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上海英语历年一二模考试作文样例分析连载7 - 2014上海高三普陀一模 (学生版)

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    • 1、学生版学生版 P.F. Productions 2014 届上海英语高考备考组 制作 1 / 4 上海英语历年一二模考试作文样例分析上海英语历年一二模考试作文样例分析连载连载 7 考试技巧指导 二、上海高考英语作文的体裁( /nr/) 纵观年以来的上海高考英语作文,作文的形式从以前的单一到现在的多变化,从以前无具体写作要求到现在用项目符号明确要求写作内容, 难度也从易到难, 但是多年来其体裁没有离开过主要的几种体裁:记叙文、说明文(应用文) 、议论文。近年来的上海高考英语作文往往不单纯只涉及一种体裁,而是采用 1 + 的模式。在考试中更常见的是不同体裁的结合,如叙议结合、书信+议论等等。了解作文的体裁对英语写作极为重要,只有在确定其体裁后才能知道应该如何下笔、使用何种套路。 三、记叙文写作要点(一) 许许多多参参考考书书将将记记叙叙文文要要点点概概括括为为若若干干个个w wh h- -词词,即即 w wh ha at t, , w wh he en n, , w wh he er re e, , w wh ho o, , w wh hy y 等等。确确实实,考考生生在在描描述述事事件件

      2、时时一一定定离离不不开开以以上上几几点点,因因此此在在开开始始描描述述时时就就能能明明确确说说明明。外外国国英英语语写写作作教教材材则则将将叙叙述述文文要要点点概概括括四四要要素素:p pl lo ot t, , c ch ha ar ra ac ct te er rs s, , s se et tt ti in ng g, , p po oi in nt t o of f v vi ie ew w 等等。p pl lo ot t 指指故故事事的的情情节节,c ch ha ar ra ac ct te er rs s 即即人人物物,即即背背景景,包包括括前前面面提提到到的的 w wh he en n, , w wh he er re e 等等内内容容。这这里里要要注注意意的的是是所所谓谓 p po oi in nt t o of f v vi ie ew w,并并不不是是要要求求作作者者必必须须由由事事及及理理,而而是是要要求求作作者者在在描描述述故故事事时时人人称称保保持持一一致致,即即不不能能一一会会儿儿以以参参与与者者的的第第一一人人称称身身份份叙叙事事,一一会会儿儿又又跳跳出出

      3、故故事事情情景景,以以旁旁观观者者的的第第三三人人称称叙叙事事。 记叙文可根据故事内容是否虚构分为 fiction 与 non-。 外国英语写作教材既然也认可所谓“虚构性”记叙文,考生无须担心写作内容的真实性会否导致扣分。要注意的反而是如何在作文中融入真情实感,至少看上去是真实发生过的。 考试样例分析 样例 7 届上海英语一模 普陀区 试题: 有的校园活动让你兴奋不已, 有的校园活动让你感到枯燥乏味。 请描述你参与过的一次校园活动,并简单谈谈你对该活动的看法。 请具体描述一次你参与过的校园活动; 并谈谈你对此次校园活动的看法或它对你的影响。 The following are compositions written by the examinees of the test, each with its own pros and cons. Try to improve the compositions by finding out their pros and cons. ComComposition Aposition A During high school life, one

      4、must have already experienced one school activity or another. While some are good, others are not. all, high school activities, generally speaking, extend our horizons and expose ourselves to the environment that we havent been before. My P.F. Productions 制作 学生版学生版 P.F. Productions 2014 届上海英语高考备考组 制作 2 / 4 Johnny is a very good example of this. He originally thinks that high school includes nothing but studying. But, to his surprise, he was by different activities that are held by the school 5 m

      5、aster, one of which is sure to be book collection. It required students to recycle their by it to their fellow students. Johnny is one of it. And by doing so both he and I learn the importance of , that is, reduce, reuse and recycle. In this sense, school activities are really useful. I like it.() Composition BComposition B Although I never attend a school , but, instead, I have a practical at the home for the aged, i.e. 敬老院. T Th he e h ho omme e f fo or r t th he e a ag ge ed d i is s a a p pl

      6、 la ac ce e w wh he er re e t th he e e el ld de er rl ly y s sp pe en nt t t th he ei ir r r re es st t o of f t ti imme e. . I I o of ft te en n g go o t to o t th he er re e o on nc ce e a a w we ee ek k, , h he el lp pi in ng g t th he e e el ld de er rl ly y w wi it th h s so omme et th hi in ng g I I a amm c ca ap pa ab bl le e o of f. . I I o of ft te en n s sw we ee ep p t th he e f fl lo oo or r f fo or r t th he emm 5 a an nd d k ke ee ep p t th he emm c co ommp pa an ny y. . S So omme

      7、 et ti imme es s I I e ev ve en n c co oo ok k s so omme e f fo oo od d f fo or r t th he emm. . Although there is an old saying in Chinese: , but I do believe something except for study, such as school activities, is as important as the study. From my school activities, I learnt that we should never neglect those old people because one day we will be just as old as they are. We will feel as as they are. So we need to take care of them just as we want 10 to be taken care of. () Composition CComp

      8、osition C When I was in high school, I experienced all kinds of performances, ranging from group dancing to paper cutting contest. But, in my mind, what impressed me the most was, without doubt, the 1000-meter dash contest. It was a windy day. I was at the starting point, with my heart almost popping out of my chest. With the whistle, I dashed out like a horse. At the beginning, it was like a or a piece of cake. 5 But when it comes to the third round (there was 5 rounds), I was almost tired out.

      9、 I could no longer breathe. But I tell myself inside: never give up, never give up! With the inner energy and spirit, I persevere. Although I didnt come in first place, I have no regrets! After all, what matters most is the process rather than the result! 10 () Composition DComposition D When it comes to the most activities at high school, I would say that it was the painting contest in Senior 2. At that time I was focusing on my study of mathematics, but I had to set aside some time to take part in the school painting because every student was forced to enter such a competition. Although I didnt want to take an active part in it, I had to do so. I had to paint 5 something with my hands at the cost of my study time. P.F. Productions 制作 学生版学生版 P.F. Productions 2014 届上海英语高考备考组 制作 3 / 4 After the painting , I found myself behind everybody else in the class. And I did

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