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    • 1、美联英语提供:美联英语:HR 职业内容的情景对话小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/ Hey, whats up?Molly: Ill have a meeting with the HR manager later.Jack: So what?Molly: I dont understand his strange English, can you help me prepare?Jack: It is always a pleasure teaching you English.Molly: You are too kind.Jack: What would you do without your kind English teacher?Molly: Study Russian.杰克:嗨,最近怎么样?莫莉:我一会儿要跟人力资源部经理见面。杰克:有什么事吗?莫莉:我听不懂他奇怪的英语,你能帮我准备一下吗?杰克:我很愿意教你英语。莫莉:你真好。杰克:没有你的好英语老师你怎么办?莫莉:学俄语。NEW WORDS1) Cheap: poor quality goodsTh

      2、is TV broke the same day I bought it. It is cheap.这台电视机在我买的当天就坏掉了,质量真差。2) HR: Human ResourcesCall Ted in HR to find out when you get a vacation.给人力资源部的泰德打电话查查看你什么时候有假期。3) New blood: the new guy. fresh talentWe need some new blood on our soccer team.我们足球队需要一些新人。4) Newbie: amateur, beginner, not an old hatHe doesnt know how to fly yet, he is just a newbie.他还不知道怎么飞,他是个新手。5) Paranoid: worried, anxiousMy office manager is paranoid that I am an office spy. He is so paranoid he acts like a fool.我们办公室怀疑

      3、我是商业间谍,他像个傻瓜一样的疑神疑鬼。DialoguePresent Tense Dialogue 现在时对话Molly : How was the Black Sabbath show?Gordon: I am a newbie at heavy metal concerts, so I thought it was all very strange.Molly : Does the old band have any new blood?Gordon: Of course not, that would be cheap.Molly : So it was the original members?Gordon: You bet it was; Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bill.Molly : I would have gone, but I was paranoid that my dad would find out.莫莉:Black Sabbath 的演出怎么样?戈登:我第一次参加重金属音乐会,所以觉得一切都很奇怪。莫莉:那个老乐队有新人参加吗?戈登:

      4、当然没有,那样就没劲了。莫莉:这么说还是原来那些人了?戈登:没错,奥兹、托尼、吉泽和比尔。莫莉:我很想去可我担心爸爸知道这事。Past Tense Dialogue 过去时对话Gordon: Can you accompany me to the Black Sabbath concert?Molly : I would go, but I have a late meeting with my paranoid HR manager.Gordon: Why not bring your HR manager along?Molly : That would be cool, but I dont know if she is into heavy metal.Gordon: You never know until you ask.Molly : Cool, I will ask tomorrow.Gordon: See you at the show!戈登:你能陪我去 Black Sabbath 音乐会吗?莫莉:我很愿意去,可我晚些时候要和我们那个多疑的人事经理见面。戈登:为什么不

      5、带你们人事经理一起去?莫莉:那太好了,可我不知道她是不是喜欢重金属。戈登:你不问怎么知道。莫莉:好吧,我明天问。戈登:音乐会上见。NEW WORDS1) Facets: sides. Differences, jobsThe diamond ring I wanted to buy for my bride has many facets.我想为我的新娘买的钻戒有很多刻面。2) HR: Human ResourcesThere are many facets to a job in HR.HR 的工作包括很多方面。3) In a pinch: in a difficult situationWhenever Bob is in a pinch, he calls me to help him out.鲍勃一有困难就打电话找我帮忙。4) Severance pay: an extra months salary when you are fired or laid offAfter I was fired, my boss gave me one months notice and an

      6、other months severance pay.我被解雇时老板提前一个月通知我并额外给了我一个月的解雇费。5) Stateside: in the USAI have to go Stateside for a few weeks.我得去美国几个星期。Lesson: 课文The Culture of HR Professionals HR 职业文化1) HR personal must deal with sick leave, vacation time and helping the staff members get a raise when they deserve it.2) It is also the responsibility of an HR professional to make arrangements for any staff member who is fired or laid off. HR must pay severance pay to any worker who has been at a company for more than

      7、six months.3) If you are an HR manager and have to fire someone, you should give him or her 2 weeks to a months notice.4) In Stateside we say HR is a job with many facets.1)HR 人员必须处理病假、假期并帮助员工在值得的时候加薪。2)HR 人员还负责为任何被解雇或下岗的员工做安排。在公司工作六个月以上的所有员工被解雇,HR 必须支付他解雇费。3)如果你是 HR 经理,必须解雇某人时,你应该提前两周至一个月通知他。4)在美国我们说 HR 是个多面的工作。DialogueMolly : That was a really good meal, Gordon.Gordon: It sure was. I couldnt eat another bite.Molly : Well, it is getting pretty late. I think we should go home.Gordon: Youre right

      8、 I have to get up early go to work tomorrow.Molly : But I thought you were fired?Gordon: I still have to finish up one more month.Molly : Did the boss give you severance pay?Gordon: He was in a pinch, so he only gave me two-week severance pay.Molly : I will be sorry to see you go, but maybe the new blood will look like Brad Pitt.Gordon: In your dreams.Molly : Farewell, we will miss you.莫莉:这顿饭真不错,戈登。戈登:确实如此。我吃得太饱了。莫莉:现在很晚了。我想我们应该回家了。戈登:没错,我明天必须起早上班。莫莉:可我以为你被解雇了?戈登:我还需要做一个月的收尾工作。莫莉:老板给你解雇费了吗?戈登:他现在正处于困难时期,所以他只给了我两个星期的解雇费。莫莉:你走了我会很难过,不过新来的人可能会长得像布莱德皮特。戈登:做梦。莫莉:再见,我们会想你的。美联英语:美联英语:


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