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    • 1、鞍山科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 I 页四海公司钢材销售管理系统摘要在竞争日益激烈的市场环境下,传统的人工管理和运营模式带来的信息不畅、市场反应速度缓慢、效率低等弊端越来越突出。销售作为企业运作的重要环节,其传统管理方式已不能满足现代市场的需求,尤其对于钢材行业,由于其自身的行业特点钢材销售管理复杂、使用单位计算频繁、钢材进货和销售金额大、市场变化大、实时性强等,急需利用现代信息化手段将先进的销售管理方法引入到企业的实践中去,为企业的管理、改革提供切实易行的途径,满足其日益增长的业务需要。四海公司钢材销售管理系统正是基于以上的考虑。针对钢材行业和该公司的具体情况,集中处理钢材产品的销售、库存、应收应付等销售业务,同时对相关的供应商和客户等基本信息进行管理,及时将数据快速转化为企业信息,为管理者提供相关依据。本系统的主要功能模块有:系统登录、日常业务、库存管理、查询统计、应收应付管理、统计报表、基础信息管理、用户设置。关键词 销售;库存;销售管理鞍山科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 II 页AbstractIn the increasingly competitive market envi

      2、ronment, the disadvantages, such as impeded information, slow market reaction and low efficiency, brought by the traditional manual management and operation mode, are prominent day by day. Enterprise sales operation is took as an important part of all, whoes traditional management approaches have failed to meet modern market demands. Especially for steel industry, due to its own industry characteristicssteel complex sales management, use of unit frequent, large amounts of purchases and sales for

      3、 steel, big market variety and rigid time limitations, it will urgently require to put advanced sales management into the corporate practice by modern information technology, for enterprise management. Finally, it will provide effectively easy ways for management and reformation to meet their increasing business needs.The steel sales management system by Sihai company is just designed based on the above considerations. According to steel industry and the companys specific circumstances, the syst

      4、em synthetically processes sales, inventory, receivable and payable funds of steel. Simultaneously, the suppliers and customers management, and other basic information management, can transform data into enterprise information to provide managers basis in time and quickly.The system main functional modules: system login, day-to-day operations, inventory management, statistical inquiry, receivable and payable management, statistical report forms, basic information management, and user settings.Keywords sales;inventory;sales management鞍山科技大学毕业设计(论文) 第 III 页目录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论.11.1 系统开发背景.1第 2 章 可行性分析.32.1 技术可行性.32.2 经济可行性.32.3 操作可行性.32.4 法律可行性.4第 3 章 需求分析.53.1 业务流程.53.1.1 入库作业.63.1.2 库存信息.63.1.3 销售作业.63.2 需求规范.63.2.1 产品背景.63.2.2 产品概述.63.2.3 功能需求.73.2.4 性能需求.73.2.5 系统逻辑模型.73.3 数据字典.93.3.1 数据元素定义.93.3.2 数据流的定义.103.3.3 数据存储定义.


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