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    • 1、 分类号分类号 TK14 TK14 密级密级 秘密秘密 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 论文提交日期 2004 年 1 月 9 日 学位授予日期 论文提交日期 2004 年 1 月 9 日 学位授予日期 题题 目目 100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平气动设计 邓清华动力机械及工程与特性分析的研究 申申 请请 人人丰镇平 教 授指导教师指导教师申请学位申请学位专专业业硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 论文主题词论文主题词Scroll; Aerothermodynamic Design Microturbine; Radial Inflow Turbine; Guide Vanes; for 100 kW Microturbine Characteristics of a Radial Inflow Turbine Study on the Aerodynamic Design and Flow 英文题目英文题目 论文类型(选)1.理论研究 2.应用基础 3.应用研究论文类型(选)1.理论研究 2.应用基础 3.应用研究 4.研究报告 5.软件开发 6.设计报告 4.研究报告 5.软件

      2、开发 6.设计报告 7.案例分析 8.调研报告 9.其他 7.案例分析 8.调研报告 9.其他 摘 要 论文题目:100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平气动设计与 特性分析的研究? 专 业:动力机械及工程 硕 士 生:邓清华 签 名: 指导教师:丰镇平 教 授 签 名: 摘 要 作为分布式发电与分布式能源系统的主要动力设备,微型燃气轮机的 研究受到了众多学者的重视。向心透平是微型燃气轮机的核心动力部件, 其气动与强度特性将直接影响整个系统的经济性与安全性。本文结合国家 863 计划重大专项课题, 对100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平进行了气动热力 设计、造型设计以及结构与气动特性方面的研究,为我国微型燃气轮机的 研发做了一些探索性工作。 首先,针对热力设计时燃气物性难于给准确的问题,给向心透平热力 设计程序加入了物性计算模块。在对国外某 75kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平 热力校核的基础上, 对100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平进行了热力设计。 结 果表明,能够满足气动性能的要求,且具有较高的效率。 其次, 发展了向心透平叶轮圆柱抛物线造型方法, 使其能够对轮毂与轮 壳处的叶片厚度进行较为自由控制,

      3、并提出使用正移轴/反倾斜方法,解决 了叶根压力面与吸力面应力不一致问题。 设计出了叶轮与基于岛状叶型的导 向器叶栅型线, 并对其进行了联级数值计算与详细的流动特性分析。 结果表 明,叶轮与导向器在满足结构与强度的前提下,具有较高的气动性能。 最后,对向心透平蜗壳进行了造型设计与气动性能分析。由于梨型结 构本身的限制, 使得出口截面气流沿轴向与周向都有不同程度的不均匀性, 本文提出了两种相应措施来减缓或消除。 本文工作对于我国100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平的设计研制, 具有重 要的学术意义与工程应用价值。 【关 键 词】微型燃气轮机;向心透平;导向器;蜗壳;热力设计 【论文类型】应用基础? 本文研究得到西安交通大学创新研究群体项目“微型燃气轮机技术研究”和国家863高技术研究发展计划燃气轮机重大专项“100kW微型燃气轮机设计研制”(课题编号: 2002AA503020)资助 Abstract Title : Study on the Aerodynamic Design and Flow Characteristics of a Radial Inflow Turbine for 1

      4、00 kW Microturbine? Major : Power Machinery and Engineering Name : Deng Qinghua Signature: Supervisor: Prof. Feng Zhenping Signature: Abstract Research on the microturbines has been emphasized because microturbines is the critical power equipment for the distributed generation (DG) and distributed energy resource (DER). Radial inflow turbine is the key power element of microturbines. The aerodynamic and strength performances of the radial inflow turbine directly influence the economics and safet

      5、y of the DG and DER. This thesis presents the investigation on the aerothermodynamic design, geometrical design, structure and aerodynamic performance analysis of the radial inflow turbine for a 100kW microturbine unit. At first, in order to solve the difficulty of the inaccuracy of the gas properties during the aerothermodynamic design, computational modeling of gas properties is added into design program of the radial inflow turbine. On the basis of the aerothermodynamic analysis of the radial

      6、 inflow turbine for 75kW microturbine, aerothermodynamic design of the radial inflow turbine for 100kW microturbine is presented. The design results show that the radial inflow turbine has high efficiency while satisfying the aerodynamic performance requirements. Secondly, cylinder parabolic geometrical design method for the radial inflow turbine impeller is developed. The thickness of the impeller blade at the hub and shroud can be controlled freely. In order to solve the unequal stress at the

      7、suction and pressure surface on the hub, positive axial displacing /negative ? This work was supported by the Innovation Research Group Project of Xian Jiaotong University and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) Design and Development of 100kW Microturbine (No. 2002AA503020) 西安交通大学硕士学位论文 leaning method is applied. The geometrical shapes of the impeller and island-guide vanes are designed while meeting the strength requirements. Numerical simulatio

      8、n technique is applied to analyse the flow characteristics of the designed radial inflow turbines including impellers and guide vanes. The obtained results demonstrate that the designed impeller and guide vanes have high aerodynamic performance with consideration on structure and stress limitations. Finally, geometrical shape design and aerodynamic performance analysis of the radial inflow turbine scroll are presented. The pyriform structure of the scroll leads to the non-uniform exit flow at th

      9、e axial and circumference directions. Two design methods are provided to decrease this non-uniformity of exit flow. The research work of the present thesis shows the important engineering application background and academic research significance for the research and development of the 100kW microturbine. 【Key Words】Microturbine; Radial Inflow Turbine; Guide Vanes; Scroll; Aerothermodynamic Design 【Type of Thesis】Applied Fundamentals目 录 目 录 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景及目的意义.(1) 1.2 研究发展概述.(3) 1.3 本文主要工作.(6) 2 100kW 微型燃气轮机向心透平


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