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    • 1、 电话:电话:400-010-1658 网址:网址:www.gsseducation.org 以下是了解以及加入以下是了解以及加入 GSS 国际暑期学校国际暑期学校大家庭的途径:大家庭的途径: 1. 官网:官网:www.gsseducation.org(暑校官网)(暑校官网) (培训官网培训官网) 2. 电话:电话:400-010-1658 托福口语背诵材料 Question 1Question 1 1. Person=Personalities1. Person=Personalities 1. Parents My mother is the person whom I admire most due to her so many good personalitie s like talented, tolerant and most of all, her spirit of dedication. First of a ll, she is such a talented person who not only has great achievements in her wo

      2、rk, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Furthermore, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. And t he most beautiful thing about her is that she has a beautiful mind. Thrifty asshe is in the daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the p eople who may need them. The ways she does and thinks make me want to be the pe rson like she is. That is why I think my mother is the person I admire most. 2. Teacher (. Teacher (万能人物

      3、;可替换的角色有:万能人物;可替换的角色有:parent, leader, friend, ideal spouse, celparent, leader, friend, ideal spouse, cel ebrity)ebrity) A good teacher should have the following personalities. First of all, a good te acher makes herself available to all students and she knows which students needextra assistance. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, wh o knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure studen ts can grasp instructional concepts. What is more, she would s

      4、how her great abi lity when her students are making mistakes, she would let them know why they ar e wrong and how they are going to do to correct them, rather than simply punishthem. For most students, a good teacher is also a helper who can lift them to new heights. Just like an old saying goes, “ GIVE ME A FISH AND I EAT FOR A DAY,TEACH ME TO FISH AND I EAT FOR A LIFE TIME“. This must be a philosophy of ever y good teacher. 3. Friends3. Friends 官方二维码官方二维码 网址:网址:www.gsseducation.org 电话:电话:400-0

      5、10-1658 QQ:170720796 地址:海淀区知春路地址:海淀区知春路 56 号院西区号院西区 7 号号 222 电话:电话:400-010-1658 网址:网址:www.gsseducation.org A good friend should have the following personalities like trustworthy, helpfuland positive. First of all, a trustworthy person is someone whom I can rely onespecially when I am in difficulty; he/she will be just a phone-call away to g et me out of trouble. Secondly, he/she must be someone who can give me some sug gestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad exper

      6、ie nce on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana justsat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspired me by s aying that I deserved a second chance and never pushing myself too hard would b e a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize I overcam e those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good frie nd is someone who is positive. Though we always say “prepare for the worst and hope for the best”,

      7、we seldom do it when we face up with the worse situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is ab solutely right to obey the rule. In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my res ponse. “What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.” 4. Leader. Leader A good leader should have these criteria: 1. Have a vision.1. Have a vision. Effective leaders and their organizations have an agenda. A vision. A vision isa directionan attra

      8、ctive and attainable picture of the future. As a leader, if you dont know where you are going, you are irrelevant to your followers. Wi th a vision you can inspire and lift individuals and groups to new heightsan important function of any leader. 2. Seize opportunity.2. Seize opportunity. Look for experiences that are new and different. Develop relationships with peo ple who are different from the people you ordinarily have relationships with, e specially those that come from different backgroun

      9、ds and age groups. 3. Communication is key.3. Communication is key. Be accessible to everyone in the organization. Companies need to realize that t he old model of the leaders sitting on top of the pyramid and the managers exec uting orders does not work in todays environment. The person at the top canno t be the only leader. There have to be various people within the company actingin this role. There are many companies stuck in a rut where the managers are w aiting to be told what to do. That doesnt work. 4. Be proactive.4. Be proactive. Promote continuous exploration of yourself and other leaders within the organiz ation. Be accountable for what you do. If there is an issue in the company, don官方二维码官方二维码 网址:网址:www.gsseducation.org 电话:电话:400-010-1658 QQ:170720796 地址:海淀区知春路地址:海淀区知春路 56 号院西区号院西区 7 号号 222 电话:电话:400-010-1658 网址:网址:w


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