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    • 1、 Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 23rd January 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: CORRECT THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE1. Iain Duncan Schmidt is the work and pensions secretary. 2. The Government is planning to cap welfare benefits to any household at 36,000 a year. 3. Church of London bishops are leading calls for changes to the Welfare Bill. 4. The House of Commons is going to debate the bill today. 5. Labours shadow employment minister is

      2、Stephen Dimms. 6. He says the changes could cost the Government more than it loses. 7. The House of Lords will discuss the bill this evening.8. EU foreign ministers are meeting in France this morning. 9. They will discuss sanctions against Iraq.10. Police are still investigating alleged murders at Stopping Hill Hospital. 11. The hospital is in Southport. 12. A third patient has died at the hospital. 13. Linda McDonagh, aged 60, died yesterday. 14. Its thought her saline drip was deliberately con

      3、taminated with insulin last week. 15. A doctor is on bail on suspicion of murder.16. The supermarket chain Asda is going to create 500 new jobs. 17. Its going to open 35 new stores and three new depots.18. The first Egyptian parliament elected since the death of President Hosni Mubarak nearly a year ago is holding its inaugural session. 19. The assembly is dominated by communist parties.20. Felicity Aston, from Britain, claims shes become the first woman to cross Antarctica. 21. She says shes th

      4、e first person to walk across Antarctica unaided. 22. Shes tweeted a message from her hotel. 23. She says she completed the 1,084-kilometre journey in 59 Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 23rd January 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: ANSWERS1. Iain Duncan Schmidt is the work and pensions secretary. Iain Duncan Smith 2. The Government is planning to cap welfare benefits to any household at 36,000 a year. 26,000 3. Church of London bishops ar

      5、e leading calls for changes to the Welfare Bill. Church of England bishops 4. The House of Commons is going to debate the bill today. the House of Lords 5. Labours shadow employment minister is Stephen Dimms. Stephen Timms 6. He says the changes could cost the Government more than it loses. more than it saves 7. The House of Lords will discuss the bill this evening. this afternoon8. EU foreign ministers are meeting in France this morning. Theyre meeting in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. 9. Th

      6、ey will discuss sanctions against Iraq. Iran, not Iraq10. Police are still investigating alleged murders at Stopping Hill Hospital. Stepping Hill Hospital 11. The hospital is in Southport. Stockport, not Southport 12. A third patient has died at the hospital. a fifth patient 13. Linda McDonagh, aged 60, died yesterday. She died on 14th January. 14. Its thought her saline drip was deliberately contaminated with insulin last week. last year 15. A doctor is on bail on suspicion of murder. a nurse,

      7、not a doctor16. The supermarket chain Asda is going to create 500 new jobs. 5,000 17. Its going to open 35 new stores and three new depots. 25 new stores18. The first Egyptian parliament elected since the death of President Hosni Mubarak nearly a year ago is holding its inaugural session. since the downfall of President Hosni Mubarak 19. The assembly is dominated by communist parties. by Islamist parties20. Felicity Aston, from Britain, claims shes become the first woman to cross Antarctica. the

      8、 first woman to cross Antarctica unaided 21. She says shes the first person to walk across Antarctica unaided. to ski across 22. Shes tweeted a message from her hotel. from her tent 23. She says she completed the 1,084-kilometre journey in 59 days. 1,084-mile Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 23rd January 2012 10.00am INTERMEDIATE: QUESTIONS1. What is the Government planning to cap the maximum amount of welfare benefits at per house

      9、hold per year? 2. What are Church of England bishops leading? 3. Which part of parliament is going to debate the bill today? 4. Who is Stephen Timms exactly? 5. What could the planned changes to welfare end up costing the Government, according to Mr Timms? 6. When is the bill being debated today? 7. What might the new proposals make some people?8. Who are meeting in Brussels this morning? 9. Which country will they discuss sanctions against? 10. What type of weapons is this country suspected of developing?11. What is the name of the hospital where the alleged murders have occurred? 12. What is the name of the town the hospital is in? 13. How many patients have died at the hospital so far? 14. How old was Linda McDonagh? 15. When d


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