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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Characteristics and Developmental Tendency of Modern Cranes With rapid development of modern science and technology, magnification of industrial production scale and improvement of automation level, application of cranes is becoming widespread and its function is obvious. Meanwhile, requirements for cranes are more and more strict. Especially, the widespread use of electronic computer technology spurs lots of subject-crossing advanced design approaches and accelerates the improvement of modern m

      2、anufacturing and detecting technology. Fierce competition in international market becomes more dependent on the competition of technology. All of these impel technological functions of cranes into a brand-new developmental stage. Cranes are facing a tremendous transformation. Our country is entering global international competitive market at an unprecedented rate and crane manufacture is confronted with a new situation where opportunities and challenges coexist. Thus, it is crucial for cranes to

      3、 develop and innovate constantly. I want to make a brief explanation about characteristics and developmental tendency of modern cranes with examples, based on new theories, technology and trend of cranes at home and overseas. Make the key products large, high speed, endured and specialized Because of continuous expansion of industrial production scale, increasingly improvement of production efficiency and rising proportion of money spending on loading and unloading and transporting materials in

      4、the process of production, required amount of large or high-speed cranes is increasing. Lifting quantities become larger, working speed becomes higher and requirements of energy-consuming and reliability become stricter. Cranes have already become a critical link in the process of automation production. Cranes should be easy to use, maintain and operate and have high security, less troubles and long average time between failures. The central issue in international market production competition i

      5、s reliability, and many companies abroad have drawn up inter-controlled standard of reliability. The most important for us to catch up with and surpass world advanced level of cranes function is to improve reliability, to make cranes durable, less troubles, maintainable and economic to be used. At the moment, the biggest floating crane in the world weighs 6500t, chain crane 3000t and bridge crane 1200t. Diversity of industrial mode of production and customers need makes crane market expanding an

      6、d products renewing constantly to satisfy special needs with specific functions and bring its best usefulness into play. Functions of various kinds of cranes are improving. DEMAG ERGOTECH has developed a crane special for aircraft maintenance, which has made its own way into international market. This crane is great in length and lifting height and has accurate halt. When a flexible maintenance platform fixed under lifting cart, it can reach every part of the aircraft. With the fast development

      7、of nuclear power stations in the world, cranes which are special for them achieve corresponding development. For example, annular bridge crane in reactors space, working under radiative circumstances, is used to lift dangerous load such as top cover of pressure container and components in reactors. It requires high reliability, high security, the ability to determine location accurately and automatically and transfer goods to a lower level, as well as various kinds of protection and particular s

      8、ecurity devices.2. Make series of production modularized, combined, standardized and practical Most cranes are produced by series and batch, thus use of systematic multi- objections entire optimization to design series of cranes has already become the key point in development. Through rational matching of series main parameter, its functions can be improved, manufacturing cost can be reduced, and degree of general purpose can be raised. Use less specification spare parts to compose series produc

      9、tion with multi-species and multi-specifications. And thus, the requirements of customers can be fully satisfied. By using modularized design instead of conservative entire design, we can make components with similar functions into standard modules which have various uses, similar connective key factors and are interchangeable. Through combination of different modules, we can make different kinds and specifications of cranes. There are only several modules involved when it comes to crane improvement. To design a new style of crane, all that you do is to choose different modules to recompose. Because of improvement in degree of general purpose, single products with small serial production can transform into module production of pretty great batches. As a result, we can achieve specialization production with high efficiency and cut manufacturing cost. It can satisfy marketing demands and increase competitive capacity by composing cr


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