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    • 1、WALMART ETHICAL SOURCING 道德采购道德采购 CHEMICAL SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM 化学品安全培训化学品安全培训 INTRODUCTION介绍介绍 CHEMICAL SAFETY - INTRODUCTION 2 Responsibility of the employers企业的责任企业的责任 I.Is to provide a safe and healthy work place for their employees; which is free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or physical harm. 创造一个安全、健康的工作环境安全、健康的工作环境; 杜绝对员工造成致死性或生理上的危害杜绝对员工造成致死性或生理上的危害 。 II.Is to identify hazardous chemicals in order to protect the employees from any harmful effects associated with hazar

      2、dous, dangerous. 识别危险化学品,从而保护员工不受其伤害保护员工不受其伤害。 Common hazards in handling chemicals are 危险化学品的一般危害: risk of explosion爆炸; fire and smoke烟雾、火灾; chemical health hazards: immediate or delayed poisoning, burns, allergies健康危害: 急性或慢性的中毒、灼烧、过敏; damage to the environment环境危害. Process 流程流程 CHEMICAL SAFETY - INTRODUCTION 3 Identifying Chemical Hazards识别化学品危害识别化学品危害 Control or eliminate Chemical Hazards控制或控制或 消除化学品危害消除化学品危害 Emergency preparedness and response应急准备和反应应急准备和反应 4 IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS 识别化

      3、学品危害识别化学品危害 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS TRAINING OUTLINE培训大纲培训大纲 5 Terminology术语 Technical Overview技术概要 Effective Process有效措施 Best Management Practices 优秀管理范例 Summary总结 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS TERMINOLOGY术语术语 6 Hazard 危害危害 A physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic or psychosocial agent that can cause disease or ill-heath. Any factor that brings about negative change in a health condition or other defined characteristics. 通过物理、化学、生物、经济、心理等媒介对人的生理、心理 各方面产生的消

      4、极影响。 What is a Hazardous Chemical什么是危险化学品什么是危险化学品? Chemicals that are poisonous, corrosive, explosive, ignitable, which may cause hazards toward physic, equipment, environment. 危险化学品,是指具有毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、可燃等性质,对人 体、设施、环境具有危害的化学品。 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS TERMINOLOGY术语术语 7 人体危害人体危害PHYSICAL HAZARDS EXPLOSIVES 易爆易爆 means a chemical that causes a sudden release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure or high temperature. 指在摇晃、压力或高温的影响下会导致压力骤然变化,气体瞬间释放, 温度急剧升高的

      5、化学品。 FLAMMABLE 易燃易燃 means a chemical that falls into one of the following categories 可分为以下四个种类: AEROSOL雾雾: flammable means an aerosol that yields a flame when ignited; 指有明火时会燃烧的雾。 GAS气体气体: flammable means a gas that at ambient temperature and pressure, forms a flammable mixture with air at a concentration of thirteen percent by volume or less, or a gas that, at ambient temperature and pressure, forms a range of flammable mixtures with air wider than twelve percent by volume, regardless of the lo

      6、wer limit; 指到达一定浓度后,可能导致爆炸的气体。 LIQUID液体液体: flammable means any liquid having a flashpoint below 100oF (37.8oC).任何闪点低于100oF (37.8oC)的液体。 SOLID固体固体: flammable means a solid, other than an explosive, that is liable to cause fire through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and when ignited burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious hazard任何受热 自燃,或自热自燃的固体。 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDE

      7、NTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS TERMINOLOGY术语术语 8 健康危害健康危害HEALTH HAZARDS CARCINOGENS 致癌致癌 Are chemicals which cause cancer 会导致癌症的化学品 CORROSIVES 腐蚀腐蚀 Are chemicals that cause visible destruction or, or irreversible alterations in living tissue by chemical action at the site of initial contact.通过接触导致可见 的、或不可逆转的组织损伤的化学品 IRRITANTS 刺激刺激 Are chemicals which are not corrosive, but which cause a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.虽然 不具有腐蚀性,但通过接触会导致发炎的化学品

      8、SENSITIZERS 致敏致敏 are chemicals that cause/ develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical. 持续暴露在存有改化学品的环境中会使人过敏 CUTANEOUS 对皮肤有危害对皮肤有危害 are chemicals which affect the dermal layer (skin) of the body对皮肤产生不良影响的化学品 EYE HAZARDS 对眼睛有危害对眼睛有危害 are chemicals which affect the eye or visual capacity.对眼睛或视力产生不良影响的化学品 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS CHEMICAL SAFETY - INTRODUCTION 9 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW技术概要技术概要 10 The principles of hazard identification are to

      9、 know: 识别危害的原则: a.What chemicals are used or produced, 使用或生产了何种化学品 b. How these chemicals come into contact with the body and cause injury or disease, 化学品如何对人体产生伤害或引发疾病 c. How they may cause a fire or explosion in the workplace or 化学品如何引起火灾或爆炸 d. How a spill or leak may cause harm to the environment. 喷溅、渗漏如何对环境产生危害 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS EFFECTIVE PROCESS有效措施有效措施 11 1. Obtaining and using information about industrial chemicals 获取及使用工业化学品信息获取及使用工业化学品信息 2. Recognizing routes of entry/ health effects 确认化学品的侵入途径确认化学品的侵入途径/对健康的影响对健康的影响 CHEMICAL SAFETY IDENTIFYING CHEMICAL HAZARDS EFFECTIVE PROCESS有效措施有效措施 12 1.Obtaining and using information about industrial chemicals获取及使用工业化学品信息获取及使用工业化学品信息 Every chemical substance in the workplace should be known and accompanied by an appropriate label and an up-to-date c


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