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    • 1、8级作文讲评(4) 2011.2.23总体情况: 这次作文总体情况良好! 在论述的过程中也没有紧扣主题展开,以致 文章的整体性不强。 个别学生有些偏题。 个别学生字数不够。好文章力求做到: 观点清楚 例证充分 结构严谨 层次清楚 合乎逻辑 语言得体 无重大语法错误。 写好一篇文章,要注意: 审题 行文的统一性及连贯性 语言的规范性和准确性 审题: Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many agreements for or against interview as selection procedure. What is your opinion? Write an essay about 400 words to state your view. (2005)背景?潜问题: Interview, good or not good? Why? Advantages of Interview

      2、 Nowadays interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees within a short time while others think it is not proper to decide on a person just by interview. Both of them have some truth. But in my opinion, it has many advantages to offer to the modern society. What ? Firstly of all, interview can serve as an efficient

      3、 way to test if one has the ability required for the expected job. In an interview, one needs to present the best of oneself to the interviewers. Whether the interviewee is well prepared and possesses oneself to the interviewers. Whether the interviewee is well prepared and possesses sufficient knowledge becomes clear to the interviewers. Similarly, interview can help interviewees to know more about the recruiting company. It offers them an opportunity to study the working environment, the emplo

      4、yees morale, and most importantly, the managing groups expertise in the filed and their attitude to their employees. All these factors will play an important role in deciding whether he should accept the offer if he succeeds in the interview. Why ? Besides, interview offers a broad selection for both interviewers and interviewees. A company that needs to recruit employees can hold a big interview to select the most proper ones they need from large numbers of applicants. On the other hand, interv

      5、iewees can actually attend several interviews to find out which company is the most suitable one for him. There, interview is really a bride in the process of job hunting.Why ? Last, which I believe is extremely important, is that interview embodies the principle of modern society: fairness. During an interview, all interviewees face the same situation: the same place, the same time, the same interveners, and questions al almost the same difficulty. The winner has to surpass all the others mainl

      6、y with his own ability. And the judgment is not made by one interviewer but usually a board of interviewers, which can make the section more reliable.Why ? Admittedly, interviews have some inherent problems, such as judging people on first impression only, interviewees misrepresentation of themselves through preparation, and inconsistency in the interviewers assessment. But generally speaking, interview has mainly advantages to offer to modern society. Thanks to the interview, both interviewers

      7、and interviewees can find out which is their best choice. 承认其有不足,但其优点大于不足,最后一句精炼点题。 17分;文章观点明确,结构简洁明 了,语言通顺。 缺点:论证方式单一,如果能再加 一些例子,文章会更充分。 本次练习审题: 4) With the development of our countrys economy, peoples living standard improved dramatically. People are now better fed and better clothed. People can enjoy most material goods their previous generations could never imagine. Besides, the society seams to encourage people to compete for as much wealth as possible as it is the symbol of personal succes

      8、s. However, it seams that we can never disapprove the old truth: the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness. However wealthy people may become, they still suffer from new anxieties and their happiness doesnt seam to increase as their wealth increases. So why doesnt ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: Happiness 问题: Why doesnt ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? 根据题目问题写出文章提纲:- 中心观点-支持观点1

      9、-支持观点2-支持观点3-结论 中心观点:the achievement of wealth does not simply mean happiness. Happiness cannot only be interpreted as wealth. 支持观点1:First, the criteria of happiness lie in the fulfillment of our inner heart. 支持观点2:Second, wealth is not equal to happiness. 支持观点3:Last but not least, happiness is what we think it is, but not other people impose on us. 结论:In a word, wealth is not equal to happiness. Money Cannot Purchase Happiness Living in a world with rapid development, we have witnessed massive changes, and at the same time, we are also experiencing the material benefits as well as its insidious influence. In our traditional mind, ones happiness is always measured by his material achievements, and his social status. However, the achievement of wealth does not simply mean happiness. Happiness


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