomas Paine on his own time that John Adams suggested

      2、that the era be called “ The Age of Paine”. A. SuchB. So C. TooD. Many 5. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet or to lose weight _A_ it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins. A. thatB. which C. whatD. whose 6.The computer works very fast, _C_ data at the speed of light. A. having handledB. handled C. handlingD. handles 7.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _D_ from you sometime. A. to have heardB. to hear C. having heardD.

      3、hearing 8.The minister had his secretaries _A_ a press conference. A. arrangeB. to arrange C. arrangingD. arranged 9.Finally, the teacher realized that the girl was crying _B_. A. because what he had saidB. because of what he had said C. because of that he had saidD. because that he had said 10. I wish I _ that Ann _ ill. I would have gone to see her.(B) A. knew/wasB. had known/was C. knew/isD. knew/were 11. The teacher found that the girl _B_questions that had nothing to do with her lessons. A.

      4、 always askedB. was always asking C. is always askingD. always asks 12. By the time the course ends, _D_ 2000 words. A. well learnB. we are learning C. we have learntD. well have learnt 13. Id rather _D_ that important letter home with you. A. that you wont take B. please dont you take C. you not takingD. you didnt take 14. Nowhere else in the world _B_ more beautiful scenery than in America. A. you can findB. can you find2C. you have foundD. has been found 15. It is only when people try to live

      5、 on a very restricted diet, or when trying to lose weight, _A_it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins. A. thatB. which C. whatD. whose 16. “Do you have any clothes _C_”? the maid asked. A. washB. washing C. washedD. to be washed 17. Well stick to the original plan no matter how difficult the situation _A_. A. getsB. has got C. is gettingD. will get 18. The watch we bought several days ago has broken already. We had far better _A_ the more expensive one. A. buyB.

      6、bought C. have boughtD. had bought 19. It is interesting to note that in countries _A_the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. A. whereB. which C. whoseD. what 20. _D_ the widening of the roads wherever possible in the city, it is still not adequate for the increasing volume of traffic. A. In spiteB. Besides C. ThoughD. Despite21. The goals of medicine _B_ people live longer, happier, more active lives with less suffe

      7、ring and disability.A. is to helpB. are to help C. was helpingD. were helping22. No metalnot even copperconducts heat and electricity _D_ efficiently as silver. A. sameB. suchC. soD. as 23. _C_the beginning of history, man has been fascinated by the idea of living forever, of winning the fight against death and disease. A. AlthoughB. IfC. SinceD. Because24. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, or when trying to lose weight, _A_it is necessary to make special provision to

      8、 supply the missing vitamins.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whose25. _B_ around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.A. ScatteredB. ScatteringC. To scatterD. Scatter326. It is interesting to note that in countries _A_the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare.A. whereB. which C. whoseD. what27. Only rarely _B_ live up to their imagined ideals.A. peoples jobs,

      9、spouses and childrenB. do peoples jobs, spouses and childrenC. does peoples jobs, spouses and childrenD. peoples jobs, spouses and children do28. But for the teachers generous help, I _D_ the exam.A. had not passedB. could not passC. would not passD. would not have passed29. Owners of mobile phones practically shout into the receiver in public places, as if they had trouble _A_that their voices can be heard over such a tiny device.A. imaginingB. imaginedC. imagineD. to imagine30. The period of adolescence may be long or short, _B_ on social expectations and on societys definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood.A. dependB. dependingC. dependedD. depends31. It is for this reason _C_ he refused to take the job. A. whyB. when C. thatD. so 32. By the time the course ends, _D_ 2000 words. A. well learnB.


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