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    • 1、1历年长对话历年长对话 6 月份翻译月份翻译2007 6 CET 04 LCQuestions for conversation one Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题 19 到 22 是基于你刚听到的对话来进行的提问。19. A). The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name. 酒店职员把他的预定记在了他人名下B) The hotel clerk insisted that he didnt make any reservation.酒店职员坚持认为他没有订房C) The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience.酒店职员试图利用他的经验不足D) The hotel clerk couldnt find his reservation for that night. 酒店职员找不到他那晚的订房记录20. A) A grand wed

      2、ding was being held in the hotel. 酒店要举办一个盛大的婚礼B) There was a conference going on in the city. 这个城市正在举办一场会议C) The hotel was undergoing major repairs. 酒店正在进行大范围的修补工作D) It was a busy season for holiday-makers. 对于度假者来说这是个旺季21. A) It was free of charge on weekends. 周末免费B) It had a 15% discount on weekdays. 工作日打八五折C) It was offered to frequent guests only. 只为常客提供D) It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels. 比其他酒店便宜 10%22. A). Demand compensation from the hotel. 要求酒店赔偿B) Ask for an additional discount. 要

      3、求额外折扣C) Complain to the hotel manager. 向酒店经理投诉2D) Find a cheaper room in another hotel. 在其他酒店找更便宜的房间Conversation one(长)对话一、M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.你好,我在这订了今晚的房间W: Your name, please.请说你的名字M: Nelson, Charles Nelson.纳尔逊,查尔斯纳尔逊W: Ok, Mr. Nelson. Thats a room for five and.好的,纳尔逊先生。你订了一个五人间M: But excuse me, you mean a room for five pounds? I didnt know the special was so good.不好意思,你的意思是价格为五镑的房间?我不知道会有那么好的特别优惠W: No, no, hold on according to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked

      4、 under your name.不,等一下,根据我们的记录,你预定了一个五人间。M: No, no-hold on. You must have two guests under the name.不对,不对,等一下,你一定是有两个同名的顾客W: Ok, let me check this again. Oh, here we are.好的,我再查查。找到了。M: Yeah?怎么样?W: Charles Nelson, a room for one for the 19th.查尔斯纳尔逊,有个 19 号的房间预定M: Wait, wait. Its for tonight, not tomorrow night.不对呀,是今晚而不是明晚的W: Em., I dont think we have any rooms for tonight. Theres a conference going on in town and-er, lets see.yeah, no rooms.额,今晚没有空房了。镇上在举办会议,等我看看,对,没有空房了M: Oh, come on! You must

      5、have something, anything!3拜托,你肯定有房的,任何房间都行W: Well, let-let me check my computer here.Ah!好的好的,让我查查电脑。啊哈!M: What?什么情况?W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.有人取消了今晚的订房。一个蜜月套房空出来了M: Great, I II take it.太棒了,我就要它了W: But, I II have to charge you 150 pounds for the night.但是一晚我得收你 150 镑M: What? I should have a discount for the inconvenience!神马?你们给我造成了不便,我应该为此得到折扣W: Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount plus a ticket for a free continent breakfast.

      6、好吧,最多能给你打九折,再附送你一张欧陆式早餐券M: Hey, isnt the breakfast free anyway?嗨,早餐不是本来就免费的吗?W: Well, only on weekends.额,只是在周末免费M: I want to talk to the manager.我要和你们经理谈谈W: Wait, wait, wait.Mr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount.等一下,纳尔逊先生我认为我能给你额外打个八五折问题 19 到 21 基于你刚听到的对话(内容)Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation youve just heard:19. Whats the mans problem?这个男的遇到了什么问题20. Why did the hotel clerk say they didnt have any rooms for that night?为什么酒店职员说他们那晚没有空房421. What did the clerk

      7、say about the breakfast in the hotel?酒店职员是怎么说酒店早餐的22. What did the man imply he would do at the end of the conversation?对话结束时,这个男的暗示他要做什么Questions for conversation two Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题 22 到 25 是基于你刚听到的对话(内容)来进行的提问。Conversation TwoQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A).An employee in the city council at Birmingham.伯明翰市政厅的职员B) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.招生办公室的总监助理C) Head of the Overseas Stu

      8、dents Office.留学生办公室的主任D) Secretary of Birmingham Medical School. 伯明翰医学院的秘书24. A) Nearly fifty percent are foreigners.几乎一半的是外国人B) About fifteen percent are from Africa.15%的来自非洲C) A large majority are from Latin America.大多数来自于拉丁美洲D) A small number are from the Far East. 一小部分来自远东525. A) She will have more contact with students.和学生有更多接触B) It will bring her capability into fuller play.能充分发挥她的才能C) She will be more involved I policy-making.更多的参与政策的制定D) It will be less demanding than her present job.与她目

      9、前的工作相比要求较低Conversation two(长)对话二、M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, dont you?萨拉,你在招生办公室工作是吗?W: Yes, I have been here ten years as assistant director.是的,我在这当了十年的总监助理M: Really? What does that involve?是吗, 你都做些什么工作呢?W: Well, I m in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students in the university.我负责大学的所有研究生招生M: Only postgraduates?只负责研究生?W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates.是的,本科生的工作与我无关M: Do you find that you get particular-sort of.different national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Latin America or.你会招收一些别的国家的人吗?我是说,你有没有大面积的招到拉丁美洲或者W: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America.有,去年招收的学生中,一半的都是留学生。他们来自非洲国家,远东,中东和拉丁美洲6M: Em. But


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