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    • 1、 東海大學管理學院財務金融研究所 碩士論文 績效衰退公司採行應計項目及 實質盈餘管理之研究 Accruals Earnings Management and Real Earnings Management : Evidence from Performance Declining Firms 指導教授:蕭慧玲 博士 研究生:蔡偉銘 中華民國 102 年 6 月 I 致謝致謝 本論文得以順利完成首先要感謝我的指導老師 蕭慧玲老師這一年來的指導與諸多建議,以及 何月芳老師與 張哲嘉老師在百忙之中仍在口試期間提供許多寶貴建議,使得本篇論文內容更臻完善與充實。 時間過得很快,一轉眼研究所生涯便畫下句點。雖然半工半讀的生活捨棄了部分自由時間,論文寫作過程也遭遇不少挑戰,但很慶幸自己在這兩年身旁有許多好友與同儕給予鼓勵與幫助,謝謝勝韋時常與我互相關心彼此課業與論文進度;感謝俊廷在軟體上的協助;謝謝時常一起互相打氣的傑雄;謝謝大哥一般照顧我的勝宏;還有我的同門兄弟鈞傑、威任,以及財金所的所有同學們,研究所生活有你們的陪伴,讓我日子過得相當豐富,是我人生中最珍惜的回憶之一。 最後,感謝我的父母願意栽

      2、培我至研究所畢業,也謝謝一直支持我的弟弟與阿姨們,還有打工的補習班主任,有你們的支持才讓我沒有後顧之憂的完成學業。我相信畢業並不會是結束,而是另一個挑戰的開始,我將竭盡所能,不會辜負你們的期望。 蔡偉銘 謹誌於 東海大學財務金融研究所 中華民國一百零二年六月II 摘要摘要 本研究援引 Ofek(1993)與 John(2012)等人的方式,以台灣上市櫃公司為樣本將績效衰退區分為短期市場績效衰退與會計績效衰退,以全樣本及配對樣本的方式,探討當企業處於短期績效嚴重衰退階段,其應計與實質盈餘管理程度是否加劇,之後分別加入盈餘門檻與董監持股,探討兩者對於績效衰退公司盈餘管理行為之影響。 實證結果發現,短期績效衰退公司,其特徵為獲利能力較差、規模集中在中小型公司、公司治理程度較差、實質盈餘管理程度較大。在探討短期績效衰退公司盈餘管理變化趨勢則發現,衰退當年度之實質盈餘管理程度不論市場或者會計績效衰退公司皆相當顯著,且有持續現象。應計項目盈餘管理方面,本研究發現會計績效衰退當年度其盈餘管理程度有減少之現象。公司治理部分,公司若當年度面臨市場績效衰退,董監事持股比例高的公司,其下一年的實質盈餘管理程

      3、度較大;會計績效衰退時,董監持股高的公司則會透過減少應計項目盈餘管理與增加過度產出進行實質盈餘管理。 衰退公司採行盈餘管理行為方面,研究結果顯示短期會計績效衰退公司有降低應計項目盈餘管理現象出現,且該現象在加入盈餘門檻誘因後仍一致,推究其原因為管理當局考量到公司面臨會計績效衰退時,其會計彈性並不佳,若從事應計項目盈餘管理將面臨較高的查核風險。而加入董監持股因素後則發現,公司當年度屬於短期會計市場績效衰退時,董監持股高之公司會降低採行應計項目盈餘管理行為,表示董監事之監督發揮功效,支持利益收斂假說。 而在實質盈餘管理方面,不論在短期市場或者會計績效衰退階段,皆會以過度產出的方式進行實質盈餘管理。在加入盈餘門檻誘因後,市場績效衰退公司,若有盈餘門檻需求,則會降低裁決性支出作應對。推論是公司管理當局考量到採行過度產出一方面導致存貨大量積壓現象,更會加劇達到盈餘門檻之困難度,因此管理者即採取立即刪減廣告費用支出或者延後支付使當期支出減少的方式,衝高盈餘表現進而達到盈餘門檻。董監持股部分,不論短期市場或者會計績效衰退公司,若董監持股高,其實質盈餘管理集中在過度產出,降低裁決性支出只有在市場績效衰

      4、退公司退較為明顯,顯示相較於公司的營運面,公司更重視市場面的反應,因此以較多樣的實質盈餘管理的方式提高公司盈餘表現。 關鍵字:關鍵字:績效衰退、應計項目盈餘管理、實質盈餘管理、盈餘門檻績效衰退、應計項目盈餘管理、實質盈餘管理、盈餘門檻III Abstract The study followed Ofek (1993) and John (2012), using Taiwan listed companies data, divided performance in short-term market performance declines and accounting performance declines through whole and match samples. To know during the performance declines, firms for accrued and real earnings management is increasing or not. And adding earnings threshold and stockholdin

      5、g of directors and supervisors to explore their performance decline for the impact of earnings management behavior. Empirical results show that the performance decline firms were in poor earnings-generating capacity, small and medium size, and poor corporate governance. Besides, those declining firms have much more real earnings management and less accrual earnings management. And the trend of earnings management in performance decline firms, the accrual earnings management is decreasing after t

      6、he declining period, the real earnings management is increasing after the declining period. Stockholding of directors and supervisors is higher with higher real earnings management in the market and accounting declining period but is lower accrual earnings management in accounting declining period. For taking earnings management as tools in declining firms, we found in short-term accounting companies, accruals earnings management were decreased and the relation was the same after adding threshol

      7、d factors. It might be restricted for the risk of external supervision and limited accounting flexibility. Adding stockholding of directors and supervisors, accounting performance declining firms with higher stockholding of directors and supervisors, they would reduce accrual earnings management. No matter in market or accounting declining stage, declining firms would take real earnings management through overproduction. If there were crossing the threshold surplus demand, they would reduce disc

      8、retionary spending. It might be taking overproduction would bring too much inventory to reach the earnings threshold, so those firms would cut discretionary spending to increase earnings to reach goals. For stockholding of directors and supervisors, whether market or accounting performance declining firms obviously would have excessive output next year, but cutting discretionary spending just in market performance declining. It could inference that directors and supervisors considered real earnings management could not easily be detected by outsiders, so they let CEOs to take real earnings management. Contract to operation, market declining firms more cared about market responses. Keywords: Performance Decline, Accrual earnings Management, Real earnings Management, Earnings Threshold IV 目錄目錄 第一章、緒論第一章、緒論 . 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 . 1 第二節、研究目的 . 5 第三節、研究流程與架構 . 7 第二章、文獻回顧第二章、文獻回顧 . 9 第一節、績效衰退 .


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